>MFW people say that Illya is trash
MFW people say that Illya is trash
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She's not Kuro that's for sure.
Prisma Illya is trash
OG Illya is 10/10
Ilya was worse than Caster, I am glad that she dies in every router. Cruel loli is a shittier stereotype anyways
>MFW people didn't collect tiger stamps
>MFW people like this abhorrent monster
Different Illya is trash, this one is a best girl.
Who said that?
Tell me right fucking now!
>MFW people didn't collect tiger stamps
>MFW people like this abhorrent monster
Tell one person who didnt have a bad end sticker in Fate, Ilya wasnt that bad either
Is there a Fate where Illya is 18? I am not attracted to children
Yes. It's called Fate/Stay Night
this is your favorite pic of Illya.
Post your favorite pic of Illya.
I meant this:
but nice picture
>this thread was three years ago
Oh how time flies
>Illya trash
Please, not on my board
Both illya are amazing, as is her brown copy and alternate universe future wife.
Please dont reply to my posts again, there is a reason why Ilya route doesnt exist. Men prefer real women
Fuck off, Rinfag falseflagger.
What does Ilya do all day with those lazy maids of hers?
why does Illya have such a terrible taste in music?
You make this accusation in every thread, take off the tin foil.
I did.
Primarily because she is trash.
Take off the tin foil.
But it's a line straight from F/HA.
Careful there, your falseflag is showing.