You've been allowed to write one story that will be given a 24 episode anime with a high end budget...

You've been allowed to write one story that will be given a 24 episode anime with a high end budget, made by an animation dream team of your choosing. The catch is, it must be a deconstruction of isekai with psychological horror elements, how do you write it, and who do you bring on board to anime it?

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I would write it as MC being a normal person being transported from a semirealistic earth (as, very close to ours) to a brutal fantasy world without receiving any help: no magical powers, no holy protections, no brave, loyal companions, no sacred swords, nothing.
The drama would come from the MC surviving such a world (for example, being forced to murder a family so he can hide inside their house and eat their food, only to see the town being ravaged by an army of human-eating demons) and the anguish of being trapped inside a hellish world of endless war with no way out.

Now, staff and studio, no idea who I would choose. I would use dark colors and a pretty serious art style (something like the anime version of Flowers of Evil but no rotoscoped).

So... animate Eliza?


First time I've heard about it.
To be fair my idea is the most generic anti-isekai idea anybody can come up with (like those fairy tales parodies where everyone is a murderous asshole).

teen thread

A skilled warrior defeats the evil demon lord who was keeping his world in subjugation. The warrior dies in the act, and wakes up in our world. Using newfound skills like "how to use a computer" and "how to pay bills" that somehow entered his mind as he crossed over, he works every day in a white collar job in some city somewhere. He makes enough for rent and food, but nowhere near enough for a house or a decent car or to raise a family. He watches as his young co-workers do the same things, and end up wasting their money on stupid vacations to find themselves and expensive food "experiences" because there's no point in saving for anything that's so far out of reach like a house or a future.

A chosen warrior who will vanish the evil from his land is about to kill the big bad guy but one second before he can deal the finishing blow the evil one transports him to our world. In this hellish world in which the tales of his deeds are nothing but the fabrics of a lazy mind, the MC must come to terms with his new life.
No friends nor family, and without wealth and glory, MC-kun will learn that the mundane day to day world is much crueler than his own. After slaying a random citizen because of a misunderstanding he gets thrown to jail and then to a psychiatric. After he escapes he will truly learn what living an adventure is like.

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>Exactly the same idea
Man, either we really, really suck at anything remotely creative, or the Isekai genre is so dull and unimaginative that's all what takes to put it upside down

Girl get hit by truck-kun and is teleported into an isekai. The catch? It's a videogame so the people characters all repeat the same few lines of dialogue, there are no toilets, etc. Now our main character has to cope with being trapped in a world of total isolation with all of the limitations that come with it being a game. The worst part? Death only sends her back to the last checkpoint, so there is literally no escape.

Okay, a truck dies when it gets hit by a girl and then gets sent to a world where there is a two axle limit on all roads.

Except there is a way to escape: playing the game's permadeath mode (think about it like Diablo's Hardcore mode) so if you die you're dead for good (the next character is just the soul of another unfortunate person).
The player is never interested on said mode (he's a very casual player who's content with your playing the game) so not only he dies all the time (torturing MC for eternity) but also adds to MC despair seeing said player just clicking on New Game (normal) or Continue, never choosing New Game (hardcore).

One of the story arcs has a friend of the player borrowing the game and playing it on Hardcore mode.
The twist comes from the guy being so good that MC survives the entire game. The MC cries in despair as the friend returns the game to the player.

We take the dream team animators, and the high end budget, and make the most derivative, overdone isekai ever.

Also we make lots of figures of the cute girls so that they crowd out everything else on the next Wonfes.

The psychological horror sets in for the viewer when they realize the amount of money and talent that could have been better spent that we went and wasted to make this shit.

Depends, what do you call these types of books? Encylopedias? Well, this world lacks knowledge so everything is dangerous where people need to eat plants to see if they're okay or not.

I've had an idea on my mind for a while but I've never been able to actually construct a plot beyond merely the concept so I'll probably never write it

>9 MCs get on a train the night a historic meteor shower starts
>due to service changes the train winds up in a city called Flipside where several nations of mythical creatures are preparing for the war the meteor shower heralds, and should any army be overcome the protogenoi leading it (each of whom represents a fundamental force of nature) will unmake the world like a sore loser upending a chess board
>The stars raining from the sky will grant those who wish upon them (no matter their species) a power to achieve their dream, but it also makes them a target for others who wish to claim them
>each of the MCs must fight to return home, but as the scale of the war mounts, they might be forced to question whether going home is worth the war following them
>up above a shooting star the size of...

fuck, I just realized that this is basically urban fantasy homestuck

Not at all, because the Isekai viewer doesn't care at all besides getting his / her fantasy shit.
Now, if you explored the side of the staff behind it, we can go somewhere.
>We get glimpses of the main writer's novel that he's writing on his free time, a pretty amazing adventure novel that would easily become a literature classic
>No one picks it up for publishing, forcing the dude to write the generic Isekai to pay bills.

