Can we talk about Genocyber and how underappreciated it is?

Can we talk about Genocyber and how underappreciated it is?

Attached: MpN18r3.png (560x420, 459K)

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It was pretty bad Tbh.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 10 [1080p].mkv_00_09_05[03.11.18].jpg (1920x1080, 783K)

At least the qt redhead girl was rezzed at the end and Geno was kind enough to age her baby so she didn't need to go through labor.

Would be better off posting this on /m/, Sup Forums is too soy based for it. That first episode was phenomenal - the atmosphere and visual presentation was really engrossing, and Ohata's design work was really top notch, as it usually is. I'm a big fan of the OVA myself, even if it dropped a bit in quality by the end

Attached: GenocyberOuch.gif (331x245, 1.94M)

Sup Forums hates it for having no other story element than "humanity deserves to suffer ". It truly is something only meant as a visual experience. Though with how bare bones it is you really question the point of stuff. Take the investigator, was that a nightmare or did someone really skin him alive? Also the needless suffering of Diana.

MD Geist >>>> Genocyber

Why did Diana have to suffer? Why was her cybernetic body so shit tier?

Attached: genocyber Diana.jpg (1623x1039, 127K)

Better than moe garbage these days.

She was seen only as a toy by her mad scientist father to keep around. There was even a scene of him sticking his fingers in her vagina to punish her.

>It truly is something only meant as a visual experience
I had a blast watching it but this is definitely true

>her vagina
She had one of those? I thought he was tugging some sort of nerve cord.

>Moefag can't handle little gore

Attached: lupin.png (1890x1417, 2.26M)

Fucking best ending song ever

Why did all of Ken's scientists wear Mask's from The Wall?

>noone has posted the song yet
come on son it's 2006 youtube o clock

as short and as odd as both the manga and anime were I could appreciate the choice to go off the weird side of things with Akira powerlevel and the 100 year timeskip just for the fuck of it.

Attached: giddy skerlington.gif (500x374, 895K)

How is the manga and how is it different from the OVAs? I know it was 1 volume and never finished, I'm just curious as to where it differs because that might explain some of the odd plot points in the OVAs.

it doesn't explain diddly and honestly it just raises the question how someone saw the one chapter and thought yeah I could make a show outta this.
then again it's been near a decade since I last saw any of it apart from the theme song so it's all a bit hazy

Attached: 1517066117014.gif (332x332, 1.68M)

Well if the first OVA is basically the same plot as the entire volume of the manga I can see where the inspiration came.

Manga lasted for only couple of chapters before mangaka decided to focus on something else and has never return to finish it. The story is completely different to the point that the only things that OVA has common with the manga are some names, designs and visuals. In fact the manga itself is not really that violent or edgy like the anime infamously is. For example, Elaine is a normal girl who doesn't have a problems communicating with other people, her father (that crazy scientist from the anime) is a good guy who hates experimenting on Diane (who participate in this experiment from her own free will) and Diane herself loves her sister and tries to protect her instead of killing her. The manga ends when the father rebels against the Corporation he was working for and tries to rescue Diane, but in the end both him and Diane end up being captured while Elaine escapes the lab, before she even turns into Genocyber (but she does transform in the prologue chapter, which seems to take place later).

By the way, that's the actual panel from the manga.

Attached: 21.png (728x234, 118K)

It was Beautiful, and there isn't many things animated as well as it visually. Audiowise was top notch. The story was shit but it's a ride i recommend to people i know to see at least once if they can stand the mass amounts of gore and shit.

I liked it.