Kikyo was the superior love interest

kikyo was the superior love interest

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Damn right she is. One of the only good characters too for that matter.

Kikyo doesn't deserve to be stuck with Inuyasha for the rest of her lifetime. Kagome can have him.

You spelled Sango wrong.

Finally an OP with taste of a gentleman and scholar.

There the same person

Kykyou was the second anime character who made me feel actual hate. The first one was Gendou Ikari.

Unironically this.

Same here user, I sympathized with her hate for InuYasha too.

Nah, Kikyo deserved to be the one she loves.

>having to choose between piss and shit


Rival you mean. Kagome is the main character, Kikiyo is her rival for Inuyashas love.

Never found her interesting. Prettier design, maybe.

>Hmph I'm angry and bitter >:(

What else is there to her character? Kagome doesn't have a whole ton going for her aside from angsty longing, but jesus that's still more engaging and relateable than kekyo

But Kagome was hotter

IIRC, isn't the character on the left the reincarnation of the character on the right, with the character on the right just being a simulacrum of the original?

Kagome is the girl you like as a preteen because she is cute
Kikyo is the girl you like when you are an edgy teenager to be contrarian
Kagome is the girl you like as an oldman because shes a hot schoolgirl
Kikyo is the final girl you like because you are dead!

Necrophilia is a mental disorder.

>That scene when Kikyo died.

They're the same person, one is just a hollow "living" mold of a dead person.

Kagome and Kikyo were garbage
Sango was best/only girl, and Miroku was a bro. It's good that they got together

Man how can jap dudes high their erections during gym class?

Kikyo is shit.


they aren't concerned with 3dpd like you, fucking redditor

I could make a joke about Jap's and tiny cocks, but the real reason is I think the boys have different PE classes then the girls.

Sango was best girl and Kikyo was boooooooring. At least Kagome had a personality and cared about Inuyasha. I haven't seen Inuyasha in a while but I remember Kikyo being indifferent as fuck.

Kikyo was better becasue at least she didn't run around flirting with wolf-man all the time.
Also, Sango was best.

The hair daemon was secretly the best bitch.
Also the wind demon was a close second

Didn't Jap schools IRL ban bloomers and school swimsuits because too many weirdos

worst thread on Sup Forums you should be ashamed

What a shame.

Sango was best girl and honestly, she and Inuyasha had a better relationship with their mutual respect for one another and tendency to look out for each other versus their interactions with any of their "love interests".

I unironically believe it should've been InuyashaxSango instead.

I celebrated when she finally died for good. Evil bitch.

She didn't deserve to become a ghost zombie who died twice either.

>Be a Kykyofag
>She gets killed and revived over and over again.
This was a nightmare.

You just know Inuyasha would pick Kikyo over Kagome in a heartbeat if it weren't for the whole being dead thing.

Absolutely not.

Basically. If I remember correctly Kagome was the reincarnation of Kikyo.

>if only she wasnt dead
You make it sound like its some kinda problem. user be real you some kinda fag?

You are correct, but heres the thing how can there be a reincarnation if the spirit hasnt trancended?

What was the name of that windy cutie?

You know, the one with the fans.

Top qt.

Because Kagome helps her move on and 500 years later she reincarnates.

That was the shit I never understood, the witch that revived Kikyo used the souls that reside inside Kagome to give life to Kikyo's body. Maybe japanese reincarnation doesn't work like here for the christians.


>It was a time paradox all this time.

Yes, but reincarnations aren't the same people otherwise we'd all remember our past lives.
Kikyo was a construct fashioned after the original person with all her memories but she wasn't the same person without her soul.
I can't remember if her planning to steal Kagome's soul and becoming complete was ever a plot point or something.

The one thing that doesn't make sense is how Inuyasha acts like an immature spastic around Kagome yet somehow had a strong, speechless chemistry with Kikyo. Was Kagome being such a dork all it took to make their chemistry incompatible? Does Inuyasha simply fair better with cold, serious women? I never got it.

Its how they met, witj kikyo he had to earn her trust over several montht i think. He finally gets it they fuck around and boom serious relationship. Jim losing her the way he did made it even more speechless, kagome cpmes in all goofy and retarded so inuyasha acted goofy and retarded with her.

I'm just saying, compare the time it took to romance Kikyo compared to Kagome. I know a lot of it was Kagome being a retard but Jesus Christ it was dysfunctional.

It must be a special kind of awkward when your dead girlfriend is reincarnated as a retard and you want to love her because she has the soul of your dead girlfriend but she's so retarded that even when you do get together with her she will never be as good as the person she used to be.

In his situation I would have gone to the witch who made the Kikyo construct and paid her half a jewel shard to turn Kagome back into Kikyo.

At that point id just fuck the half soul kikyo and move on to the best girl sango.

Then you don't want to be Inuyasha, You'd want to be Miroku

I dont want to be either but if i had to choose out of the 2 then yeah miroku is the better person.

Her backstory and relationship with Inuyasha was a lot more gripping than whatever Inuyasha had with Kagome

BUT as a love interest she was shit choice and a bad end only a fan fiction could manage to support through asspulls and ignorance. Why? Because she was dead and the Kikyo that got 'brought back' and was walking around was not only just a fake but also an insane monster getting tripped up of the thoughts of who it was supposed to be. Inuyasha should've offed that thing without mercy rather than letting it constantly get to him.

Relationships and love doesn't have to make sense user, it just happened that the second human Inuyasha met was this dorky girl who sucked at math, Inuyasha fell for Kagome not because she was Kikyo, but because she was Kagome. God knows why, but to me it didn't felt forced.

Sango and Inuyasha were war buddies. Best relationship.

>Inuyasha fell for kagome not because she was Kikyo, but because she was Kagome.
I mean that sounds nice and all but a girl having the soul of your dead girlfriend would really alter your perception of her. It would be impossible to determine this.

Exactly, I don't understand the problem

One is mentally retarded and less attractive.

>tfw there's next to no decent porn of sango
>and most of what does exist is "dude what if we forced sango to fug her brother?"

Too few japs enjoy wholesome doujins of canon couples having passionate sex.

Also the fact that Kagome was supposed to look identical to Kikyo. To the characters at least.

But Kagome being Kikyo's reincarnation was never a deal-breaker for Inuyasha. The real deal-breaker was that Kikyo was dead. After Naraku killed her. It was impossible for her to have a relationship with the dog. She was on life support all the time, consuming souks and using fragments of the Shikon's pearl. At the end she transformed into what she was supposed to fight. A Yokai.
Inuyasha developed feelings for Kagome at a normal pace. But with lingering feelings for her past lover. She being a zombie didn't help to get over her. But when she died. The dog could finally let go of her. Kikyo'so story at the end was a tragedy. A love that couldn't be.

best buddies indeed

They're the same person as your Sister and your Mom are the same person my dudes

There's like 1 person on pixiv who does them justice but that's it.

wait, who this?

neat, thanks

kagome a shit

Sango is best, but I still can't figure out how my young self ever thought the monk deserved her