Open door

>open door
>see this

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

Tell her my dick is already dry.

"o-oh s-s-sorry... you have the wrong door.. y-yes, have a nice day..."

Wonder why there are suddenly speech bubbles.

Sure, but where's my pizza?

Lolis shouldn't be doing that.

Ask her why she looks so traced.

She might be 500 years old, you never know.

Does she have any classic rock cds?

>look around outside to see if I'm being pranked
>invite her in
>set up my camera and fuck her
>livestream it on Sup Forums

Legal lolis shouldn't be sexualized too.

Goddess of war, bruh. She can't help it.

I'm quite sure it's the right door.

Ask for amended STD and AIDS checkup results.

Goddess of love.

she's a virgin read the doujin

Close the door and walk away.

War.. love, you still wind up spent and used up when it's done.

With a gap that big, couldn't she just reach in and unhook it?

What if he closed it on her little loli fingers, though?

Get an erection.

Even so you need relevant medical information on your future

Specialised for
Unwinding and

Soooo sauce?

Y-you too.

you would be facing her again, are you seriously this stupid?

you can't do that you stupidhead

Violently rape the girl who only did this as a prank encouraged by her friends, but got in way over her head.

boku no image searchi


I would close the door. This demon is probably trying to take away my wizard powers away.

This took an unexpected turn.


Not really, you could see it coming a mile away. Still, pretty sweet.

yell at the top of my lungs FUCK RELIGION and move to a gated backyard.