Hey everybody, its Saturday Night! How are ya?

Hey everybody, its Saturday Night! How are ya?

Attached: post this on saturday night.jpg (610x414, 32K)

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I'm a newfag and I don't undestand

It's ok. How's yours OP.

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Attached: emilia j.jpg (640x480, 67K)

>greatest moment in rock history

song from Macross 7

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Holy Lonely Night, Batman!

Attached: robin.jpg (1024x768, 159K)

>maybe if I try into the combat and start singing it'll work this time and they'll listen to my song, 17th time's a charm
Good job the protodeviln resurrected the vampire that orgasms when she hears that song to lead them about half war into the series, otherwise Macross 7 was fucked.

I was planning to watch some anime I downloaded while drinking hot chocolate and eating oranges. Its gonna be a good night.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.01_[2018.01.19_15.04.14].png (1280x720, 689K)

my left nut hurts. i need to see a doctor.

>second best macross girl stuck in an OVA
A damn shame.

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I started to watch anime then I remembered how alone I am in the world and cried myself to sleep while hugging my daki

I know this feel all too well

Best song.
Best couple.

I'm getting drunk at home and listening to stupid music, the usual.

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The world needs more fun Macross.

It's best that way. Now she can't be ruined by too much exposure.

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It was a movie.
Big screen for big girl.

I'm feeling >tfw my gf isn't real



i hate working

Attached: Macross 7 47(DVD) - (a114de67) Central Anime.mkv_snapshot_05.17_[2013.04.04_21.56.20].jpg (640x480, 43K)

>you will never have a qt meltran gf

Attached: [Pineapple_Salad]Macross_7_Movie_(5F018B5B).mkv_snapshot_23.27_[2017.11.23_22.37.54].jpg (1440x1080, 110K)

>It's saturday night
>you're wasting time here on Sup Forums
>not dancin' on the planet dance

Why even live?
>Dat feel when you're about to go dancing because of your normalfag friends
Feels pretty super novah

Attached: supah novah.jpg (640x480, 39K)

Feels unaccomplished man.

I spent the whole day catching up on my isekai shit instead of doing chores.

I'm caught up on everything on the list though.

Forgot my list.

Attached: Capture.png (432x727, 29K)

>tfw been entertained all day but still empty inside