I finally watched this, and it sucked. Fuck you guys

I finally watched this, and it sucked. Fuck you guys.

Other urls found in this thread:


I loved it

It's not our fault you have shit taste.

You fell for our elaborated ruse~!

>and it sucked

Shit taste.

>intelligent social criticism
>dude it sucked lol whats wtih the moe
well fuck you too

It was worth watching even if only for the art style.

Go back to watching mediocre cashgrabs like Hero Academia then, faggot.

Romeo Tanaka is a hack, literally the poor man's Maeda.

I'm sorry for your shit taste.

>>intelligent social criticism

You mad, OP?

Not our fault you have shit taste OP.

Can you explain why it sucked?

I mostly agree. It's a cool looking show, but I don't really feel like it's well-written. It's like that thing with the aliens that came out last season whose name I've already forgotten. The pastels look great and the imagery is really interesting, but it just doesn't have enough going on to keep my interest.

You are not alone. It's hyped up by a vocal minority.

First Jinrui thread I've seen in a year and it's full of plebs.


Welcome to genzai Sup Forums. Getting just a little worse every year.

I had to drop it at the episode that requires sunglasses to watch. That shit fucking destroyed me eyes

There's literally only been one substantive post in the thread and it hasn't been in favor of Jinrui. Maybe you guys aren't as smart as you think.

>There's literally only been one substantive post in the thread
There hasn't even been one.

Then, I guess we're all equal in pleb.

>literally only been one substantive post
>one lined opinions
Pick one, retard

Not OP, but it was very boring because none of the protagonists had any motivation to live and felt like they had been hit with the idiot-stick. The animation and colors (the art in general) was great, but it was just a cheery facade over an inherently hopeless setting filled with nothing but despair. Furthermore, very little of the conflict in the show has any meaning and most conflicts are resolved with flimsy deus ex machinas through very little action of the protagonists.

Looks cheery, actually hopeless, no hope left by the end. Nothing matters, nothing can be done, and nobody wants to do anything, nor does anything. Only worth watching for the art, because bringing up the "satire" part will just inevitably bring up very obvious real-life points, and if you wanted to talk about them, you shouldn't even bother with this show.

You realize you just described a literary form, right?
The problem is not Jinrui that sucks or is "very boring" but instead you who do not enjoy tragedies and allegories.

>and most conflicts are resolved with flimsy deus ex machinas through very little action of the protagonists
Now you're just throwing buzzwords. At least half the subplots (voyager/pioner, comiket, trapped in manga) are resolved through Watashi and side-characters' own insight and observation of their surroundings, the "solution" is always hinted throughout the episodes.
You could argue the rest (time travel, chicken factory and island arc) are deus ex, but claim there's no action from the characters is just stupid.
Time Paradog is in fact a pretty well constructed anecdote, which I guess you mistakenly see as a boring "nothing happens" story.

Nice anime reaction image, by the way.

Not saying it is (because my opinion of the show is much lower), but just because it's artistically sound doesn't mean I need to like it. "It's well-made" is not a reason to like something. Respect, maybe. Like, no way. I'm sure there's things that you don't like that are well-made.

Compare something like Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou which has a very similar theme of hopelessness but very little of the cheerful facade. In the end (of the anime) the protagonists realize what was done to place them in this place of unending despair, why they are pushing the boulder, and in the actual end (of the manga) they realize that there really is no hope, but that it truly was their last tour and there's nowhere else to go from there. The boulder tumbles down, the tragedy is concluded. Nothing like that happens in Jinrui.

The only tragedy in Jinrui is that nobody gives a shit, and, as a consequence, neither could I. Most of the time the characters were willing to simply lay down and die and it would have made a better show if they had because then there would actually be something resembling a catharsis. No, in the end, nothing changes. Stuff happens, people do things, but ultimately nothing. What a joke. This show is like watching Sisyphus sit around by the boulder and then give a few halfhearted pushes to it, and then go back and sit around with a smile on his face. You don't know why he's there (but you can guess), you don't know why he's doing the things he's doing (but you can guess), and the worst part is that he's so goddamn smug about it, just sitting there next to the boulder and giving it a slight push from time to time, but not enough that it actually goes anywhere before rolling down.

