I don't understand his plan at all. If he really loved Lelouch and Nunnally, why did he blind and crippled one of them...

I don't understand his plan at all. If he really loved Lelouch and Nunnally, why did he blind and crippled one of them, and then send them both to a country that his army would later raze? Why did he even pull the social darwinist act when his real plan was to erase the concept of lies and secrets? Couldn't he just use his memory Geass on other world leaders to make them trust him, so he could take over their countries without all the bloodshed and genocide?

Attached: britannia.png (704x400, 286K)

They were trying to copy evangelion

It's funny that Lelouch manages, in one episode, to do something Shinji couldn't do in 26 episodes and a movie.

no he didn’t otherwise we wouldn’t be getting a third season. it’s a shame they tossed such a good ending into the trash though.

CG is garbage, that's why.

It was the quickest way to accomplish his goal, ends justifies the means eh.

Just going on a worldwide tour in the guise of a diplomatic mission, and Geassing presidents left and right so they have fake memories of the Emperor being a complete bro, and then following him without any protest probably would've been faster than waging costly wars and conflicts that last for years.

That requires geassing more than just presidents, countries are run by power structures not one man.

>That requires geassing more than just presidents,
And he could just Geass any important ministers, senators, or popular figures in those countries to support him too. It wouldn't be difficult to Charles to ask a country to organize a ceremonial meeting where they bring their elite members of society to meet him, then he can Geass them into thinking his cause is just.

Sounds too messy, too many things to consider, just slaughter them all. Memories don't exactly mean trust. What if there was an unknown way to break his Geass? People start noticing some inconsistencies they'd start digging.

Not to say he couldn't have done it any other way, just that his was the simplest considering their military might. As for sending Lelouch and Nunnaly off, who the fuck knows. I don't think someone trying to turn everyone into goo is always thinking straight. If characters didn't make the wrong decisions, there wouldn't be much of a story would there?

>Couldn't he just use his memory Geass on other world leaders to make them trust him, so he could take over their countries without all the bloodshed and genocide?

The problem was even if he just went and geassed the world leaders he couldn't sway the people. Remember assassinations and such were a common thing in the world of CG; and not all world powers were based Britannia type family royalty system

He already had the upper hand in military and economic might, there wasn't any reason to. He also needed the war to drive out C.C. when she bailed on the plan.

>just slaughter them all
If his plan was basically instrumentality, wouldn't it be preferable for all the souls to not despise the one soul trying to unite them all? His plan was to make all humans living or dead into one being, so that would easily screw up if all the human souls are in flux due to being murdered.

And thinking it further, I'm not sure what was the point of slaughtering all the other countries in the first place. Charles only needed two Codes (Him and C.C.) to activate the Sword of Akasha. I don't remember anything being said about him needing to take over other nations to enable his plan.

>He also needed the war to drive out C.C. when she bailed on the plan.
Why a war instead of just sending Bismarck and some support troops to hunt her down?

Doesn't matter they would understand each other and forgive them. They did drag on the whole thing about no one would lie and would understand one another.

I don't think the entirety of what it took to accomplish his goal was actually spelled out. Though that island off Japan was a requirement, and it probably took him time to find its location.

The war had a few functions for Charles

1. claim land in the shadows looking for geass artifacts, no one in rank or citizen would question military involvement within their territory.
2. draw out anyone who could be to smart and have them lost in battle so the plan could move forward without bumps
3. draw out C.C. who was constantly on the move and appeared to have defected from britannia

They had been trying it seems remember she was to be a gift from Clovis to Charles before lelouch came and ruined it that plan

R2 is a complete load of shit they made up in an afternoon after they got told they had to rewrite it for the new time slot.

>Doesn't matter they would understand each other and forgive them.
How? What would convince all those souls to go "Oh, you killed me and my entire family. But since you did it so you create a world without lies, it's okay"?

It's an Instrumentality ripoff. There would be no individuality. Instead of AT Fields, you have lies and masks.

Because they wouldn't be "dead" anymore, everyone would be linked up and able to talk with everyone, everyone would understand everyone's reasoning. To Charles that meant that in due time everyone would come to accept everyone's actions regardless how good or bad they seemed at the time.

It's litterally making everyone telepaths who could read each others minds and communicate with out words or actions. Just thoughts and feefees.

It's the exact opposite of instrumentality which is just making everyone one single entity.
And instramentality is a fucking stupid cynical rip off of the thing from ideon and the magical space psychic stuff from gundam.

