Is Goku most famous anime character of all times?

Is Goku most famous anime character of all times?

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Bobby Hill


came here to post this

Astro Boy



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Yeah, I was about to post it.


Ash wouldn't be, though

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Is OP most retarded faggot of all times?



Yes, anime. Very good.

Ash and Speed Racer are pretty well known too.



It’s between him and Ash

Not everything is Dragon Ball stupid beaners

What about me

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Not so, I think Ichigo Karosauki(from the anime called Bleach(NOT THE WATER BLEACH FOR CLEANING >:()) is most famous character of all times than Son Goku~

p.s. the picture is from Youtube channel name Yair Sasson Art I think yuo guys should check out his videos out they are very amazing :D he is great anime drawwer

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You almost got me with this bait

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Pikachu is for sure, but I would say Goku is top 5.

Are you shitting me?

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> Pikachu
> Goku
> Sailor Moon

Let's see if we can fill out a top 5. I wanna say Speed Racer just for getting in there early. Maybe Luffy due to the sheer amount of One Piece sales?

came here to post this


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Naruto's super popular, but he doesn't have the same level of cultural penetration that Goku does. There's no American Naruto movie.

Faggot ass dicker


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Pikachu is a videogame character

you are a videogame character

most people think of the anime Pikachu I'm guessing

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In the US i'd say pikachu. The pokemon craze was huge. DBZ was just a show here but never grew pokemon huge.

Goku is a manga character.

I'd go
>sailor moon

>there's no American Naruto movie

Yes, not even Pikachu is that famous, and he is insanely famous.
Goku is on another level tough, people don't even relate him with anime.

Yes, but with the Pokemon fad most people would come to recognize Pikachu from the anime and not the games.
The games would only be known to the children, especially considering the platform was the small screened gameboy where people in passing wouldn't see the screen; not to mention Pikachu was not the mascot of the games until yellow.

The parents and other family member would thus more likely to be exposed to and recognize the character from the cartoon and films because it was these mediums that featured pikachu as Pokemon's mascot character on top of being accessible to the household.
Pokemon was fuck huge as a combined media, so more kids were into it than DBZ viewers who mainly got it from toonami and considering the air times it was less likely for parents to be there to sort of witness what their kids were watching compared to Pokemon.
Throw speedracer in there.



You're fucking retarded, the Pokemon franchises is one of the worlds top selling franchises in VIDEO GAMES

With the younger crowd to middle aged crowd sure. But my dad probably knows 3, maybe 4 of those. Naruto and Holy I'm unsure about. I know he knew of the US dragonabll... movie? I don't even want to call it that. But I think kids and adults would recognize speed racer over naruto. I'm, maybe I'm just getting old like my pops

Naruto and Yugi dear god how did it get Holy

Americans still don't know who this person is though

I'd say Speed Racer is #1
Then Pikachu
Then either Goku or Astroboy

Yes, but that doesn't mean Pikachu isn't the most recognized anime character.



Where were you when Broly earned his title as best fighter?

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What is the most famous anime death of all time?

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Based R63 Kale

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>he doesn't know

i think you got it backwards

First post wasnt a shitpost, just hard truth. I'm impressed

He's also the most badass anime character with the coolest power ups of all time.

And he doesn't afraid of anything

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Mario is the most recognizable anime character.

I'm pretty sure Hitler is more famous.

Jesus is the most popular anime character

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He's the husbando of KOS-MOS from Xenosaga, so he's also the most famous Vida character.

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No, he's a video game character according to desperate smashfags.

Nintendo always had weak presence outside of Japan or the US, except for the wii. I play games all my life,and I didn't realise the games came first until I was in my late teens, I'm pretty a lot of people still don't. But you can bet your ass they watched the anime adaptation.

not sure if hello kitty counts
also pretty sure naruto is more well knows in the west than luffy

this isn't 1999 anymore, nobody knows pikachu anymore

meanwhile DB Heroes has been killing it

Why are spics always so delusional?

DB made nearly twice as much as One Piece for Toei in Japan for the first 9 months of the fiscal year (April-December) and did a total of 11,003 million yen, that's more than the 9,288 million it make for them in the last full fiscal year

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DB has surpassed Gundam for Bandai

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In fucking Japan you retard. And pokemon in general makes a shit tone more than that. When will the mods ban these delusional underage retards?

you literal retard, that is bandai worldwide sales as stated here

It's popular in fucking Japan you retard. That was my point. Do you seriously think it's even on the same stage as fucking pokemon? Literally anybody under the age of 50 knows pikachu is a pokemon no matter who they are. How delusional are you?

>nobody knows pikachu anymore
user, Pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise of all time.
DB can't compete with Pokemon.

>Is Goku most famous anime character of all times?
It's either him or hello kitty
I don't think pikachu counts as anime, it's more vidya


>Do you seriously think it's even on the same stage as fucking pokemon?
Hell no, Pokemon is on the Mariana trench

>Literally anybody under the age of 50 knows pikachu
Let me fix that, literally anybody between the ages of 22 and 50 knows about that pikarchu

The numbers simply add up and shows DB is a modern worldwide phenomenon

>I don't think pikachu counts as anime, it's more vidya
And Goku doesn't really count as anime, it's more mango.

Pokemon is one of the best selling games the last 5 years. Stop being delusional. Any fucking kid knows what it is. Especially after shit like pokemon go. Can you fuck off now delusional retard?

Goku didn't become popular through the manga though, whilst pikachu did so through it's origin media

kek, nothing compared to merchandise. Not to mention Dragon Ball Fighterz sold 2 million in it's first week

>pikachu did so through it's origin media
Pikachu became popular because it's Ash's partner in the anime.
In the games it's just a shitty pokemon, Yellow was made after the anime.

Pikachu, Sailor Moon and Goku are the ones I'd say.

Are you implying pokemon merchandises don't sell a shit tone as well lmao?

they do not sell more than DB and Gundam

Actually not really sure. Mostly depends on who is more popular in china if they are popular there at all

Nope, Pikachu was chosen as Satoshi's partner due to focus groups that didn't like clefairy
Learn your ABCs before posting kiddo


Really the grocery store I work at still sells Pokemon shirts, and other Pokemon merch, we don't have any Dragon Ball stuff, only other anime stuff we carry is Attack on Titan stuff.

In japan though. Nobody buys gundam merch outside of japan

They obviously do though. Again, stop being delusional.

numbers point to no

Which fucking numbers? Pokemon makes so much more that they aren't even comparable together with the fact that DB is pretty niche outside a few countries while pokemon and its merchs exists world wide. Why are you so stubborn on the delusion that Goku somehow is more popular than fucking Pikachu, the face and mascot of one of the world's biggest franchises?

>Pokemon makes so much more that they aren't even comparable together
post the numbers amigo

Goku is one of the literal ambassadors for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics kek

Are you seriously so retarded that you can't use google?

Well no shit, he's still extremely popular. Just not pikachu level.

That's Star Wars.