Truck-kun sends MC to new magical fantasy world inhabited by demi-humans and monsters. MC starts as normal high-school student morality wise.

Bit by bit he understands he has to murder, steal, and disregard his former world's ethics. The longer he's in, the more he's corrupted. Goes from regret when harming others while defending himself, to becoming an extreme sadist.

Forgot to mention that he's the supposed summoned hero that will slay the Demon King.

Twist is that the summoners got what they wanted: they planned to let the MC be corrupted by their world since before summoning him, as other humans came to their world and were experiencing similar change the hero would. The prophecy spoke about a man so broken that would be eventually able to defeat the demon king, as an incorruptible human does not exist

Starts out rather normal except MC's motivation is trying to find a way back to Earth, rather than starting a new life in the fantasy world. However, at some point it's revealed that the "real world" is a simulation/was fabricated in some way, and then everything starts to unravel and the show plays with the idea of what is real and isn't real.

I'd literally just have some random people thrown into the berserk world post-Griffith astral fuckery. Oh those horses are so pretty lets ride them . Oh no the horses are riding us.

MC dies and wakes up with a collar and a jumpsuit with a big "D" on it. Armed guards shortly after push him through to a processing area where he finds out he will help with testing on a number of anomalous objects. Twenty-four episodes dealing with the foundation, groups of interest, and slowly cumulates in a body horror apocalypse

>given unique powers and special abilities of his choosing before entering the world
>he's is a serial rapist

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I got a similar idea.

>The Town of Kappas
Every year, during summer, a ceremony is held on a night in a remote town in Japan specifically for the kappa. Our MC is a guy who doesn't believe much in superstition much so while the villagers remain in doors for the kappa to receive their offerings, he decides to sneak out to see if they are real. Surprisingly the MC learns pretty quickly he is about to upset a centuries old tradition. Waking up the next morning the MC discovers he is in what he calls "Kappa Town", coming to the slow realization that he is also turning into a Kappa the MC must figure out a way to return home before the transformation is complete.

Essentially like this but he/she's transported into an incomplete video game so there will be a lot of bugs, characters with no dialogue or straight up messed up shit

The protagonist is isekaiā€™d and immediately dies because they go to a world with atmospheric and topographic conditions that are non-Earth like.

or perhaps everything has already been created
The problem with stating your ideas and it being similar is that you're only giving an overview and there's no execution element (i.e. writing styles, how good of a writer you actually are, etc.) That's what separates good-on-paper stories and legit good stories.
an idea like "Neet goes to new world, but he's actually a shitbag and meets other shitbags" aka Konosuba is probably something that someone on Sup Forums could come up with. But the execution of the idea by the author is what makes it so good.
Tl;dr no idea is original, just ways of execution.

Cute anime girl gets sent to Bloodborne world and becomes a bloody, gritty, tormented hunter. Then perhaps other anime characters get isekai'd as well and she shows them the ropes, and they hunt beasts/great ones/inspect tombs together. Ends with her either becoming a beast and getting put down by her friends or perhaps becoming possessed by Mergo and they fight her to free her from him or something.

Log Horizon style mass isekai where the people love it but have to avoid the person sending them back.

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This would be good.

>generic fantasy
>only one love interest
>tons of great action
>MC falls in love
>by the end of the series he has a child with love interest
>happily ever after
>he wakes up
>he's actually a nobody in real life. Not bullied or anything, just no friends and no contact with family, and nothing happening
>series ends with MC shedding a single tear while holding onto some rope

the psychological horror element is realizing that wish fulfillment isn't real and that real women are whores

no clue who I bring on board but we go to a classical premise, except we make it semi fantasy realistic.
The guy chases a harem, not as a sort of plot revolution but as an ideal of a future. Instead he is in a shitty band of mercenaries because that's all men can do with no skills or affiliations. Since everyone has low iq's in those society's he uses smarts and better nutrition to do more.
The way I wrote it, even through all the shit that happens to him. All the fantasy creatures he meets and the eventual royal affiliation he develops. He is still kinda done with life. He gets the harem by the end. But he honestly realizes there was nothing to his dream besides a sugary coat to his will to live.

