Which one?

Attached: Which one.jpg (525x385, 49K)

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>no NTR where parents fall in love with their respective step children

make it yuri and we might be onto something

Left. All shota doujins always make me laugh due to either the difference between size of dick and body or girs being pleased by small dicks.


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Switch their partners

As you wish

Attached: -.png (465x406, 126K)

there's only one choice

Attached: 618b8624d5b63482f55593e8f486198d.jpg (301x517, 35K)

This, but only one of them.
Girls kissing girls is cute.
Boys kissing boys is just weird.

Its only natural for a man to want a younger girl. The woman wanting a younger boy is a sicko wasting her qualities on a child.

/ss/ is nature's way of recycling cakes, you take that back you asshole.

Attached: fibonacci sequence-.jpg (2100x2000, 1.03M)

This is great.

This is excellent.

Especially if they're all brother/sister, sister/sister.

good stuff


Attached: lovecopter.png (1321x950, 278K)

Right has never done anything for me, unless it's an older teenager with a cake.

holy shit nigger what are you doing

Attached: ksi.jpg (711x713, 16K)

Thats why you make the boy wear a skirt.

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The boy on the left would be jailed the boy on the right would be praised

Well no shit. Thats a simple fact of humanity.

left or you have shit taste

right but only if they both have penises
left otherwise

It's better that way.
Lolis shouldn't be easy, they're the ultimate holy beings.

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absolute perfection

Both disgusting.

Fuck off /u/

Attached: takeonelookat_d.png (800x625, 162K)

only one choice

Attached: 820.jpg (550x336, 44K)

there actually is

According to social trends in the west the right is more acceptable and not considered punishable unless there is mass media exposure forcing a punishment.

>girs being pleased by small dicks.
What kind of loose whores have you been with? Or did you learn everything you know about sex from watching bracked shit?

>not considered punishable
It's just laughable that people actually believe this.


it's not the thread that I remembered...

They get practically a slap on the wrist especially if the older woman is hot. Feel free to disprove me user, I'll wait.

Replace "social trends in the west" with "common sense".

am i misunderstanding?

Attached: temp.png (515x517, 51K)

Zoom in closer on the text I still can't read it.