So I finally got around to seeing through all of the series. It was a good, slow burn for most of the part, but the show really suffered towards the end
LOTGH thread
So I finally got around to seeing through all of the series. It was a good, slow burn for most of the part, but the show really suffered towards the end
LOTGH thread
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After the Federation fell, the series didn't really seem to know where to go. It was interesting while it kept following Yang, as he wanted to live a peaceful life but kept getting pulled into shit.
But once Yang ded I don't know where the series went. The ending felt somewhat unsatisfying to the rest of the show.
What was the point of Rubinsky? And of Terrarism? They were always portrayed as holding the cards towards some large end-goal, but amounted to literally zero in the end.
Seems like a lot of people share this opinion, but I liked 4th season, less than first 3, but it had good moments. Like showing how even under victorious Reinhard and his most trusted admirals, there is still enough of shit to start another pointless war.
Terraists, were, well, terrorists. They were basically a space isis, to show a destructive force, that brings a lot of terror, but slowly burns out itself.
At least LOGH will remain a solid classic OVA series forever right?
fuck you I.G.
Their plans just seemed so nonsensical. Earlier seasons they were shown as more scheming and behind the scenes, especially in regards to Phezzan. They drew attention to themselves that got their headquarters on Earth completely fucked. Then they seemed to have a plan to deal with Reinhardt and have the galaxy in their pocket. But in the end they had literally nothing.
I guess it's ironic that a bunch of religious zealots kept deluding themselves how much in charge they were, but for the sake of the series drama it didn't feel great.
I was in the same hate boat from the moment the remake was anounsed, but now I warmed up to it. Maybe because after watching original OVA twice with all gaidens and movies, and skimming through both manga series, I desperately need more LOGH content. Even something that ugly (after manga this style grew on me).
Are the films any good? I've yet to watch them.
What the fuck have they done to Kircheis
Honestly I consider the most climactic moment to be Yang having Reinhardt in his sights, ready to blast him to smithereens, only to be told to surrender at the moment of triumph. Yang could have still won right there, but it would have betrayed his entire ideology to do so, and thus, he stood down. There's so much tension when he's finally forced to decide whether or not he should go the way Reinhardt did and take matters into his own hands instead of being a proper servant of his nation. It's a bit undermined when he ends up forced into the position as head of the resistance.
I foung "My conguest" pretty silly compared to main series, but that battle scene accompanied by Bolero was pure kino.
"Overture" is a great retelling of first two episodes with a lot of nice extra details.
"Golden Wings" is for masochists only.
Space aids ate his nose.
>suffered towards the end
no it didn't
>slow burn
ah, i see you're underage adhd amerimutt
It took me about 5 or 10 episodes to get hooked due to confusing amount of characters, locations and factions, but after that I binged through all available LOGH content and was dying for more. If you think it's a slow burn you never got hooked and probably forced yourself to sit through over hundred episodes of a show you never liked that much like a retard.
This was the high point of the series for me as well. Yang did the right choice for his ideology. I think it would have been far more impactful if Yang was killed by someone that disagreed with his choice rather than mr.fuckup on mission from the Terrarists.
Look at that cover art. Of course it's godly.
>golden wings
we pretend it doesn't exist
The series was objectively worse in season 3-4. Someone who binges a series like LOTGH would never understand that of course, not having taken the time to sit down and analyze what they watched.
>>golden wings
Recently I managed to find a manga that was a source of Golden Wings movie (it was released in 86, even before novels were finished). Surprisingly for me, it wasn't that bad. Art is a bit shoujo-ish, but ok, and seems like a lot of designs were taken right from there to the main OVA. Also, the antagonist in manga looked normal, not like a junky drag queen from the movie. I don't understand why they chaged his design so much
This. Rubinsky is built up as a massive player and the final boss. But his shitty trump card is just lol terrorist attack that kills no one important.
Help me remember guys. Who exactly was behind the trap they tended to Reuental, pitting him against the Kaiser?
As far as I know it was Lang who planned it, but I remember the series showing some ambiguous scenes of the Terraists, and of Rubinsky, knowing something about it and perhaps having a hand in it.
Lang planted it, under the manipulation of Rubinsky.
Not sure what they planned to do with it though.
It was a Lang's plan (who was controlled by Rubinsky who was controlled by Terraists) who wanted to frame Reuentahl for treason.Also that retard admiral who found evidences of cult involvement but hid it accidentally helped that plan
How about this feel?
That honestly hit me less than Buckock. Not sure why.
