
What's with Sup Forums's hateboner for this show? Do you think it's cool to hate it just because it's popular?
Grow up.

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>Sup Forums hates yurucamp

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It's QUALITY, it's very generic, it's bland, it's repetitive to the point of boring, it's uninspiring and it's artistically bankrupt.

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It all comes from Slow Start's fanbase, those faggots actually started a war against us

You forgot pretentious, with bad writing and terrible pacing. Know your buzz words, man.

Yeah yeah, criticism is just buzzwords. It'll rain gold nuggets the day any of you is able to defend this show artistically.

I've dropped it because if nadeshiko, damn she was so annoying

>defend this show artistically

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If it gets any hate, it's from the Kyoanifags and/or Franxxfags that can't believe a comfy/cute show that barely got any attention before airing is outselling their preferred shows. Then you have the anons that like to hate on any popular show just for the hell of it.

So you agree with me albeit in a retarded way, good.

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How many facebook pics do you have mate?

I don't think anyone hates it. Hate is a strong word, it's just that this show has nothing going for it and it's actually not as popular as some make it out to be.
The western part of the fanbase is nothing but manbabies that panic at the slightest criticism too so I guess there's that too.

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Please, keep going. It's legit impressive.

Nah. Probably just VEGtards being jealous of YC success as usual.

Have a free reply I guess?

I don't hate it, I like it, but I don't know why it is so popular, is pretty average, similar to other shows with cute girls doing X activity with their club,. And yes, it's pretty repetitive.

It really shouldn't matter if other people love it or not, what matters is I love this genki girl

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t. brainlet

>actually not as popular as some make it out to be.
What the fuck does this even mean. You know we have access to sales figures right? I've never seen anyone say "this is the best selling anime of this decade!".
>The western part of the fanbase is nothing but manbabies that panic at the slightest criticism
Buzzwords aren't criticism, dumb faggot. Include specific examples.

I watched the first few eps but as soon as I saw the stalker rankings I dropped this shit fast

No fucking way am I watching something that popular

>breaking pasta
It deserves nothing less than absolute condemnation.

It means that it's not as popular as you think it is. It's selling really well on amazon after the free advertisement it got on NHK but it doesn't rank that well on polls, be otaku or non otaku. People are buying it to show it to their kids that can't stay up late to watch it, and that's actually ok. If anything that's a cute thing to do.

This entire post is criticism and yet the very first reaction to it was shitposting with facebook pictures. It's very easy to point out the many instances where the characters slide on the floor and have bad animation, it's also very easy to identify the tropes the characters have and how overused they are within the medium. Likewise, the lack of conflicts and new ideas make the entire thing repetitive. It doesn't even have a story, the characters just go from site to site and act cute.
Again, I don't think anybody hates it. The OP asked a silly question and I answered it.

You're not making a good case here.

you will die a bitter lonely person user

>It's very easy to point out the many instances where the characters slide on the floor and have bad animation
You mean the one time last episode, where everyone ITT thought it was amusing bit of QUALITY? Its not like we're in denial about this show cheapening out every now and then
>lack of conflicts and new ideas make the entire thing repetitive. It doesn't even have a story, the characters just go from site to site and act cute.
So you're completely new to CGDGT then? These types of shows, Iyashikei especially, are always lighter on the story and focus more on character interaction and setting.


moefags in denial right there

You literally are watching it wrong though. Its not the shows fault that you watched it expecting it to a plot oriented battle-shounen or whatever. If you don't like these types of shows then whatever, but don't try to pretend as though you can make any greater case against it other than personal bias.

I don't think I will user but thank you for the concern.

No. It happens on every scene that has a character running, they just slide on the background/floor. Scenes where they try more complex movements are badly done too.
And CGDCT is not an excuse. Even something as simple as K-On had to deal with their personal growth as musicians and the the inevitability of time ending their years together.

You mean this ?
Yeah, fanbase wars are dumb. At least the worst one died 2 weeks ago after the big mecha of the season flopped.

Is slav animation anime?

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you're responding to bait

>but I don't know why it is so popular
Very solid execution mostly. Also, this season is fucking shit for the most part.

>hurr it's bait
Grow the hell up.

