This is a Japanese 14 year-old

This is a Japanese 14 year-old.

Attached: Gurren-Laggan.Yoko-Littner.640x960-8.jpg (640x960, 187K)

So you're telling me Kamina and kissed a 14-year old?

Yoko isn't Japanese

Prime age for kisses of death

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Imagine being OP enough to tank her kiss of death

Does Simon get with her later?


How much cum have you spilled to her image?

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A whole lot. I used to fap to her back in the day. The nips churned out some good doujins for her.

My first fap. Not ashamed.

Not all that much actually. It's hard for me to fap to characters I really like no matter how sexy they are.

Didn't the director say their ages aren't actually accurate since they had no way of measuring time underground?

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Post your best Yokos

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Why does she dress like a whore, anyway?

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3 cups

Though I have never seen her anime.

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>Though I have never seen her anime.
How can anyone be on Sup Forums and not have seen Gurren Lagann?

Easier to move around in

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It was over a decade ago, user. In about a month, TTGL will be closer to Eva than it will be to the present day.

That's a roundabout way of saying "underage".

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She's responsible for hundreds of cum soaked tissues. In fact, I'm masturbating to her right now.

Attached: __yoko_littner_tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann_drawn_by_spanking_momoko__bca9aa05403b59ec05c3ea83c27d565f (811x1200, 138K)

So are FMA Brotherhood and Death Note but most casuals have still seen both of those at least.

>TTGL aged badly
Really stir ups the almonds

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How did I imply that?

It's fact, why else would it be less viewed than even older contemporaries?

Imaishi came up with that after getting flak over the fact Yoko was supposed to be same age as Simon, yet she was the resident fanservice character so it was "bad taste" so sexualize the minor, their ages were known before the show was about to air, Kamina was 18, Simon 14 and Yoko 14 as well; then the story about Yoko's village not really counting the passage of years the same as the real world does came up to try cover up this sutpid heat about sexualizing the 14 year old.

Kamina was just 3 years older, nothing wrong with it, like a senpai kissing a kouhai.

what's wrong with your face?

Nothing weird with a 14 yo looking like that
Totally unrealistic, japanese aren't redheads

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Attached: 55785 bikini_top gun tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann thighhighs yoko.jpg (4000x2842, 1.79M)

Are you retarded?

Have fun user.

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