This fight is a total pleb filter

this fight is a total pleb filter

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my pain is far grater than yours

How could they fuck up one of the best battles in that series is beyond my comprehension.
What went through animators' heads when they did that?

Why do people say this battle is the highest point of Shippuden? I really didn't like it, there's was nothing special, just boring, messy action sequences with atrocious animation, Hinata shows up out of fucking nowhere to save Naruto but gets killed (except actually not), then Naruto talks to a guy who wants to bring peace to the world by killing innocent people from Konoha (???) but convinces him to stop it because reasons. It sucked.

Attached: pain2.jpg (1151x662, 220K)

It's like OP missed the whole point of the fight

i literally stopped watching shippuden until i heard that it was finally ending because of this arc.

Case in point

To sum up the argument. The animation in that episode is not bad. It is a fact that it is well animated. Whether or not you think it looks good or not is a completely different matter.

i've never dropped an anime so fast, only a pleb would keep watching after this, the fight from the game was way better

it hit all the marks shounenfags would expect out of a "good fight"

I think the tone was appropriate for a battle against a remote controlled drone.

>It is a fact that it is well animated.
dynamic =/= well animated

And what are those criteria?

Still better than dbs animation.

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>Very Fast Painno Running at Incredible Hihg Speed.jpg

I love the fucking clap he does after this scream and his resulting o-face.

>nice build up
>passable choreography
>new power ups
>big explosions
>female character "spotlight"
>"tactics" and teamwork
>berserk form

what's your idea of a good fight then?

>There are people in this thread saying the pain fight sucked

Didn't Sup Forums finally stopped being a hipster about naruto shippuden after it ended?.


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No, this is

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it really looks like a fucking cartoon there

>15 years after the original airing of this episode
>people are still mad
Go watch Dragon Ball Super, you plebs

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what were they thinking?

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still better animated than the best of Dragon Ball Super

show itself is, obly plebs watch it at all

>implying it isn't a cartoon

he means like a comedy cartoon, not an action show whos reputation is built on detailed "normal" looking character designs. this "but its all a cartoon LOL!" argument is so shit. there's clearly different styles of cartoons and switching the style dramatically is jarring and offputing you retard

no one's gonna argue against that

I think the fight looks great personally, just tons of fun buried in there

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>Originally aired in japan in 2007
>15 years

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I just don't get it why they decided the art had to be like this. It's really out there sakuga and it would be fine if they had some reason to do this. Freeze frames that make pain look like he has multiple birth defects aside, this choice of art doesn't seem to fit the character. If it was for a very animated out there character, the art style wouldn't be a "problem" I think, but isn't pain pretty stoic?

Is pretty funny, but not so bad since Naruto is basically possessed and acts like a wild beast so his movements aren't that "smart", he's just bashing Pain with a slab of stone. Nice homage to slapstick comedy in animation, but I do understand why it might feel out of place since the theme of the events has been pretty serious (Konoha getting massacred, and at this point nobody has been o my rubber nen'd back to life.)

Bad or not, the style of sakuga clearly isn't an intuitive choice to fit the character and the setting.

I want this to be what Pain's face looks like when not in motion.

Wasn't the Hinata vs. Pain fight made by the same team? That actually looked great.

wow, middle age hasn't been kind to Ichigo at all

Attached: ichigo question mark.png (1024x775, 3.03M)

>Le the animation in this fight is so bad
>lmao i only like high quality anime
>lmao i dont like anything stylized

In my estimation it was over stylized and the choices seem misguided. It would be fine if the stylistic choice reflected the character or something but it seems that it had no meaning, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Almost all Naruto fights are stylized, this one maybe would have benefited from something more tame to fit the scene.

If so this is even more puzzling. Hinata vs Pain was good and even pretty stylized at points. They showed that they had what it takes to make it fit the scene but then didn't do it in the most crucial parts of the fight. I remember watching the episodes when they first aired and the waiting plus then a fight that felt so odd and shitty really cucked me bad. I became cynical about any build up in media since the stylistic choices of the fight felt like a personal attack on me, the viewer, as I had waited a long time to see something at cool.

>"Oh shit, 'leader' of Akatsuki"
>Konoha got fucked up
>Naruto finally became top tier via his battle skill (sage mode) rather than "Oh, you've surpassed me because you learned a complex jutsu"
>Kakashi "died"
>Tsunade was helpless
>the lost sense of danger to the leaf came back
>"Oh shit, furthest tailed fox transformation"

And then talk no jutsu over the fucking book....

People were like "This is the best animation we've ever got in Shippuden. It's so fluid and dynamic." I'm like "If great animation means we have to deal with a shitty and deformed art style like this, I'd rather have better art than better animation."

What is animation and how do I spot good or bad animation?

The Pain fight makes me lose my shit every goddamn time.

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Kill yourself, the animation is great. Of people don't like the artstyle that's fine

the kind of retard that defended this before is the same that defends that apocrypha fight

Animation quality comprises consistency and aesthetics, not just lots of in between variety. Shut the fuck up with this stupid and pretentious "it's actually good animation" argument every time. It's shit. It doesn't fit the tone, it doesn't look good, it's shit. You use that kind of thing for Tom and Jerry, not a serious fight between humans that are on model the rest of the time.
literally the last decent fight in Naruto, also Jiraiya and Pain's dub was god tier

Norio Matsumoto

■NARUTO -ナルト-(2002~2007) 原画 OP1 OP3 OP4 OP9 30話 48話 71話 133話 

■NARUTO -ナルト- 疾風伝(2007~) 原画 OP3 OP4 OP6 OP16 OP18 305話 343話 387話 510話 513話(NC)

Attached: NARUTO2.jpg (450x400, 48K)

Just saw that fight and it really reminded me of the Pain fight. I hate to be that guy, but you're better off just switching your brain off and enjoying or ignoring the stupidity.