It wasnt that bad

It wasnt that bad.

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It was fucking bad
they made Major into a major bitch, who cries and complains about everything

It wasn't creative enough about it's budget tho. Could've been way better and not just show 2 streets and pretend those are the city.

Oh, I'm really Asian on the inside lol

Fuck off

wasn't that good either

It was bad, but not as bad as the original. The original is the most boring pretentious pile of shit ever made. Shit eaters unironically believe quote dumping constitutes good dialogue.

name one thing of the plot that wasn't a major fuck up

It tried mixing too many different stories and told each one poorly when it could have adapted one story and told it decently

They forever ruined Ghost so fuck them with a thousand cacti.

It was better than the original. Not as bad as cuck runner 20049 either

>that side profile


Anime Major is relatively manfaced for an anime girl too.

The quote dumping marathon was Innocence, GitS is mostly a decent written crime movie that had memorable visuals at the time.

And if you think about how awful the Manga was, the movie is a masterpiece compared to his source material.

No, it definitely was THAT bad.

It has a GREAT visuals and acting, but poor plot, especially for the ones who watched the anime. 3.5-4/5

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They turned GitS in the common hollywood action-mu-stolen-identity movie, and downgraded my fucking badass Major into a frail lost child.

You're right, it was worse.

she's a yid that god a nose job, whatcha expect

My first thought when I saw this thread.

scarjo is horrible, even with a better script, it still would have been shit

Was ok, story is so convoluted it was probly better to just throw you in the middle of things instead of explaining what 52 episodes of the show has

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> acting
What the fuck? There was nothing memorable about the acting. If it wasn't for a few decent fanservice scenes copied directly from the anime I'd already forget that this film existed.

Scarlet, Asbæk and Pitt were pretty good.

>Watching it in the first place.

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We are discussing GiTS not evangelion

It was.

When the fuck is SAC 3 going to happen?

probably getting announced this june

It’s just a painfully average early 2000s tier sci fi action movie with a terrible ending to boot.
Good lord did they butcher the spidertanks

It was and i really wish you stopped advertising it. What, did the blu rays not sell well enough? Try making a better fucking film next time.

Not the first time I hear that, but why June though?

>we really are ghost in the shell, you know ghost means soul and shell means body
>repeat every 5 minutes
I guess they wanted that capeshit audience but it was painful to watch.

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because we know they'll release info on the new gits project then and kamiyama has been hinting at it for months.

But who knows, maybe he's just bullshitting and we'll get arise 2.0.

No way they did that. No fucking way.

Yeah, I follow him on twitter but why June specifically?

I watched it with my normie friends and when they asked what I thought I told them it was shit so they would agree with me and not be curious enough to find out about the anime.

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because production IG chose june (i think the 14th, but i may remember that wrong) to release more detailed information than "new gits project".

Also yes, they did that. Wasn't the worst part though, i think "your memories don't define who you are" takes that crown.

As movie it's just a pretty empty shell
Compared to other anime adaptation it's okay.
As a GITS adaptation ? it's trash.

Just with the setting and the major it's a fuck up.
In the anime/manga the major is a military veteran with dozen of military/police operation behind her. Her experience justify her talent to combat/hack. This also justify why she is above other in term of skill. Her existentiel crisis is due to the fact she feel she doesn't progress/evolve anymore and also that she has been a cyborg for so long she doesn't have memory of her original body.

In the movie she's Major will having one year of memory and military experience. Instead of an existential crisis about her humanity we just have the plot of Robocop.

In the anime cybernetisation is a thing since a while. The is around for decade and people are used to it.
In the movie it's a new thing and it was annoying to see Section being surprise by it.

No, they weren't.

How do people have opinions this retarded

Blade Runner 2049 was a better GITS adaptation that the actual adaptation.

I don't want to say that is bad per se but I fell asleep the first time I tried to watch the original movie, which was WAY before this newer adaptation

p much agree K was a very violent operator just like Major, i think he would chose to merge with his AI creating KJOI.

>my normie friends
Kill yourself normalfag

Make me.

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Perfect summary.

I was so bad I literally couldn't last more than 20 minutes.

I think I've lived long enough to see Sup Forums hate GiTS. Good job. Who is responsible for all this retardation among anime fans, what do you think guys? I think it's definitely KyoAni

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it's just bait

I went in expecting it to be shit and still didn't last 10 minutes. Even without the baggage it was awful.

Kys space nigger

Yes it was. They turned it into your average dystopian YA story. Almost a parody in how generic it was.

Imagine being the Puppet Master in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Motoko Kusanagi, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your flabby body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally merge my consciousness with you, both my ghost and the real me." when all he really wants to do is hack another loli sexbot in the red light district. Like seriously imagine having to be the Puppet Master and not only sit in that chair while Kusanagi flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and doughy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that stance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, KUSANAGI LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been hacking nothing but a healthy diet of foreign diplomats and politicians and later Section 9 staff for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Section 6. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and merge with her "Rubenesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the Minister of Foreign Affairs calls for another hacking, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the cyberpolice could shut you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're the fucking Puppet Master. You're not going to lose your future ghost over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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>female robocop movie
It was bad.

can work. Anderson from 2012s Dredd was pretty dope