ITT: characters you unironically would not mind having as a relative

ITT: characters you unironically would not mind having as a relative

I want an aunt like Kobayashi

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I want to fuck your aunt

she's a dyke tho

Unironically the best big brother ever

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I want her as a wife.

This spoiled brat as my imouto

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Aunt? Fuck it, I wanna be 7 again and be their child.

Growing up with kobayashi as your mom and tohru as your dad. Sounds like fun.

Cousin or brother.

I want her maid as my wife.

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I would have her as a mom

Pieck would be a cool sister

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Shut up Mokuba


Remember when Noah said he had the most precious thing in kaiba's life and he said 'Unless you did something to my deck my 3 Blue Eyes are still here'

That's funny, I've got a real fleshy strap-on she can try.

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>tfw no Uomi nee-chan

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That's why he's the best because I identify as a Blue Eye White Dragon.

>tohru as your dad.
Guess I'm a dadcon

I want timeskip Takagi to be my mom and tease me every day.

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I want him (female) to be my Onii-Chan (Nee-San)
I also want to fuck my Onii-Chan (Nee-San)

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