Not even worth a (You)
4/10 made me bump

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>solid execution

its fucking trash filled with QUALITY

get your head out your fucking ass

>No. It happens on every scene that has a character running, they just slide on the background/floor. Scenes where they try more complex movements are badly done too.
Not to where its as noticeable as that one scene. Even if I were to grant you this point of being so noticable its distracting, the shows main shining aspect for me would be the backgrounds and environments, which are consistently great.
>And CGDCT is not an excuse. Even something as simple as K-On had to deal with their personal growth as musicians and the the inevitability of time ending their years together.
K-On is more SoL than CGDCT. Yuru Camp does have character development, its just that the development is geared towards their involvement with camping and not interpersonal stuff. It may seem like its a lot slower development, but Iyashikei shows are about immersion and relaxation first and foremost, see Amanchu if you want another modern example of Iyashikei CGDCT.

You are quite a daring fisherman, my friend.

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I admire your effort but I am wise to your tricks user, you should keep this kind of provocations for newfags

>its fucking trash filled with QUALITY
A show having moments of QUALITY doesn't prevent it from being well-executed overall.
As a counterpoint, VEG is a good example of a show with good animation that mostly stays on model and yet is executed horribly.

>2 weeks ago after the big mecha of the season flopped.
I always found the timing of these threads interesting as well.

Pardon me but it's very noticeable to my eyes. And while the scenery is nice because they're based on real camping spots they don't look that good, I can name at least 3 shows this season that have less inspiring scenery but better drawn background and one that has backgrounds so beautiful they look like paintings.

Yes K-On is also a SoL but it's CGDCT. It had something to it and didn't press the same key and themes again and again.

>And while the scenery is nice because they're based on real camping spots they don't look that good
What are you trying to say exactly? That because its based on a real location that somehow "cheapens it"? You realize that nobody is claiming the animators came up with those designs out of their own head right?
>Yes K-On is also a SoL but it's CGDCT
Not really. CGDCT is more explicitly about the "thing" itself, whereas K-On is clearly about the characters first and foremost. Yuru Camp is more of a balance between both.
>It had something to it and didn't press the same key and themes again and again.
I'm not really sure what adding in more "themes" would do to benefit Yuru Camp, honestly. Again, it just seems like your trying to judge this show as though its trying to be something that its not. K-On is a different show with a different focus entirely, if you love that one and not so much this thats fine, but you seem so hung up on comparing the two that I'm not really sure you understand that they're not even close to being the same, or that Yuru Camp should somehow aspire to be more like K-On.

yuru camp is one of those shows that makes me wanna do what they're doing. like yama no susume, or even something i can't literally do but can do it in video games, like GuP

I don't hate the show, I hate the obnoxious /out/ faggots.

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>Sup Forums hates yuru camp
hmm, must've missed all the hate threads then since all I see is comfy threads

The fucking kazoo in the OST, love it.

No no, being based on real places is actually a good thing. But as far as the quality of the drawing goes, it's nothing special.

>Yuru Camp is more of a balance between both.
It's pretty much all about the camping. We've yet to see new characterization.
And adding more themes to Yuru would kill one of the complaints me and many others have, something to spice up the characters and the setting - make it less repetitive and so-so. Because as it stands right now it's a show for children, very simple, very happy and carefree.

I don't hate Yuru Camp, personally. As for the people who do, I feel bad that they can't derive happiness from it.

>But as far as the quality of the drawing goes, it's nothing special.
Its really not about the "quality" either, VEG looks great on a technical level but I find the artistry to be lacking any distinct flare or style, which Yuru Camp does have. Realism does not always equate to engagement.
>It's pretty much all about the camping. We've yet to see new characterization.
And adding more themes to Yuru would kill one of the complaints me and many others have, something to spice up the characters and the setting - make it less repetitive and so-so. Because as it stands right now it's a show for children, very simple, very happy and carefree.
I've had no problem with the characters thus far. We already get the sense of who they are, and having them change their views on camping is about the most you could ever need in that regard considering the focus. Having it "spiced up" would do much more to lessen the atmosphere and tone, which ultimately is the entire point of Iyashikei shows. Theres nothing repetitive about it, its just a lot slower than what some viewers might be used to because doing so otherwise would kill the slow pace. So once again, you seem to be arguing from a position of not understanding what the show is trying to evoke from the audience emotions-wise.

I have transcended anything but cuteness. Do what you will, I've already won.

