Mimosa a CUTE.
Black Clover
So who's going to be the next Magic Emperor since Vengeance is out of the question?
But user, Julius is alive
Yami or that Blonde tsundere captain.
My wife and best girl.
I feel like splicing together some episodes of Black Clover together because single episodes are too weak imo. Is there any point to doing this, guessing that Youtube would take them down?
you mean like cutting out the filler? dude that would be awesome! could probly post it on vmeo or something.
I want it to be Yami but probably won't be because he's a gaijin.
asta fucked those zombies up at the end holy shit.
Really digging the anime so far, added a lot of stuff the manga didn't have. Current arc is kinda eh tho.
I don't even watch the anime anymore the only worthwhile thing about it are the after ending scenes.
They are very cute.
Anons, I think I'm in love
>the anime managed to make Sol even more fucking annoying
How do they consistently make such terrible decisions?
Mimosa is the Hinata of Black Clover.
Inhindsight this zombie arc is out of nowhere and has no weight to the villain.
Atleast the pacing is good now.
The whole point of the zombie invasion was to distract the magicknights so they could kill Fuego and take his magic stone.
Nozel will make Clover Kingdom great again
likiing fedom
Nee-sama is the only person Yami is scared of.
I want to be Mimosa's pet
I don't think he's dead. Last I remember, they stated he's in a coma
Yeah, he's in a coma, but they were trying to kill him specifically because he had one of the magic stones.
Nozel will kill himself when a Vermillion fucking shit becomes Emperor.
I still want to see Nozel reaction about Noelle humilliating Solid in that tournament
Do the Black Bulls even have a vice captain to replace Yami?
They do, according to Tabata, but we haven't seen him yet.
I imagine if Henry was the vice captain, he would have mentioned it.
I'd say probably Finral, Vanessa or Gauche
So adorable
Mimosa will win the Astabowl right anons?
and THICC too
She should
Royalty sure has very good genes
Pic related is gonna win the Astabowl
You know she won't.
More Mimosa? More Mimosa