What the fuck happened here? This was supposed to be amazing...

What the fuck happened here? This was supposed to be amazing, but the writing is all just generic girly melodrama that you could find in any western drama for middle-aged women and the backgrounds are all blurry as fuck. As a major kyoani fan I think I can safely say this is the biggest disappointment since Phantom World.

Attached: Violet_Evergarden_-_Pendant_20170705112621.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Reminder that anyone shipping Violet and Gilbert are endorsing pedophilia.

Post cute baioretto

Attached: 1490777032528.jpg (1920x1080, 990K)

reminder that violet wants to know what is love

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0/10 try something that isn't 10 weeks stale

Attached: soft violet.gif (1280x720, 1.38M)

Not really tho

Attached: lips.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

This woman eclipsed this entire season for me.

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Fuck off, at least PW was fun to watch

Attached: violet bra.jpg (1186x1688, 1017K)


but she is so sexy user.

Attached: violets violet.jpg (848x1200, 462K)

OP is a flamboyant faggot, VEG is on par with Hyouka.

You have to go back.



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Don't be ridiculous now

Attached: violet learns love.png (714x419, 584K)

Did I stutter bitch?

You fell for the meme shills

>Hyouka had the most mundane story conflicts
>somehow manages to be interesting unlike VEG
Yeah no fuck you

Attached: 7ef.jpg (600x600, 32K)

so it's shit?

No, fuck you and your trash taste.

violet is autistic

Attached: 1520189809882.png (986x551, 416K)

>no u
Hey now at least I'm not the one beating off to shitty cryporn bait just to make me feel smarter. It's ironic how VEG fans are probably the most basic and bottom feeding people in this godawful community

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VEG is above your level of understanding visual storytelling.

Attached: [RH] Hyouka - 11 [2D7CB3D6].mkv_snapshot_23.03.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)