Shokugeki no Soma

Final bout is happening! Will we finally get a Rindou flashback next chapter? We now know she isn't some 1 dimensional "LOL SO RANDOM xD" chick who just wants to watch the world burn which i'm glad the author didn't took that cliche generic route. Also she never once agreed to anything Azami said but aligned with him just to stick with her bud, Tsukasa.

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Her ingredient will be human flesh

>We now know she isn't some 1 dimensional "LOL SO RANDOM xD" chick who just wants to watch the world burn
Really, did people think that about her?

She's just a girl who fell in love with an autist.

Frankly, I would have preferred that to her lusting for Tsukasa's dick

I could agree.

Why is Rindou so best girl?

But she isn't. That's Nene.


Because she is lol so random

Rindou's character is already ruined so soumababy can get a win.
Suddenly she's scared and some trauma? fuck off.

Are you dumb

>meme girl becomes an even worse character

Tsukasa is a solo chef for the most part but he's working really well with Rindo. Unlike how people expected that these two would lose because of bad teamwork, they actually work together perfectly like a pair of well oiled gears.

So what's the only asspull to make Erina and Soma win?

Best girl is always ready to throw down

I expect Tsukuda to milk this bout, wouldn't be surprised to see multiple flashbacks

I hate black cooking jackets so much. I had to wear one like that in your pic at my last cooking job and always wished I could get back into my whites.

>even Momo shows some compassion

>what is the takumi battle
She was probably yelled and disowned by her mother because she lost.

>best cook at prestigious culinary academy
>put up for display in Las Vegas like a freak show
>not New York or Los Angeles
No wonder he sperged out

I'm going to marry Megumi!

I miss this art style.

Probably something like "They're too friendly, they never have conflicts, but Sorina clash and challenge each other to make better food"

Yeah, this 2v2 was one of the dumbest outcomes. I really liked the theory that Isshiki would throw his match in order to help Takumi win vs Rindo in the previous bout, to make the finale a 3v1 against raid boss Tsukasa. But instead we get to see asspulls.


Rindou makes an excellent dish, but it doesn't meet Azami's/Central's standards, thus tipping the favor in the rebel's favor without having the top 2 seats look like they lost from serving an inferior dish.

>Isn't it more FUN this way?
>now all of a sudden she's scared and doesn't want to have central anymore
Spontaneous characters are a narrative blank check. Tsukuda is a hack.

>yfw they become canon before Souma/Erina

fuck off

This. Why do all the girls have to revolve around guys.

They are already canon.

Why is Rindou so perfect?

She belongs to Tsukasa now, faggot.

What if it’s actually Tsukasa who ruins his dish and throws the match for Rindou’s sake?
It would resolve his autistic perfectionism issue about his cooking with the power of love, and would fully redeem him as a character for his haters.

>Final bout
So is it ending and wrapping up or what?

>Tsukasa who ruins his dish
>for Rindou’s sake?
Not happening.

>Rindou's character is already ruined so soumababy can get a win.
>being this mad

My guess is that they'll lose because Tsukasa is more concerned with making something to impress Azami than focusing on harmonizing with Rindou. The reason she was so nervous about Azami showing up is because she knows that Tsukasa pulls out all the stops in his presence and would be a lot harder to coordinate with.

Uncensored version of all the manga when


Looking forward to whatever analogy is used for the teamplay

I feel disturbed looking at this

Too Sesuji wo Pin for you?


Tsukasa/Rindo outfit actually looks damn good, is that from something?

Not sure if the artist referenced a particular figure skating pair, Tsukasa's outfit in particular is fairly common among mens with some variation

You wish, Rindou. He doesn't care about you that way.

You mean Tsukasa belongs to her

Shhhhh. Erina-sama is sleeping.

I think it'll be some Fate reference

Risa Taneda is live on the stage for a Dengeki event and she looks as beautiful as ever, a little thinner though. Talking about voicing Yukina and stuff. Returning to voice Erina when?

>Returning to voice Erina when?
If we get a S4

Nah, it will be something ordinary and not exotic

Has it been confirmed she'll keep the roles in which she had to be replaced?

I would be happy as long as she returns to Erina and Mash.

Will Tsukasa unleash his autistic rage and let loose a primordial REE?

>Azami basically ruined Rindou’s husabando
An offence worse then rape Unless Azami foodraped Eishi as well

I bet Tsukasa doesn't appreciate their help at all. What a douche.

can he even win a fistfight against literally anyone? even megumi could probably knock the dude out

what happened?

