What went wrong?

What went wrong?

No passion or care in their work.

nothing, shaft is very good

>2 best selling series of all time

They didn't make enough Monogatari series.

Not enough Meguca anime.

Plebs crying for them to dumb down their style because they can't handle art.

They got the shaft?

Butcher fucking off to play with Taiwanese puppets.

Why do people want a Madoka 2?

>Why do people want a continuation of a metaphorical and literal cliffhanger ending?

How was the ending a cliffhanger? It wrapped everything up as good as it could for a 1 cour anime. What, do you want Homura to fucking genocide the race of Kyubey's or something?

Okay user, you got me, have a (You).

Because i love it.

I'm seriously asking what else could be done with Madoka's story but whatever.

Why don't you google it, user?

>No passion or care in their work.

Okay, I got a story from this site called "fanfiction.net". Is that it?

>Watch Madoka a week ago without knowing anything about it
>Expected cute girls doing cute things
I wasn't ready for this

4th movie when ?

I like how you think user.

Really enjoying March comes like a Lion so nothing?

Neck muscles.

A significant lack of Monogatari

Not enough Monogatrai. I'm not being ironic.

Gibbe me meguca

I had a good LAUGH at this thread when I saw it
The only reason the Fate/Extra anime is hated is because of secondary/tertiary faggots who never played the original games and don't get whats happening