Darling in the franxx ep 9

So after this episode 9, can we say that 02 is sincere and in love with hiro, with no ulterior motives?

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I bet she wants to hold hands.

There is no doubt.
She might have ulterior motives that goes against Papa and their society. But that would have nothing to do with Hiro as a person outside of how Hiro has in part been brainwashed.
She loves him.

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Just watched episode 9. She had a noticeable weird expression on her face when the one kid says something like Wow papa’s praise feels so good I want to work even harder for him

She clearly doesn't agree with Papa. But I have no doubt she genuinely loves darling.
I am curious to how she'll break the truths of Papa to him.

Probably she knows more than the others, she'a always saying "We're all going to die" or "You're all going to die" with a bored expression, like if it was something super-obvious or maybe she doesn't even care

what do you mean 02 by saying this? "who knows? I would not do it if you were

Come on all in this threaded

Well, it's not like this hasn't been seen in Japan before.

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Isn't it just common sense that she would say that? Everyone she pilots with previous to hiro dies; the other team had casualties when they worked with her before, and if 02 and hiro didn't save the day most of them would have died in earlier episodes.

user...Hiro is the only one who knows what's going on.

>elder god tier

>great tier

>good tier

>meh tier

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We were able to say that since EP 6

Goro is a genuinely good person who has been fucked because he's surrounded by inconsiderate buttslimes

The plot of this ep is a fiasco

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>I'm so fucked

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>I have no taste whatsoever
It's ok user.
Surely there'll be dead bodies soon

Plot for Darling will start in 11-12 episode to give some cliffanger for 2nd cour.
But then the character episodes are just bad and boring so it's hard to stay watching this show if my sole motivation were mecha fights and some serious plot than Kiznaiver type of relationship girls x boys focused drama.
I just hope they will drop this bullshit in 2nd cour.

Fellow 02fag here, and I believe Ichigo should go to meh tier, and Goro at least to good tier.

Move Ichigo down two tiers.

>"So Goro, you've finally confessed? That's cute but I've been sleeping with Ichigo for years"

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I really thought this was obvious.

I mean the klaxoshit, catapult, KOKONACOMESBACK and stuff. It ruined the world for me.
The romance is nice.

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>"who are you?"

Goro should be great tier.

Does anyone have a webm of the scene where Hiro gives 02 the mirror?

Hiro best Darling!

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i want to hug him.

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I think this is about right.

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Based user delivers.


>hop pounce
qt dino gril is qt

Whoa.. what did she mean by this

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Why does she jump so much?

She means "The Darling"

What are the chances this show goes the Eva direction with Hiro becoming a literally god and 02 getting mind raped by a Klaxosaur?

I see 002 is brainwashing Sup Forums again.

Because she's a clever girl.

someone slap a (you) on that mirror

Honestly I don't get why people complains about Futoshi always being shown eating just because he's fat.
It's obviously the other way around: he is fat because he's always eating.


Episode 12 will be directed by Anno
Look forward to it

she's happy to be with hiro

I hate fat people. I'm glad he's getting cucked.

"The, Darling, the."

bad character build up

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That episode was the best since 4.
This show's at it's best when the couples overcome and do badass and/or cute things together.
Episode 4 was that moment for Hiro and 02. This was that moment for Goro and Ichigo.
Heck, you even got the same swelling music when Delphinium reactivated, as when Hiro and 02 flew off in the FranXX

This is Goro, The Proud Cuck.
Say something nice about him.

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You were suppose to take care of it you monster

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>that 02 is sincere and in love with hiro

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how big a shitstorm would there be if he and 02 got together

>Shine, Darling, shine!

>it falls and breaks when APE comes to take 02 and Strelizia back and 02 tries to resist

>ignoring that right after Ichigo says something genuinely kind to her and she defrosts a bit and says "I don't mind this sort of thing"

Nigger, she has a wall up for anyone but Hiro. Her story is obviously going to be about Hiro helping her get along with others that aren't him.

The current 02 probably would do more for Hiro

>few hours later
This episode is good if you watch it a few times. It has greater than 100% rewatchability.

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betting the shattered mirror won't literally happen, it's probably symbolic of hiro "shattering" 02's self image as a cursed monster

>i am either too dumb or dishonest to understand this

how big a shitstorm would there be if it was a threesome with Hiro

Doesn't that go back to a scene where The group is talking about becoming adults and 02 is kinda solemn about it?

Is an elegant pen the most patrician gift?

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best girl laying on the smack down

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>darling in the fax
What's the story all about, Sup Forums?

I like that idea a lot, but that's far too positive to fit with shattered mirror symbolism. Usually, that kind of symbolism is highly negative.

>This isn't what I asked for

thats a crack pipe in disguise user

The problem is that "he's always eating" is literally his entire character. He's done or said maybe one or two things that aren't either related to being a lardass, or acting as part of "the other guys" doing something. Satan and Mitsuru actually have personalities.

No. It's boring. Best gifts were the fishing rod and the bird book.

probably less than the former


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side effects include gay for pay

Did Futoshi ask for a tub of tendies?

>not exposing skin
I'd say TUNE IN TO THE BDs but they literally did skin already.

He's going to stab someone with it

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately faxs her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

God, she needs more hugs all the time.

This episode in conjunction with the last have really hammered home how deprived and sad a character she is.

I really hope this is just a slight understanding, if 02 can't even read it implies her upbringing was even more traumatic than I initially thought.

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Is that a real bird book? That'd be pretty cool.

These kinds of lines are my weakness.

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He is like Jar-Jar bink of Darling.

>This episode in conjunction with the last have really hammered home how deprived and sad a character she is.
has it?

It wouldn't be that surprising. She's just been a weapon for APE for god knows how long.

>having a waifu who is literally illiterate

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>you better get it up again darling
>two turns wont satisfy me

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>She's just been a weapon for APE for god knows how long.
i dunno, she could be only 3 years old for all we know.

That was fucking top tier.
Zorome even knew he had to back off because Miku was about to layeth the smack down.

I think only Miku could really lay that truth on Ichigo in a believable way. Maybe Mitsuru too, but he's too callous to say it right.

the only practical one is the fishing rod, that if fish still exist in this world

You can easily identify the newfags who haven't watched a lot of anime by who thinks Goro is a good character.

She is illiterate

I wish I was still a newbie just getting into anime

>it's not original so it's bad!

I've watched more anime than you and I say Goro's a good character.

Forgot the 02 fish scene in the first episode?

>Hey 02, I noticed you didn't get a present
>And I know you have self-image and esteem problems
>So I got you this mirror
>Which used to belong to my Ex
>So you can look into it
>And see exactly what you are

Jesus christ, Hiro.

Damnit user stop making it rain

Is Hiro Jesus?

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Post this ep QUALITY

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Are you retarded?

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also ;_;