I tried warning you Sup Forums I tried but you didn't listen...

I tried warning you Sup Forums I tried but you didn't listen. Manga is superior in everyway to anime enjoy your shitimation

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I don't read manga but I pretend to so I can say the manga was better.

different medium, so the comparison is futile.


Except for 4-koma. that shit is garbage eyesore.

>hey check out these black and white still images with no soundtrack, no voice acting, and no pacing!
>it's better i swear!
uhh, gotta go.

this and this, both unironically

And books are superior to your picture books.

>soundtrack and animation are so important that they outweigh literally every other virtue a story has
>a story has to be real-time to have pacing
Anime-only fags should be sterilized to prevent their retard genes from polluting society.

Both are visual mediums and anime has shit art 90% of the time. Plus you can absolutely compare a manga and its anime adaptation and the anime staff like to be special snowflakes and put their own stuff in despite being garbage at it.

>no pacing
What is paneling. Also music and voice acting doesn't make up for shit art and poorly adapted scenes and shitty filler. The latter two more often than not destroy whatever pacing the manga has.

>thinking manga makes you smart
it takes talent to be that stupid.

>What is paneling.
You mean extra panels that take 0.2 extra seconds to skim my eyes over? Wow yeah, im really feelin the pace!

Not the artist's fault you can't recognize pacing from panels and need animated filler to force you to experience something.

>Not the artist's fault
correct, it's the mediums fault. you're supposed to grow out of dr. seuss when you're 5.

Says the person watching cartoons that can't correctly adapt something that's already given to them.

>a story has to be real-time to have pacing
No it doesn't. Almost no film or animation you've ever seen has been portrayed in real time.

You're retarded aren't you?

You need an imagination to enjoy manga. And not all people have good develepod one. It's not bad/good thing, it's just a fact. Hence there is plenty of forms an author can use to create a media: a book(novel), a comic(manga), an animation, a movie, a game, a book-game(visual novel) etc. People are different, have different tastes and it's simply awesome.

Anime being mostly a cashgrab nowadays is another issue.

Anime is better because of sounds and voices.


>oundtrack and animation are so important that they outweigh literally every other virtue a story has
No, they just make tenfold up for what anime "lacks".

nah, i read books all the time and they leave far more to the imagination than manga does.

manga and comics are just fucking boring. anime is far more entertaining.

For some reason I can enjoy anime, VNs and novels, but not manga. Not sure why.
Only good post in the thread.