Just marathoned the first episode of k-on and I've got to ask, what the fuck is the appeal of this shit...

Just marathoned the first episode of k-on and I've got to ask, what the fuck is the appeal of this shit? It's so girly and boring (guess that happens when your studio is mostly women). I had to stop myself for fear of growing a vagina. It was that bad. I'm sure it's still entertaining for very small children though.

Attached: little girl anime.gif (300x225, 1M)

>marathoned the first episode

God not this thread again

>only watched first episode of k-on
>posts azunyan gif

Nothing. It's overated, overhyped trash. Watch something better, like Azumanga.

you have to watch the whole thing, then you'll understand

Unlikely, moefag.

Find another show to shitpost about, no one cares about K-On anymore.

>no one cares about K-On anymore
Even kyoani has forgotten about them

you have to understand one thing though: k-on is 10/10 in its genre only. if the entire genre doesn't appeal to you then you're watching the wrong anime imo
i rarely watch anime like this and its got a solid 7/10 from me.
mugi best girl

>in fear of growing a vagina
So you didn't watch it, you just sae gigguk's review from 8 years ago and pretended you saw it, gotcha

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yeah I agree with this guy
for what it was, cute girls and music, it was great. but looking back on it and all the shows i've seen since first watching it there really wasn't anything super special about K-on

Attached: azunyan cake.webm (640x480, 319K)

>It's so girly
>I had to stop myself for fear of growing a vagina.
That's the point retard. Moe is HRT in cartoon form.

>I had to stop myself for fear of growing a vagina.
>not wanting to be the little girl
So this is the state of Sup Forums.


>Just marathoned the first episode
Why do I feel like it's been years since I last saw this bait?
Do most Sup Forumsnons even recognize this today?

Maybe this shitpost will start another rewatch

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>I had to stop myself for fear of growing a vagina. It was that bad.

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