>you will never have a girl follow you in the depths of hell just to support you
Eishi you one lucky fucker. Do you guys think we will get a chapter of Rindou crying because she didn't notice Tsukasa becoming like punished joujiro and she will be blaming herself because she didn't do anything about it?

Is the manga about to end now?

How deep is tsukasa and rindou's relationship?

Definitely returning for Yukina, not sure about other roles. She was there to promote StB.

This will be the match where Rindou confess to Tsukasa after they lose isn't it.

No Rindou is a backwards kind of girl, she'll take him on a honeymoon around the world first.

This is a good question. My ranking of the RDC battle royale:

>1 - Somei: no competition, dude is fit, trains to be a samurai, and hauls around a giant knife
>2 - Megishima: physically the biggest, can throw his weight around
>3 - Giganigga: weakest of the top three, seems just as jacked as the other two
>4 - Isshiki: canonically skips classes to work in the fields
>5 - Nene: might actually put up a fight, mentioned that she's proficient in judo
>6 - Takumi: fast enough to at least catch a duck with his bare hands
>7 - Soma: does he even work out? he probably did footwork at the diner, but might be lower
>8 - Rindo: logically has to be decently buff, she eats like a horse and isn't a fatass
>9 - Megumi: plays table tennis, come from a countryside lifestyle
>10 - Eizan: office job, but he at least seems like he could work up a rage
>11 - Tsukasa: would probably cower in the corner
>12 - Erina: pampered rich girl, lots of taste testing bulk
>13 - Kuga: manlet
>14 - Momo: womanlet
>other two: literally who


>12 - Erina: pampered rich girl, lots of taste testing bulk
It's a wonder that she isn't fat
Maybe Hisako forces her to take walks

>Steals your boyfriend
>Steals your school

>Soma: does he even work out?
He has muscles and good body for a 16 year old boy, desu.

The Yukina role was never handed to anyone else, so Risa keeping it is to be expected.

Not t mention the Yukina role remains in her VA profile:

The Erina one, however is not there.

That's true, but I think Tsukuda just draws everyone like that. Soma and Hayama both looked like they dropped out of jojo during the rematch

>The Erina one, however is not there

>Steals your daughter

In the canon drama CD, in which Souma and Erina end up stranded for a while, when Souma tried getting her something to eat she mentioned she wouldn't eat things with excessive fat.

So, she does take care of the things she eats.

Azami took him.

I want to kiss Eishi and tell him everything will be all right

He beats Takumi, Erina and Kuga. Loses to Megumi because boxing.

What if Central wins but Tsukasa healed by Rindou decides to get rid of it?

Jou still becomes Azami's dog, so that's a wash. Tsukuda wrote himself into a corner with this one

Erina also has to join Azami if Central wins.

Megumi boxing was just an analogy, she only plays table tennis

I think when they start production of S4 they'll contact Risa again to voice Erina but we'll see.

Ganbare Rindou-sempai!

Bun!Rindo is the cutest.

I would like to have sexual relations with Saito.

But with the new E10 they could fire Azami.

Jou (and Erina) would be tied to Azami, not the school, so that would still do nothing for them

Rindou was cuter than usual.
That's as much as I can say for this rather uneventful chapter.

Hopefully, whatever focus Souma and Erina get will make up for everything. Otherwise, this whole thing will be a sham.

I don't see Rory on that list but we all know she'll reprise that role when new anime content comes out. Erina, Rory or any other character Risa voiced in general will be voiced by Risa again once she gets contacted to voice them once new anime content for those roles are needed.

Erina is fit you fools. But yeah, I doubt she has any idea how to fight. That's what bodyguards are for.

Didn't Jou say "I will work for Central'"?

nope. Jou went all out. He said he'd become one of Azami's soldiers. He said he'd close down Yukihira's. He said he'll cast away all his skill from the diner and cook the way Azami wants and become Azami's dog.


user. You’re late.

This is a blue board user. post moar.

Count the number of balls in this picture.

The 3 best girls looking good while being best girls

Just 3 years of friendship

The way Eishi x Erina and Souma x Rindou looking at each other. It's more than just Souma x Erina and Eishi x Rindou.

Hisako a cute

Any Rindou is best Rindou

As you want.

From 116.1 A magnificient banquet