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Well, you said the backgrounds and environments were consistently great. Great is pushing it, they're OK at best and their main appeal is not the level of the art itself but the real scenery instead.
Great is what you can find in MiA, Mushishi, Oremonogatari, VEG, etc. These are the kinds that have actual "flare" and style to them on top of high levels of technicality, they're not there just for the sake of filling up the screen and immediately stand out from the rest.

>So once again, you seem to be arguing from a position of not understanding what the show is trying to evoke from the audience emotions-wise.
That's the problem many have with the show, there are no emotions being evoked. Not even frustration, it's very so-so. Calling it slow also implies it's going somewhere but it really isn't, there is no plot to call back to or objective to aim at.

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>Thinly veiled Franxxfag false flagging


Top kek

Shit tier:
VEG and Fran, people that enjoy these shows probably enjoyed reddit:zero as well.
Ok tier:
Everything else.

It somehow manages to get less comments and activity than VEG. I dont think you know what popular means.

VEG is the most discussed anime in recent history, just not on Sup Forums and the west in general.
Unless you're talking about these places it's a rather stupid comparison.

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And a ching chong nip nong to you too Huang

My wife Aoi is so cute

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Wipe this uncomfy thread from the face of the earth.

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Worst character design I've seen in quite some time.
Enjoy your trash-tier seasonal waifu.

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>what is an iyashikei

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>Sup Forums
Salesfags aren't Sup Forums.

Stay mad haters, you will join us one day.

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Can someone please eradicate the entire current generation of anitubers? I miss back when people still had their own opinions, however bad they might have been.


They are influencer for hire. I heard that Netflix shill them for a certain show.


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What kind of a pathetic retard do you have to be to watch youtube videos of some faggot literal who explaining anime to you?

>it's repetitive
it's comfy camp, not man vs wild


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It's just mad Slow Start fags raging because it's flopping hard in Japan while Yuru Camp is loved

You mean poorfags?

Be that as it may, it still is the best Amazon seller. Its figures versus its placement on polls, and of course Kemono Friends "breaking Stalker" show how you should take Stalker threads with a salt mine.

Your shit show is loved due to high shit taste Japan has.

Yuru Crap is just a poor man's Yama no susume ripoff


I'd agree that it's worse than Yama no Susume, but it still has its merits.

VEG is better. This is just moeshit garbage.

THIS. When does Yama no Sus and my lovely Hinata come back anyhow?

And, Slow Start is still the better show between it and Boring Camp.

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Please kill yourselves back to Sup Forums with your attempts to force fanbase wars.

Nice non-answer dumb boringcamper.

Why the fuck did the IRC shitposting group latch on to Slow Start this week in particular? The season is almost over, what do they stand to gain?

>IRC bogeyman
>in the fucking 2018
Stop trying so hard to fit in.

Maybe it's exactly because the season is almost over and they want to force at least one shitposting war. Didn't the VEG x FranXX wars fail because of poor sales or something?

>t. IRC

Ah sorry I forgot it's all about discord now

Because we hoped Slow Start was just getting a slow start and would sure catch fire at some point. Well, it didn't, it's flopping hard and s2 never, unlike the inferior Kirara this season that's all the rage. Obviously we'd be upset.

>flop flop flop
Of fucking course it had to be salesfags.

Sorry I'm not a casualfag who doesn't care how the show he loves is doing in Japan.

more like goo goo camp, cuz its fans are man babbies

FranXXfags were bullied out of stalker threads by everyone, not just VEGfags.

Yes instead you're a hardcorefag who bets on cockfights based on predictions.
Knowing how well a show did financially is literally fucking pointless because it doesn't say anything about its future. Something that sold well might never get a new season while something that sold like shit could still get a new season or spin-off, and there's also how disc sales are only one part of it.


Can I watch this while I wait for Yama no Susume s3?

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>Knowing how well a show did financially is literally fucking pointless because it doesn't say anything about its future
It does for Kirara series
Only 5k+ sellers got s2, with the exception of A-channel, that still got 3 OVAs

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I'm pretty sure there's at least some correlation between how well a show sold and whether it gets a new season or not. It is a business after all.

I wish I understood the difference between the Kiraras.

Learning the difference between the Kiraras is akin to memorizing the Bristol stool chart.

If there's an exception you can't say it's a real rule. You're also ignoring how according to the chart, New Game didn't make it above your arbitrary line.
The point is that there's a lot more to it. Good sales MIGHT increase the chances of another season, but they aren't the only determining factor.