Also I understood the allegories but didn't care very much for them. I'm not enough of a weeb I guess. In that regard I'm reminded of Chobits which was very on-the-nose about what it's about but which also relied on the audience caring about that subject.

>Sisyphus analogy
I really wish english lit undergrads would stop posting on Sup Forums, it's always embarrassing to read this pretentious shit.

Joke's on you, I've got a math degree.

Kinda shows.

You going to give an opinion that's more than just a personal attack?

I didn't like Jinrui because it was boring with the execution of themes I didn't care about, and it didn't make me want to care about them.

I honestly just enjoyed it for fairy-tale-like atmosphere, great protagonist and comfy mood.
I don't care about the social commentary there, since it honestly wasn't even that insightful. But it is a good anime.

You don't like Jinrui because it presents human behaviour in a manner you don't like, it's kind of that simple.
The fact that you think the show needed despair or the characters to be miserable about the situation says a lot, since it's neither hugely realistic compared to people just getting on with their remaining lives as they do in the show, nor is it particularly good or clever narrative.
The show isn't miserable and it's not intended to be, you expected something different and didn't like it. Your opinion, but that doesn't mean it's bad, it does what it set out to do just fine.
Shove off with your pretentious opinions, they're not clever. The show isn't particularly clever either, but it's better than the garbage you're claiming it should be.

>but just because it's artistically sound doesn't mean I need to like it
Then again, why would you watch and complain about a style that you so openly dislike?

There's no point comparing it to Shoujo Shuumatsu, the only thing they share is a dystopian theme.
Girl's Last Tour is about a self-discovery journey, they focus on the loneliness of a world that has ended and therefore required a decent climax to give closure for the MC's story, otherwise if it ended as "it's about the journey, not the destination" it would be a critics and commercial failure.
Jinrui is about a world on its dying moments, they do nothing because there's nothing to be done. The series' intention is to portrait the lives of the final remaining human(s) in the Earth, and how a cynical, extremely advanced yet silly new sentient species is taking over.

>Stuff happens, people do things, but ultimately nothing. What a joke.
And what did you expect? Some mad scientist cloning people, underground communities, space invasion straight out of action shounen?
Again, Shoujo Shuumatsu could have these plot twists because the story is constrained in the girl's perspective, so a lot can be developed on the background. Jinrui on the other hand, openly admits that all there was to be done, have been done.
You feel it's poorly structured and had a less satisfying ending because you're still failing or denying to accept the whole idea of the franchise is to be hopeless.
Then again, you're already biased to judge Jinrui's merit since you hate its style in the first place.

>Also I understood the allegories but didn't care very much for them. I'm not enough of a weeb I guess.
I guess you did not. Most of them reflect real world situations, human behavior and classic literary works, nothing "weeb" about them.

Any other anime with this kind of setting?
The only one I can think of is YKK, which I also love.

I disagree with your assessment that Jinrui is not miserable. Just the fact that people are going hungry, have few resources, and are vastly uneducated is enough to make it miserable. Nobody appears miserable, but that in itself isn't my problem with it: my problem is that the characters are neither miserable nor doing anything to improve the squalor in which they live. The world sucks, and everybody has apparently run out of fucks to give, but still have enough remaining to not just lie down and die.

I don't think that "getting on with their remaining lives" is compelling narrative. I get that this is the point, but you've already understood that I don't like the way it presents human behavior.

>why would you watch and complain about a style that you so openly dislike?
I didn't make the thread, but I'm always happy to share my opinions if the chance comes up. Since OP was a fuckin' idiot and didn't actually explain why he thought Jinrui sucked, I figured I'd jump in. Better than reading worthless shitposting in another thread. Don't let my opinions actually stop you from liking this show, that's cool, I can see how someone might. I actually watched Jinrui because a friend recommended it, but I don't know why he thought I'd like it. Maybe because it was fantasy.

>what did you expect?
Kind of hoping things would change, honestly. I didn't know anything about the franchise going in, so I suppose the joke's on me in the end.