>everyone would be linked up and able to talk with everyone,
Just because everyone would be able to talk to everyone doesn't mean they'd want to though. The thing about Instrumentality is that it failed in EVA. Shinji chose individuality, and he and Asuka became the first humans to get de-Tanged and come back to the Earth. Forcing understanding upon all of humanity instead of giving them a choice would only cause further misunderstandings, leading to his plan failing anyway.

I'm stating what CHARLES reasoning was, that's what CHARLES thought but had flawed logic because he lost someone close early on and assumed that what he was doing was what humanity ultimately wanted. I wasn't saying it was going to work or the right thing, it was just his point of view

>Couldn't he just use his memory Geass on other world leaders to make them trust him, so he could take over their countries without all the bloodshed and genocide?

The same reason why Lelouch couldn't just walk his way to the top by Geassing superiors until he got to the world leaders; it would end the series in 5 episodes. Lelouch could have literally started from one random grunt, told them to take them to their superior, have that superior do the same, until he reached the heads of Britannia, then Geassed them to permanently lift the 11 thing. At that point he had no idea his father was into some magical bullshit, so Lelouch using the long route for this doesn't make sense. It all comes down to bad writing. When an entire story could have ended or been cut in half by one character making the easy choice extremely early on, but randomly decides not to... it's called bad writing.

>At that point he had no idea his father was into some magical bullshit, so Lelouch using the long route for this doesn't make sense

He was playing it safe because he was unsure about raising too much change without reason. Too much change to fast would cause literally everyone to go WTF and never trust anyone most likely throwing britannia into a civil war and japans mines a free game for the world. By the time he came up with some legit plans he realized others have geass and had to continue playing slow and safe.

>He was playing it safe because he was unsure about raising too much change without reason. Too much change to fast would cause literally everyone to go WTF and never trust anyone most likely throwing britannia into a civil war and japans mines a free game for the world.

Yeah, because having people witness the WORLD LEADERS deciding to make everyone equal would cause hate and distrust. Give me a fucking break. Lelouch deciding to come clean to the world that he was Zero and immediately making himself God Emperor before having them bad together against him didn't create mistrust. Lelouch didn't know his father was involved, so he could have easily thought up a plan where he used the Geass to make his father clearly tyrannical and insane so people would band together like they did against him, before having him killed off. The fact remains that Lelouch at the time only believed himself to have the power and then chose the hardest terrorist route out of the thousands of easier and safer plans. The fact that people don't know or remember themselves being geassed made literally anything he did in the shadows safe. Simply pass on the geass directive.

>Yeah, because having people witness the WORLD LEADERS deciding to make everyone equal would cause hate and distrust.

Did you not understand that Britannia's policy was literally 100% against this ideology? Even if he went to the other sides it would have no convinced the people it wasn't a trick. Going and making a radical change within Britannia in a rapid sense would have fucking made people assume traitor and have people executed. This isn't a hard thing to understand by any means.

>people assume traitor and have people executed.
>assume the leaders of Britannia were betraying themselves
>execute our bosses

Did you not watch the show? Assassinations, backstabbing, and such weren't out of the norm

Yes, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary from one Britannia leader to another. Cornelia's brother could afford to recklessly shoot her because he was also on her level and had people backing him. The difference in this situation would be that you'd have the entire royal Britannia family vs some lower britannian underlings.

>People never rebel against rulers they don't trust anymore

Are you retarded?

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Missing the point. The royal family had a lot of people who personally looked up to them and trusted them regardless of their actions, like when Cornelia got shot. They would have people like them, as well as the extremely loyal royal knights backing them. Whoever waned to turn against them from below would have to do it knowing they'd have all kinds of things to deal with before it ended. Remember, they were literally going to attempt to lift the 11 laws before (of course it would have been more complicated than that, but the fact that it got that far is telling), until Lelouch's geass went crazy.

It wasn't made public at that time and britannia's forces were in disarray with Charles basically gone.

Lelouch literally doesn't do this because he has too much pride to "cheat" and on some level enjoys his little game of bamboozling everyone as the cool anti hero zero to actually stop. These are lelouch's two big character flaws (along with being a pretty bad mech pilot and his inability to run) and come up to constantly fuck him over the entire series

it's only when lelouch has everything go super bad for him one too many times and a bit too hard that he finally gets over himself and does exactly that, taking over the whole world in about a month (with the help of suzaku, who likewise finally got over his own bullshit to get shit done)

this is literally the crux of the entire series and where most of the drama comes from, it's a writing technique as old as greek theatre. geass isn't a masterpiece of writing but don't act like a psued if you can't even pick up on basic ass shit in an anime about big robots and superpowers and pizza.

