How many anime have you watched, user?
How many anime have you watched, user?
Some, but not enough.
I stopped counting.
Literally what I was going to say
About 3 and a half.
Dunno... a couple hundred at the least. Been watching anime since mid 90's. Not really keeping count.
Just finished watching my 10th show. It's been 3 years since I started watching animes.
stay classy Sup Forums
Stopped counting after 100 and that was in 2014
barely 40 lmao
Only about 35. I'm not expert.
My favorite is Violet Evergarden. KyoAni ftw!
Like 2
How many slices of bread have you eaten?
I watched 14 anime total till now
Also is yuru yuri good ? I keep seeing it posted often should I check it out ?
About 450
About 300 episodes.
No idea about the number of actual separate franchises, best I can do is how many completed titles I have on my mal/taiga inb4 >mal, it's useful as a tool if you're not a newfag. I have 875 completed titles, but quite a number of unlisted things which I dropped halfway. Total days watched currently at 176, which I imagine is signficantly more than your average user.
I don't count anime, that i watch, but I've been watching most of seasonal anime since 2006.
like 5 or 6 my dude
OVAs and movies don't count as real anime user.
>0 dropped
why do people do this
I've watched a bit over 200 so far. After thinking back on my previous plan of watching at least 1000 anime before I die, I'm seriously doubting it because I doubt theres even that much good anime out there, even if I'm not picky and watch anything that interests me.
>muh bell curve
In theory, you can't appreciate the good without tasting the bad right?
A lot, to the point that i dont remember a few of them until i see an image and say "ohh watched that one too, it was about bla bla"
Around 1500 episodes.
Over 5000 manga chapters
I've finished ~350 but dropped well over 2000
I've read 1000 manga but I haven't watched 1000 anime
2 or 3
At least 100, but more like they fiddy
A few
According to MAL 77 tv series, 3011 eps, 51 days. But I just started keeping track a few years ago.
It's hard to count, but my MAL says 192 TV and 380 in total, so maybe 200 or so then.
170 ish
Most of the important ones.
A lot of mediocre ones.
A few shit ones.
I won't tally them, because frankly, I don't want to be depressed by how much time I've spent watching anime instead of doing other things.
I've only watched Tsukihime.
I have so many good things to watch, but I am thankful that less and less good things seem to come out every year
>How many anime have you watched, user?
Between tv shows, ovas, and films I'd say less than 200 over the course of more than 30 years that is.
30 at mostt
it's a pretty boring SOL, you might as well just watch Lucky Star
It's easy to watch. It's comedy more than anything.
If you consider YRYR boring I'm surprised Lucky Star didn't put you in a coma.
They are masochists I think
Yes, it's comfy
Meant for .
According to MAL without counting ovas and movies I have watched 243 tv anime
Will be about 600 after this season ends.
That's like 30 average shounen manga, i.e. nothing.
What exactly defines "an anime?"
Does an movie count as a full single anime? Certainly then I could grind up my stats by watching a lot of anime movies and OVAs, and within a few weeks I could have watched hundreds of anime.
What about a single series? In that case, I could still grind my stats up by watching half-cour series, giving me a numbers advantage over other anons
But if we consider a single cour to be an anime, then simply watching One Piece and Dragon Ball would put dozens of anime under someone's belt, when they've only watched two shows.
If we consider it just one anime per show, what then defines a show? Are Diamond is Unbreakable and Stardust Crusaders separate shows? What about every new Gundam that comes out? At what point do we consider something to be a new show?
I stopped tracking that a few years ago.
No idea, still not enough, though.
I agree it's difficult. How I think:
Discount single movies and short OVAs. Minimum length is 6 regular episodes worth of length, and minimum 4 parts. One story=one anime, so sequels can't be counted separately, but reboots and remakes can.
3. Not even counting movies and OVAs.
If it has lolis, it's anime.
Quite a bit.
exactly 100
>all these fucking mal users in this thread
aren't you ashamed of yourselves?
>complains about MAL users
>posts monogatari
>caring how people track shows they've finished.
It's like cleaning the floor with a toothbrush or you can just use a mop.
95 am I a weaboo guys hahahah I watched dragon maid and im such a weaboo hahaha kanna woah
What happened to the "at least three hundred shows before posting" rule? I thought Sup Forums was better than this.
>Sup Forums plus
>that list of watched shows
>movies and ovas
I watched:
Dragon ball (not z because it was boring)
Clannad+after story (I like this)
Mirai nikki (good show)
The girl band anime (why was this made)
Gekkan Shoujo Nosaki (was fun)
Highschool of the dead (too many women)
some anime about a guy living with girls and a school project (something about cats in the title? was ok)
3 minutes of Naruto (boring)
maybe something elso too but i dont remember anything else
>Around 5 minimum shows per season for the past 11 years
>including shows pre 2006-07
So minimum 220 shows.
Then there's a shitload of manga that I have started but end up dropping some due to dead translations. Being a manga fan is suffering.
Learn japanese
that's hard
Panty and stocking
Space Patrol Luluco
Chrono Crusade
Jigoku shoujo all the seasons
I tried to once but I'm just so goddamn lazy.
>watching anime
I also watched bakemonogatari and all the other ones, they were very good
If all you want to do is read manga it's not even that difficult.
Shows I finished watching (at least season 1)
love hina
azumanga daioh
nurse witch komugi
rosario to vampire
penguin musume heart
school rumble
special a
strike witches
girs bravo
sumomomo momomo
elfen lied
strawberry panic
bokusatsu tenshi dokuro chan
true tears
Ichigo Mashimaro
kodomo no jikan
shakugan no shana
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Rozen maiden
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
Detektive Conan (only the first 1.8 billion episodes)
Pretty Cure
Infinite Stratos
Pani Poni Dash
Dr Slump (1997)
Galaxy Angel
Yosuga no Sora
Kore wa Zombie desu ka
Seikon no Qwaser
Astarotte no Omocha!
Usagi Drop
Karin (Chibby Vampire)
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar
Samurai Champloo
initial D
Dragon Ball (Z) (GT)
B-Daman Crossfire
Shin Chan
Tetsuko no Tabi
high school of the dead
magic kaito
the irregular at magic high school
sasameki koto
Death Note
Code Geass
Attack on Titan
Serial Experiments Lain
Japanese for shounen manga is trivial.
You don't even need to learn any kanji. Everything has furigana
>I don't want to be depressed by how much time I've spent watching anime instead of doing other things.
It can't be helped
A look into the mind of the average Gundamfag.
All of them. Get at me, son.
Not exactly sure since i watch a lot of shows with friends and barely remember anything afterwards, but last time i tried to update MAL i was around 300, so possibly 400 now
>There are people on Sup Forums who have never seen Evangelion.
>There are people on Sup Forums
Happens when you religiously watch anime daily for the last I believe close to 20 years now
>There are lolis on Sup Forums
134. I don't have the energy to watch more than maybe 2-3 new shows each season. I don't like dropping shows after a few episodes, so I don't pick up a show unless I'm 100% sure I'll see it through until the end.
>There are people on Sup Forums who unironically think Evangelion is the best anime ever or even anything more than a strong 7 to light 8
Literally almost 20 different titles.
Fuck off