>Most of them reflect real world situations
Most but not all. For the most part the characters didn't react in a way that made sense to me, either.

>Just the fact that people are going hungry, have few resources, and are vastly uneducated is enough to make it miserable.
I hate to break it to you, but that's no more miserable than the world we live in now. And people still go on regardless.
>my problem is that the characters are neither miserable nor doing anything to improve the squalor in which they live.
Except they do. They even had the committee to restore working facilities, restoring power to everyone when the satellites returned, etc. The rest of the time they get what they can from the fairies, but everyone knows they're too whimsical to be relied on, so it doesn't amount to much. And the rest of the time, they can't fucking DO anything. Humanity is depleted, it can't recover, it's over. So there's no point moaning about it.
>The world sucks, and everybody has apparently run out of fucks to give, but still have enough remaining to not just lie down and die.
See above. There's nothing to be gained from just bemoaning the fact the world is ending and resigning to keel over and die, it's just self-indulgent wank, both in actuality and when used as narrative.
>I don't think that "getting on with their remaining lives" is compelling narrative.
I gathered. There's nothing I can do to convince you otherwise so I won't bother.
>I get that this is the point, but you've already understood that I don't like the way it presents human behavior.
At least we've reached an understanding on that point, I guess.

>my problem is that the characters are neither miserable nor doing anything to improve the squalor in which they live. The world sucks, and everybody has apparently run out of fucks to give
>For the most part the characters didn't react in a way that made sense to me, either.
I hate to break to you but that's because everything is over already and they are all fairies with the sole exception of Assistant-san.
I blame the production committee for not adapting the full story, but well, they did a good job with the rest.

>but still have enough remaining to not just lie down and die.
That's actually my favorite part of it. The whole dark uninterested humor. The ED theme sums it up pretty good.

NEVER come back to Sup Forums again.

Was this show supposed to be funny?

Not gonna lie. I loved the show, but when they finally got around to the punchline of the whole time looping episode I said "Fuck you" and ended my day there.

It was just so stupid it made me chuckle and think I'm done with this stuff now. I can't believe something that stupid just happened.

>It was just so stupid it made me chuckle and think I'm done with this stuff now
That's a shame, all the best arcs are the ones after that.

Theater of the Absurd is a load of shit.

my degree in 'pataphysics says otherwise

Where did you find that picture of literally Me

I dunno user, I loved it. Except for those two episodes with the cat girl, I forgot which ones though. And it's not her fault, it's just that I remember she appeared during those episodes in particular.

Nigga, you a special kind of stupid

Watashi is beautiful.


A bit late, but perhaps the issues you have with the story and how characters behave would make more sense if you knew how the LN ended, as

Humanity isn't going extinct, it already is extinct. Assistant is the last human; everyone else is fairies that willingly forgot they weren't human to give Assistant at least something of a life. That's also why he doesn't speak - he's not actually mute, he just doesn't understand fairyspeak, and vice versa.

>first thread in a year
There’s a reason for that.


I want to hug her and tell her everything is okay.

It isn't

Middlebrow dishonest garbage pandering to pseudointellectuals.

Doesn't matter.
Got pussy.


Wow, humanity is extinct, 2deep4u.

I liked the part where her hair is alive
After that nothing interesting happened.


I liked this show. Above all, it was entertaining with a nice art style with a sardonic MC given all the absurdist elements.

The satire and the general themes of dystopia (that was sort of ignored and just motivated worldbuilding and character decisions) were quite good, but this series got the humor down right. Telling the story in what is essentially backwards was also intriguing, although I heard that the novels were straightforward without all this so I really would like to know the rationale behind it. I hope one day someone decides to translate them.

One of the greatest EDs too.

Oh I did watch the all the episodes, including the specials. I really do love this show.

What I meant was when that paradogs/paradox punchline finally came up, I laughed at how stupid the joke really was in context: they dedicated 2 episodes just to set up that joke. I found it clever but also ridiculous how far they went for it, so I just fell asleep after the episode ended because I figured nothing was going to top my day like that did.