No idea what this dude is going off on, he is completely missing how the governments worked in the show and in any logical sense

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who coulnd't follow the plot of Code Geass

Attached: 1282614055783.jpg (267x410, 26K)

The show sucks. There.

Lelouch spells it out for you in the episode where he kills him. In the end it didn't matter what happened to Lelouch and Nunnaly, because dead or alive they would all be reunited in the C world anyways. Moreover when you pay attention you realize that C.C.'s line "you should push away the ones you treasure" is her quoting Charles and Marianne. But in the end it's as Lelouch said, it doesn't matter what excuses they make, or how much they say they treasure them, Charles and Marianne abandonned them.

Rather than that I'm curious of what Charles' deepest desire is that it manifests as a geass that could manipulate memories.

Not really.

The original story ended and will still have that ending.

This would be a new story set at least a few years afterwards, with new goals and new enemies.

>I don't understand his plan at all.
All humans will be linked together, both alive and dead, so there will be no more war.

>If he really loved Lelouch and Nunnally, why did he blind and crippled one of them, and then send them both to a country that his army would later raze?
Because Charles was keeping up his public act as the ruthless Emperor of Britannia, plus he also wanted to send the kids away in order to protect them from his brother V.V.

If all else failed though, Charles didn't mind too much if they suffered or died, since the plan would make living or dying irrelevant. Thus he still isn't a good parent.

>Why did he even pull the social darwinist act when his real plan was to erase the concept of lies and secrets?
Because that's basically what everyone in the world and especially everyone in Britannia wanted out of the Emperor as a public figure. He was serving in a role that, technically, went against his own desires.

>Couldn't he just use his memory Geass on other world leaders to make them trust him, so he could take over their countries without all the bloodshed and genocide
He could have done that a couple of times, but it would have eventually exposed him to reprisals and the secret would come out.

I got the impression it was half-Gendo in the short term (to be with Marianne again), but also implicitly to reunite with all his dead family members (his own mother, Clovis, Euphemia, etc).

Removing lies from the world by rewriting history I suppose.

anybody knows why did c.c. become an amnesiac

Charles and Marianne didn't get care if Lelouch or Nunnally died because once their plan was complete being alive or dead would be the same. The two of them claiming what they did to their children was to protect them was just them justifying their actions to themselves and nothing more.

I blame LL, he was a little shit

>everyone thinking it was instrumentality ripoff
>it's a fucking Gundam series with a different setting
>Charles and Marianne's plan was just making everyone really powerful newtypes

Lelouch vi Britannia, he is a CHAR.

what, to get in the fucking robot without bawling his eyes out?

The ending of R1 was supposed to be the ending of R2, but except of Damocles, it's the Sword of Akasha.
They started re-writing the script around half of Season 1 since the production staff suddenly demanded a second season.

That is the reason why R1 ending sucks, and the majority of R2 sucks except the ending.

This. R2 is shit except for Zero Requiem. I'm glad the recap movies are apparently trying to fix that.

Because they made up plot twists as they went along for cheap shock value.

How is setting yourself up as world dictator and then getting killed and creating a power vacuum good?
Didn't really work out the way he intends when Saddam or Gaddafi were killed.

Because his family is retarded and gets a boner from killing Innocents.
Reminder that Lelouch could have put Clovis under his control, then have him call the government ruling Japan to come then control them, then do a massive banquet where his family and other important officials come and Lelouch could have won.
No one would have anticipated nor stopped Lelouch's take over.

>"Herpa Derp surely CG would've been so much better if the whole justification for the ending would've never existed!"
>"Hurr Durr I wonder why it didn't work in real life, in premises and conditions not even remotely close to the ones in the show!"
I'm going to screencap these posts, because they are representative about how R2-haters are literally too retarded to understand the basic plot.

Attached: Book for the idiots with brain so faulty, they can't grasp what I say.jpg (686x316, 51K)


Attached: Raiko1.png (1280x720, 890K)

So what? He'd be just utterly alone in a world that hates Britannia, most powerful and rich country in the world that colonized several countries who lust for independence. At best he'd have people loyal to the crown by his side like Orange and god knows how many will try to assassinate him or use Nunally against him.

2deep4you huh
