Tell me about Shinobu. Why does she wear the bandaid?

Tell me about Shinobu. Why does she wear the bandaid?

Because they refused to give on the canon that she didn't wear panties

For maximum sex appeal.

Why are bandaids sexy?

Bandaid or not I love her anyway

Its basically a pastie.

That's what you do with gashes. It prevents infection.

To prevent un-necessary leaks of course

Araragi's been trying to get her to switch to Flex Tape, but she has other plans...

I wonder if Araragi has already noticed it.

Have Shinobu's undergarments or lack thereof never actually been mentioned in the entirety of the Monogatari LNs?

The novel has mentioned that it happened in the anime. It didn't confirm anything though.

Could you risk saying something that might cause her to stop?

She was trying to make him see her _____

How many years will it be before we finally get dere interaction between RRRG and Shinobu?

How long will it take to Shinomonogatari get released?

Big Bat

Is this man a serial sex offender?

best bat

Yes he is

He's literally me.

You do not have a pathological compulsion to help people, you just want to lewd elementary schoolers

Well I have a pathological compulsion to help elementary schoolers, if you know what I mean.

If only all anime could have girls so perfect.

We got it in Owari 2.

No he's me since he's intelligent, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor.

This bat is ok too.

She's more than just "ok".

We all like bat.

Araragi never seems to appreciate getting smothered in Shinobu in fanart. Ungrateful bastard.

I want Shinobu to punish him.

i wanna tickle her feets.

So desu ka?

anyone ever considered masturbating on her pictures?

Don't be crude

Does Shinobu have ticklish tootsies?

What type of shampoo does Shinobu use?

Tear free shampoo mixed with Araragi spunk.

Who in their right mind would ever do that?

>Why does she wear the bandaid?
SO you know she was created by Akio Watanabe, like 75% of his characters have a hidden band-aid

There is a game with 2 characters that resemble Araragi and Shinobu a lot.

are those her nipples?

Holy shit I never noticed that!