140 cm

> 140 cm

Well into midget range but with those proportions. What the fuck were they thinking?



What do Hestia's feet smell like?

The only thing the show produced that I still remember.

Isn't that good enough?




>What the fuck were they thinking?
Shortstacks are the best.

She's a cute little porker.


>midget range
you have no idea what a midget is
also if you remove her breasts you get a prisma slut but sadly loli is just a keyword for absence of breasts nowdays

she's got hips too

This series ought to end with pregnant Hestia but it almost certainly wont

4'5" is way too small.

Aoi Yuki is 4'9"


Why is there hardly any fanart of her with her hair down?
Like she becomes perfect the moment her twintails are removed

This is a pretty good image.

Whatever that thinking is, they need to do more of it. Hestia is the one of the best designed characters ever.


I want to know what they taste like

What is the meaning of this facial expression?

if I had the power, I would honestly murder you on the spot for having such shit taste. Hestia is perfect, the only problem is you.

Ugly feet

That's because she was a shitty meme girl. Can't believe Sup Forums got caught into the shitty normalfag meme hype. Just look at this thread, looks just like fucking reddit.

Looks like any other thread, sounds like you're just assblasted that Hestia threads are going to be a thing again

She wants to suck your dick user

>Looks like any other thread
Indeed. Sup Forums really has turned to shit because of normalfags like you.

Other than being a meme girl I don't see what she has to do with normalfags.

>Other than being a meme girl
That's her entire character and purpose in the show. She's literally useless outside of being eye candy with her meme ribbon around her tits. Hestiafags are normalfags, period.

so like what month is the new season will be airing?

Popura a best.

And a chibi

>140 cm
my mom is 4'1 it can happen user
she is not a dwarf just tiny i am almost 6 feet and over 200 pounds genetics be crazy man

There's a reason why the other gods call her an oppai loli / a loli

Hestia is the only interesting character in the show. Everyone else is dull and forgettable.

there are many factors that can stunt growth
stress, disease, & poor nutrition are three major ones
nowadays most members of developed nations face little challenge from those three

>Hestia is the only interesting character in the show
>literally did nothing other than crave MC's dick for the entire season

Hestiafags are delusional.

Why aren't my 2d drawings as realistic as possible?

It pains me that there's so little Hestia porn that emphasizes her height, and why the fuck is there so much /ss/? What the fuck is even the point? I've got nothing against /ss/ in general but its a complete waste of the design.


>shortstacks are the best
All the goood stuff in one small package (ಥ_ಥ)

Sextia with Bestia's Breastias

I don't even want to fuck Hestia, just licking every inch of her body, every part of exposed skin and cleaning her full body with my tongue, just that is enough for me.

Let's bounce


sorry, no habla español

Best girl.


>It pains me that there's so little Hestia porn that emphasizes her height

this, what the hell

She's an oppai loli in the LN. Anime gave her better proportions all around

they smell like warm popcorn!

Perhaps it's because most artists only drew her due to her status as a meme girl, and as such didn't understand the point of her character. It sucks, but what can you do?