Just finished first episode why is it so bad I came for nostalgia not this?

Just finished first episode why is it so bad I came for nostalgia not this?

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It's mostly pretty mediocre, but there are a few good episodes here and there.
Tiger Mask vs Red Death Claw, Tiger the Dark vs Bosman, and Tiger Mask's first fight against Yellow Devil are good. I stopped watching shortly after Tiger fought that big caveman guy, so I don't know if the series gets worth watching after that. At least the OP and ED are 10/10.

hell in the hole arc(13-17ep?) was amazing,but it was kind of rushed,after that it get boring like for 5 eps,and then best arc,royal rumble arc 21-25?over all its not a bad series

It started off terribly but picked up in the later half or so. Watching it with Sup Forums was fun.
You really want to skip the idol shit.

I Really wish the tiger mask's eyes didn't move around

The first few episodes are just pleb filters, then its all fun and wrestling. It also had just the right amount of filler episodes, it really shows how much experience Toei has with long series.

>Bully not so tough after being bullied back

Doujin fucking never

>so I don't know if the series gets worth watching after that.

You ain't seen nothing till you've seen the last fights.

>we really were the tigger mask w
Man, those last fights were fucking great.


Kevin deserved at least a pity fuck after all the shit he had gone through for Takuma.

That poor man is retarded now.

BIG Tiger

That's Shida, right?

>Man, those last fights were fucking great.

Pretty tame compared to the original Tiger Mask. Still good for a modern anime, I enjoyed it especially the last couple of episodes.

this thread is so cringe with a shitty anime starring that fag soyboy ibushi
watch the IGF ya pinheads


Well it seemed to focus more on wrestling and less on...murder which for some reason never got the old matches or league in major trouble.

Manlets never learn

It's mindless fun, like watching cartoons on saturday morning eating cheerios and hot cocoa, you should give it a try. I miss KING OF THE WILD, WILD WILD

Ibushi draws more than IGF ya seething inocuck


Yes, you know the whole series by 1 episode
>It's mostly pretty mediocre
>I stopped watching shortly after Tiger fought that big caveman guy

So you didn't watch it but it's mediocre, retard.

To be fair, none of the ships set sail. They all get cucked by wrestling.

Give up?

>buff ref is not real

Old ships die, but new are born.

It's so bad that it does a full circle and becomes good towards the end. Assuming make it past the twins episode.

Spring Tiger spin off when?

>That suit

El hermano....

Oh look, an autist with no taste makes strawmen to cope with his shittaste.



tiger mask is fucking sick, they even have a family crip meetup in the hospital.




God that ED was fucking amazing. It's the hypest shit ever.


Yeah, I loved that part. Last fight was lit as fuck though.

I meant Corssbow!

Is there even anywhere to see/read the original Tiger Mask in English? The place I was reading it stopped when he was going to fight the giant guy I think.


The Nama Ham and Yaki Udon episode was the best episode and this is an objective fact.

Also press F for to pay respects to The Wrestler.


I'm actually disappointed. They were great.