Would you have sex with Shinka? Answer honestly

Would you have sex with Shinka? Answer honestly.

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I’m not a dog so no.

Nah, I rather watch her have sweet cuddly sex with Deko.

No to her and to any other girl. I'm faithful to my waifu.


Sure, but only if it's consensual.

Only if she magically evaporates out of my life afterwards. I don't want to have to deal with her when my dick isn't in her.

I would gladly impregnate her and giver her my brown children.


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Yes but I don't know how to.

Only if she removes her hairclip.

I would rather fight her, I must confirm the differences in our strength.

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Why would I choose not to if given the option?

nigger dick spotted

Absolutely... but, only soft and romantic sex because she's not a slut she's an adorable lady that needs to be taken with care and maybe make her cream... but now that i'm saying this my waifu is crying violently in the corner of my room so i'm reconsidering it...

and by reconsider I mean i'm not going to smash maybe if I didn't already had a waifu

It's fine. Just smooth things over by making eggs.

Only is she beats me up afterwards.

Kinky bdsm sex.

Just exactly what is Shinka?

She's an addictive substance.

I respect Shinka.

You're still miles away from being forgiven.

Only if I get to wear kneepads incase she's too rough

No. My wife is more beautiful and has a more pleasant personality anyway.

how can I have sex with a digital image?

That only motivates me to respect her more.

Yes. Multiple times even.

No, but I'd watch her take the knot.


Yes but I'd much rather have Kumin

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Is that a problem?

Shinka's standards are way higher than that.

A best. Why couldn’t she be more popular so we could have more comfy sleepy Kumin threads instead of this weird Shinka cult


She fucks dogs. Fuck you.

She doesn't and even she does, dogs are a higher standard than you.


Fuck off, racist cunt.

only if she beats me up beforehand and flaunts her conquest during and after the act

If I'm going to fuck a chunni, I'm going to fuck a good one.

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I know.