>Has fang
>Is worst girl
Attached: fang.png (402x288, 69K)
Attached: 5675789989.jpg (1280x720, 70K)
Attached: 1519964201957.jpg (961x507, 157K)
>has fang and normal color hair
That's not a fang, that's a fucking canine.
>ichifags so desperate they'll go into other threads to shit on 02
at least contain your autism in the specific threads
Attached: images.jpg (313x161, 6K)
Came here to post this, you win the thread.
Attached: 1520298779055.jpg (1280x1358, 309K)
What do you thing fangs are?
delete this
Attached: tadlotf (13).jpg (419x401, 122K)
>Be OP
>Make a shit thread
Fang thread
Post Fangs
Attached: Shinobu.jpg (1280x720, 83K)
Attached: 1512885244704.png (470x439, 171K)
Not true.
Attached: 1520874265727.png (466x577, 280K)
I don't think you know what a canine is.
This is a canine
Attached: cat.jpg (720x525, 83K)
you are right
Attached: What the fuck am I reading.png (1280x720, 528K)
then explain this?????
Attached: tumblr_n3ymrkmqmw1r1zvalo1_500.gif (500x210, 898K)
I think your rat has autism
Attached: DLuZ-JJUEAAzWaw.jpg (869x1199, 185K)
jokes on you OP
Attached: file.png (800x600, 397K)
Attached: fangs.jpg (1078x1255, 202K)
One fang = worst girl
Two fangs = best girl
Attached: 1459436162391.png (622x521, 411K)
>single fang
>worst girl
>potential best girl
Attached: get lostJPG.jpg (978x654, 155K)
Attached: fangs.webm (1920x1080, 719K)
This fanged dork is universally agreed to be the best
Attached: ブニ.jpg (518x492, 116K)
Needs flesh fang for true enlightenment
Post more Botan
Attached: img000004.png (934x495, 131K)
Attached: 1521124187889.jpg (400x473, 18K)
Botan has a lot of techniques
Attached: swashbuckle.jpg (326x208, 68K)
>has fleshfang
>is best girl
I know exactly what you're talking about.
Attached: misao.jpg (259x194, 8K)
Sharpest fangs.
Attached: p203.jpg (1000x1440, 370K)
A cute!
Attached: hikari2.jpg (1366x768, 290K)
>has fang
>has fleshfang when transformed
>is my waifu
>no fang
Does this mean 02 has the sharpest fangs? Is this what I think it is?
Why is people being idiotic, one tooth doesn't just grow larger than the others, there's always 2 fangs and yes, those fangs are canines.
that's the complete opposite of true
>has fang
>it's actually our queen
Attached: 1517609714762.png (636x857, 230K)
Good point
Attached: shark01.jpg (640x360, 28K)
Shark teeth and quad fangs are best.
Attached: 1426927903000.png (864x720, 533K)
^p much this
1 fang actually is a crooked teeth ala bongistani.
god i hate it when its drawn as part of the lip.
Attached: fuck youuu ♂.jpg (575x665, 221K)
You mix up fang and glasses OP.
I don't have the image of Hitomi fighting the walrus, so this will have to do.
Attached: p4dv4trWPI1x274kho2_1280.jpg (1280x720, 69K)
Only exception.
Attached: 1317490778509.jpg (1920x1080, 1.18M)
Attached: 1514040746549.jpg (600x535, 37K)
Attached: Something is wrong here.jpg (960x662, 69K)
Objectively false.
Attached: 283883.jpg (225x350, 46K)
Attached: Kyoko_gluttony.gif (480x270, 2.18M)
>3 hits instead of 4
you fucked up
What about 4 fang
Attached: 121_01.jpg (836x1200, 217K)
Right is wrong, Boipuccelle doesn't have a dick in girl form, he's a Ranma-type.
god damn, that triggers my monster girl fetish way more than the horns
Attached: 1516236662407.png (850x1200, 152K)
i hated fangs until botan
I was totally indifferent to it until Botan. That was such an amazing girl
Attached: world's smallest fang.jpg (1000x720, 272K)
That's Hibiki, isn't she?
What the fuck is this facebook-tier, non-anime, .jpg as fuck image and why hasn't it been deleted yet?
It's universal.
This guy gets it.
Attached: sw2_francesca_lucchini_by_ifics.png (900x563, 311K)
100% proof of OP's thesis.
Attached: inkling.jpg (800x447, 26K)
Post of the year.
Attached: d593d5e17a702587907a2a5e638b25ab.jpg (849x1200, 653K)
But OP...
Attached: DWQBkdIX4AAbg6f.jpg (1280x720, 81K)
>thread about anime girls
>it's wrong to post an anime girl
Man she is just plain thirsty.
Canine and fang are the same thing you fucking retard.