Not psychological horror because that's a shit genre, but

Man reborn to mercenary turned bandit parents in a fantasy world with magic. Lives as a bandit doing bandit things.
MC's goal is to cut down on the rape and pillage and become more of a Mafia like group, demanding protection money instead.
Somehow things transform over time from the bandit group being a cutthroat band of former mercenaries to a godfather-esc figure in a medieval Mafia, which slowly becomes more friendly to villages since they actually need protection from bandits.
Everything is driven by the MC's desire to reduce the criminal nature of the bandits into something more manageable, since bandit groups get hunted down if they are too much trouble, and the MC doesn't want to be a raping bandit.
There would be political conflicts with knights over the mafia group's right to operate and if they are bandits or not, leading to a romance interest with a dedicated female knight (though there would be other romance interests including bandit girl, village girl, beast girl).
The twist for his harem is that he doesn't openly have a harem and instead pretends each girl is his "one" while seeing all his side chicks elsewhere. A more realistic harem where the women find out slowly over time, but just pretend it's not happening for the family.

The great hero-kun and his party of merry adventures are on a quest to save a town getting gobbed by gobbos. The opening to the carnage that's about to ensue is brought about by ranger-kun nailing a gobbo right in the forehead. 18 minutes of gobbo carnage later, we pan back to the first gobbo who is now lying in a pool of blood, on the verge of death
gobbo is then isekai'd to modern japan

A young man is summoned to an isekai world. It ends up that the new world is full with perfect pretty boy rarest super tier magic/ability isekai heroes and they compete to be the most broken character to increase the size of their harem.
The demon king was beaten by some isekai kid already and is a slave. The spell the human kingdom used to call a hero won't stop bringing new heroes.

The main character wants to get back to his gf at home but he must beat all other isekai guys. They are 99% experienced otaku who don't want to leave the world though...

The main character is a 35 year old doctor. He's moping after an operation goes wrong, and is standing in a dark hallway, sitting on a bench - he's propping up his head with his left hand, and twirling around a pen with his other hand. He's nervously, moving up his foot up and down, and then he decides to go to the bathroom. He washes his hands, washes his face, and starts spinning the pen again - but then, he drops it, and it enters into the mirror. You heard me right, it ENTERS the mirror, almost as if there was nothing there. BAM, it's fucking gone. So he does the natural thing, and slowly moves his hand towards that mirror. Slowly, with his heart pounding, he extends his hand. Then, somebody from within grabs his hand, pulls him in, and says "Aah, got you ojisan".
It's pretty standard faire from then on (with the exception that there are no people with ridiculous powers, sword skills, magic, etc.). The MC looks for a party he can be useful to, since he needs money to feed himself and live a decent life - the normal jobs there just don't give enough money - for a man used to modern luxuries, it's a big deal. He finds a party, he stitches and treats their wounds after each battle, and he dabs into potion-making as a way to enhance his usefulness. The recipes of which are 100% real - if you went and gathered these plants and processed them in the same way as the MC, they'd have the same effect on you as they do on the characters.
So anyway, eventually strange, mysterious beings come around, mindbreaking people by "opening the floodgates of their repressed memories". Some people are harmed less, some people are not harmed at all - but on some people, it's incredibly effective. The MC fights and toughens it out, but he has to deal with a party that wishes to fight no more, with a party that wants to go home and leave this battling life. He's attached to them, so he can't just leave them like that and go look for another party.

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>deconstruction of isekai
Isekai is not a genre. It's fantasy with half a minute of backstory telling us MC came from our world as a substitute for writing to make him relatable. What is there to deconstruct?

The MC is completely unrelateable and has extremely detailed information on a subject that people wouldn't normally understand and it makes no effort to allow normal people to understand it.

A remake of Xebec's Love Faction Mariachi. It's been too long.

The plot will initially seem to portray the alternate world as barbaric and cruel: death is frequent and often unavoidable, and violence is commonplace.

The real horror starts when the protagonist realizes that the primitive world is still much better than the technological modernity from which he came, and returns to his home world to bring about the total and permanent collapse of the technological system.

The anime will be a full exegesis of the ideas of Theodore Kaczynski.

Guy gets sent an earth exactly like his old home except 1. ''he'' already exists and 2. he's a different person. Let's say his name is user. Basically ''user'' already exists on this new earth and the old user is now someone else. Has to find a way home blah blah blah, someone (Anon2) knows old user is from the a different earth is trying to stop him from going back because Anon2 is also from the old earth and the only way for him to return is if he takes old user's place in the old earth. No idea what studio or anything.

>harem wars

Sure but every episodes are based off of green texts. Such as this one

A doctor is warped to an alternate earth with similar technological advancements. He brings with him the bacteria on his body which cause an epidemic that he has to find a way to cure while being persecuted by the very people hes both saving and killing