Uhhhhhhhhhh... that's not a rocking chair. Fucking HACK FRAUDS.
I feel deeply sorry for everybody who dropped the series with episode 82, because episodes 83-86 are a great little run that I like to rewatch periodically.
I hate episode 83 because someone starts to cut onion near me every time I watch it.
Sieg Kaiser makes no fucking sense. Sieg Heil means Hail Victory. So they are essentially shouting Emperor Victory. Fucking Japhacks
The only right way to say it is Die Kaizer Rainhado!
Can we all agree on that Katerose is the original Asuka?
There are also moments where they shout "Sieg Reich."
Is there a bigger chad in the galaxy than Schonkopf?
>Giant bushy eyebrows
>Plowed enough bitches to make an entire new battalion of Rosen-Ritter from his spawn
>Kills people with an axe
>Captured Iserlohn with ease
>When he encounters a scrawny virgin on the battlefield he asks them if they have a girlfriend instead of beheading them
If you wanted good German then you came to the wrong franchise.
Why did they fight with axes anyway? It didn't seem like shooting those "power" armors was particularly hard.
He sired best girl so he he's alright in my book
Zephyr particles explode when they come into contact with lasers. If you're in a room with zephyr particles then the only safe way to fight is with crossbows and axes.
>set up someone as a brilliant crafty mastermind pulling strings
>have him get cancer and die
most anti-climactic
>"Golden Wings" is for masochists only.
Which rooms had zephyr particles? For example, when they took Iserlohn and had to fight melee, was the air full of zephyr due to the way they generated power for the fortress, or what?
There are portable generators which boarding parties take with them to flood any room they feel like with the particles.
I'm guessing the risk is that uncontrolled fire could hit zephyr particles somewhere on the ship. Or punch a hole into space.
Yes, when the Rosenritter are in Iserlohn someone mentions Zephyr being deployed so the Empire can't fight back. They also use them when they kidnap Lennenkampf.
What if someone on the defense is suicidal and just decide to shoot anyway? Sounds like a risky tactic
That almost never happens. When you board a ship or station, taking away lasers is always a good idea. In a laser fight the attackers will probably lose because the defending group will have way more people. In a melee fight the attackers might win because they're in their armor while the defenders are still in their uniforms and have to run to the locker room to change clothes.
You're still fucked in those .1% of situations where someone is suicidal, but you can unfuck yourself in the 99.9% of situations where the enemy isn't suicidal.
based Ruenthal kept it enjoyable for at least a few episodes
>based Mittermeyer kept it enjoyable for at least a few episodes
Julian killed Yang
What was their problem?
>Julian was in love with Frederica
>bearing a grudge towards Yang, he leaves immediately after their marriage
>on Earth, he comes in contact with the Grand Bishop and under the influence of drugs he agrees to join his conspiracy
>Yang was still unharmed when he met Julian on Leda II, but was shot by him
>Julian then proceeded to kill other Terraists who were witnesses to his act before Mashengo came
>later Julian used his Terraist connections to solidify his hold over Iserlohn and betrayed them in the end so he can pretend to be a hero to the Imperials and to remove the loose ends
>LoGH is a story he has written later to whitewash his life story and justify himself being the dictator of Heinessen, that's why he seems to be a Mary Sue
That's my crack theory
Because Reuenthal a shit.
>sacrificing millions of lives is somehow better than simply swallowing your pride and offering an apology
Delete this
good call user
Return the dead to life.
>sacrificing millions of lives is somehow better than simply swallowing your pride and offering a peace treaty to Iserlohn
>sacrificing millions of lives is somehow better than simply swallowing your pride and accepting that FPA lost
>sacrificing millions of lives is somehow better than simply swallowing your pride and accepting that Yang died
Each of the main characters in LoGH can be summarized like that
>kaa-san *cough* kaa-san
>sacrificing millions of lives is somehow better than simply swallowing your pride and offering a peace treaty to Iserlohn
You're right, Reinhard was the villain.
>when you are just as much of a genius at statesmen ship in peace as you are at war but you prefer war anyway.
How do you feel about pic related?
Hildebrand was basically just female Kircheis
>when this comes out of nowhere
In the same episode as Yang's marriage proposal, no less.
>every flash of light is another ship blowing up
>the series has been paying attention to this detail through nearly every space battle scene
I didn't really notice this until after watching clips from the series.
>when you just wanted to be a comfy historian but got forced into the military life
So when is the new series starting?
Does anyone have the full versions of these 2 EDs? I have the full versions of every other OP/ED and I want to make a collection.
fuck, that's only a month away