Will she get punished for not being spineless conformist
Darling in the Franxx
Your girl says she wants to partner up with another guy. What do?
I say Way, to go HIro!
I feel bad for Ikuno
She might very well be headed down Mami's road.
Of course he's 100% gay.
So who dies next episode?
She's living in sin. She deserves everything she gets
based /his/friend
She will get Oni aids from Milkman
You reap what you sow Kokoro
Then they will learn?
She offered herself the same as Ichigo did, she didn't necessarily wanted to change, it was Milkmans request to change partners.
I love Mitsuru!
He is:
Ichigo wasn't blushing like a virgin in heat though
The only thing I feel bad about is that Mitsuru -kokoro -Futoshi plot is gonna get resolved and milkposting will come to an end
Looks like Milk is back on the menu, boys!
Looks like it's a soy milk though
Are you ready for milkman to get completely emasculated when Futoshi declares he's finished his bread bulk and goes full bara mode?
Post yfw the episode is a disappointment
She literally did nothing wrong yet
More like she didn't do anything in general
What if kokoro stampede is a mitsuru nightmare?
user's Guide to DiTF Shitposters
02Hiro posters
And another type of partnering listed here that isn't the following.
Any /u/ posters
Anons complaining about Goro or Hiro being a beta male or a cuck
Anons using "oniFags" in their posts
Anons claiming that ichigo friend zoned Goro.
Remember user do not reply to any of the shitposters listed here otherwise the entire thread will turn to shit.
I ready for Ikuno & Fitoshi training seasons
>02fag pretending
I'm personally expecting it to go along the lines of "mitsuru is actually just a bit shit and either hurts kokoro by going too far in piloting, leading to beast mode and then punchup, or the beastmode happens after he just fucking keels over cause he's been keeping going on pills since he got oni aids and theres bits of him looking like shit in the preview as is, and thats why kokoro goes mental
Shitposter Detected
I'm really loving this anime with all the new memes we get every week
They got brains and brawn
The unstoppable duo
Kokoro goes beast mode because she rejects Futoshi. The fight between Mitsuru and Futoshi happens before hand. Kokoro will kill Futoshi in this episode. Notice how they don't show who the stamen is here.
Link to the PV?
Let's get a peaceful and comfy thread please
>hurting Zorome when you're twice his size
Shitposters are SEETHING! Learn how to trigger them instantly with this one weird trick.
Based onifag always reminding us of the truth.
So, we may assume
>They change partners for one reason or another
>Milkman pilots with Kokoro but something goes wrong and something bad happens to her
>Fatso blames it on milkman and proceeds to wreck his shit
I men, he looked genuinely fucking mad, I doubt he'll be this mad for milkman just making advances on her, that's some serious shit like injuries involved. Also he may probably be right to blame milkman, because we saw that he doesnt gives a shit about synchronizing properly and puts a heavy strain on his partner.
>Genista goes berserk
>Strelizia will have to put it down
He walks out of the room not giving a shit
Which makes Futoshi nuclear
I swear if Milkman somehow walks away unharmed, I'll be angry. That boy deserves a good slap.
Or it could be with Mitsuru.
>That boy deserves a good partner.
He already has a good partner
The Oni syphilis is killing him
Don't worry
Hi my name is Kokoro and I would like to introduce myself today as Milkman's official Pistil from now on.
Jesus Christ...
control yourself Kokoro
>PV all out of order
>fatty causes kokoro to go berserk
>she volunteers to be with milkman after recovering
>fatty gets pissed and tries to attack milkman
>milkman tries to act aloof towards kokoro but they do a good job fighting
>episode ends with him having a erotic dream involving her and waking up in a panic
>begins his character arc of learning he shouldn't act so tough and it's okay to be vulnerable around others
>Mitsuru is just a manlet insecure beta who can't handle people of the opposite sex.
>He's the official self-insertion of the crossboards in Sup Forums
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
>launching gobro
he's not fat, that's all muscle
Wellcome to neo Sup Forums
Enjoy your stay
>Crossing /his/ with flowers
>milkman calls fatty out on being a useless and selfish fat cunt who can't look after his assigned stamen properly and tells him he only has himself to blame for her choosing himself over this fat piece of shit
I think this would cause Fatoshi to fly into his autist fat rage.
So if; Milkman/Kokoro confirmed
then; Fitoshi/Dykeuno yay?
Why does this entire show seem like a metaphor for life or something like that? I can't quite put it into words properly, but I can't shake it either.
Especially with how girls need boys to guide(drive) and support them, protect them, while girls are there for boys to lean on and whatnot?
The very position they drive in seems like sex(becoming one and all that shit too). Could klaxosaurs be the Japan's reclining birthrate, and kids are Japanese youth that their adults want to have more children to ensure their own goals(stable retirement and economy)?
>First was Charlemagne
>Now is Henry VIII
What the fuck is going on?
Holy fuck, how could we slip up so badly?
>Something clearly goes very wrong
Stop shitposting user.
Dump her. Not that mr fat fuck has a choice. I'd be a dick to her forever afterwards.
Love will win, my dudes.
Unironically him killing the bitch would make this series 100 times more interesting.
Fatoshi will eat a bullet. Milkman will pilot Genista as his primary Franxx. Ikuno will be moved to a dog cage more appropriate for her standingwhere she will have to lie in her own shit and wait to be called upon for Milkman to pilot her should the situation arise that her Franxx is more tactful to use. Sometimes the Milkman will pee in her cage just to torment her even more.
>Fatoshi rapes Mitsuru in a fit of anger.
>Mitsuru likes it.
Character development soon
>Milkman gets goosh gooshed by Futoshi
Only way to salvage this show honestly.
Editfag here, right on it, it might take some time though.
The lack of Ikuno in the PV is concerning.
They don't want to spoil her part in all this
The twist is, she actually cares alot
>its a drama episode
Really, no one give a shit about NTR.
I hope this is a happy episode.
imagine this but with pic related
hopefully fatty snaps soon and eats himself
>tfw OP changes next week and finally have Milkman and Kokoro looking at each other.
Kokoro did do nothing.
>me one my way to steal your man
I'll watch it
Someone is going to fucking die
Nobody can contain this raging bull
>when flower user and /his/ user join forces
Well this is escalating quickly.
Bullshit, Mitsuru is just gay
Can someone speed this up so the other guys move in real time? I wanna see just how fast fatman's actually moving.
dude, my heart can only take so much
Yet Mitsuru simply cannot handle women and has great incompatibility with them.
The same could be said of Hiro. You just need the right partner.
>Mitsuru get BTFO and passed out again.
There is nothing new in that of course.
Ikuno wishes she could be as pretty as femMilk
C-cross counter
Can someone please explain this fucking Milkman meme to me and why he's so fucking popular on Sup Forums?
I've caught up with the show now and I still don't understand it.
>Mitsuru disgusted with Fatoshi since episode 2
>"it's not surprising Kokoro chose me instead"
It's this, the Franxx fights have all been shown late in the PV but then end up being the first thing that happens.
Inb4 both fatty and lesbian die this episode
Just give her the dick already