It was the first time the king had felt fear

>It was the first time the king had felt fear.

chills everytime, holy fuck this arc

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Watch more anime.

oh to be underage again

I know right? It's so fucking shit.

>I'm a brainlet: the post


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Fuck this arc.
I mean it had its moments, but it went full retard with that power level bullshit.

I smell boku no nothing happens fags

>main villain loses to chess with a blind girl and a literal nuke
>"power level bullshit"

seriously, I was really done by that point. everyone only remembers the good parts but it was a horrendous slog to get through most of the time
>he can't feel joy on his own so he goes onto an anime image board and tries to put others down

>everyone only remembers the good parts but it was a horrendous slog to get through most of the time
I've rewatched this arc 12 times and enjoyed it each time so no fuck off

yorkshin was better

different strokes i guess. i didn't like any of the captains and it felt like they were just putting off the "real" fights for way too long with stuff that didn't matter, but if you liked it thats all that counts.

It's not about fights, go watch some brainlet shit like dbz more up your alley.

You enjoy shit, that doesn't mean everyone enjoys it too.

I think I would have enjoyed the arc more if the ants weren't so fucking stupid looking. The king was supposed to be intimidating, but between the dumbass hat and tail-syringe I couldn't look at him without laughing.

>nothing getting the point
he also was fighting a geriatric guy in his yoga trousers

Boku no pico academia being shit doesn't mean this is any good.

chill dude. didn't you say you watched it 12 times? did you skip all the fights or just forget

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>power level bullshit
>the most powerful character shown so far with boundless fighting potential gets killed by a nuke devised by some nerd without any nen
>power level bullshit

I agree. It was deliberately anti-climatic because it was about Togashit's sophomoric take on philosophy and human misery, and that's precisely why it was embarrassing to read.

That's not me retard

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Yeah, that's a really cool line and all, but, in retrospect the king was like 3 weeks old or some shit. Not that impressive, really.

>King surpasses the peak of human physical limit
>But loses to the most evil aspect of humanity, a nuke used primarily for terrorism and acts of vast evil

It's a fucking deconstruction of power levels you dumb niggerbaby .

I just don't get the chill feeling anymore like a did as a kid
>boku fags
but I get called a Hunterfag in those threads

>something retarded happens
hunterfags literally everytime

This is the greatest single page of manga history.

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I love the CA arc but I the Ikalgo parts should've been written out
That was the first and only time in HxH that skipped episodes.

ive been swindled
and wouldn't you agree that the meruem vs netero fight would have been better if they had gone all in on it instead of wasting budget on the surfing tiger fight? or the metal gear solid squid?

I thought the parts between him and Welfin were good

>author makes a decision to not end a fight using power levels
>durr it’s about power levels

Agreed. I don't understand how Ikalgo was fine with killing Killua, but then went on to say how terrified he was of killing the bug CA

because he was an ant
most ants didn't like to kill other ants


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>have I mentioned that humans are the real monster yet?
Wow Togashi, such an insightful commentary on the human condition! The guy is tolerable only when he limits his moral anvil on his edgy Dragon Ball fanfics with shitty art.

>N U K E D
>survives and becomes even stronger launching KI blast from his hands, teleporting, sensing whole world around him and flying like a jet
>dies because of a fucking radiation
Are you seriously implying that CA arc wasn't retarded DBZ shit? Go and re-watch/re-read entire HxH before CA arc. Don't get me even started on the shitty philosophy and people crying over most generic and uninspired ending...
Oh also Gon going Super Sayian wasn't bullshit at all. What a masterpiece, am I right?

biggest problem with those scenes was how indecisive he was
It's one thing for an established character like Shoot to be indecisive, it's another for a recently introduced literal who like Ikalgo to waste ime being a bitch
why was I supposed to care about octopus man again? Cause those scenes only work if you care about the character.

how does he get away with it

Making Yu Yu Hakusho

>dies because of a fucking radiation

Yes, very DBZ. Remember that time Nappa fought the human army and died from fucking radiation?

No, but I do remember the time where Goku got shot with a gun while he was powered down. And no one called that deconstruction.

That's not the point of the arc though

Guess how I can tell you're Sup Forums

Except Goku in ye olde Namek days was able to take a death beam to the face. Man, Resurrection F was such bs.
calling a story a deconstruction is a dumb meme though

my personal favorite

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after like 600 episodes of pure, dragged out powerlevel wanking from three dozen different perspectives

>That's not the point of the arc though
That was EXACTLY one of the most important themes of the arc. It was even reinforced by Gon's breakdown and that embarrasingly ham-fisted collage page of "human atrocities" in the middle of the epilogue chapter. Togashi was never subtle about it, and this is a theme he recycled from YYH's chapter black art and level E. It's one of his obsessions as an author, and I don't have a problem with authors having preferences save for the angsty teenage pseudo-philosopher way Togashi goes about it.

>Guess how I can tell you're Sup Forums
I don't browse Sup Forums, but even if I did, that wouldn't mean my criticism is any less valid. Learn what a genetic fallacy is. No wonder you think Togashi's writting of that arc has any merit if this is the level of rationality you operate at.

Yea, reading it was fucking awful. The anime felt more bearable but that might be because I knew what was going to happen and the VA work was pretty incredible.

What was great about HxH before CA was that Togashi wasn't afraid to make the finale anti-climatic if the plot made more sense that way. Instead in HxH we had plot-device after plot-device in order to make it the finale more "epic" rather than grounded like the rest before.

Palm Cocoon revival then somehow get her emotions back
Heart Nuke justified because of "humanity's potential for evil"
Pouf can turn into other people? Jesus fuck just have him mimic her voice instead of that retarded fucking explanation.
The King coming back alive even fucking stronger just to remain a threat WITH AMNESIA just to force his final moments to be with Komugi
Gon-san naruto style powerup because someone he only slightly knew died and he mad. The most generic shonen power up- it's absolutely retarded how all these casuals call Gon a deconstruction.

The build-up and everything up to Gon-san and the King's resurrection was really good but the back to back asspull after ruined it.

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Because you cared about the way his actions affected the people you did care about

Look at this mental midget


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SSY was much better at making me root for the monsters to win. Take note Togashi.

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The show was ok and had some cool moments but it doesnt deseve nowhere near the praise it gets.


Sup Forums crossboarder and using memes as insults, also known as the average CA arc shonen fan and laughing stock of the rest of Sup Forums.

CA arc was trash but enjoyable trash.

Dude you are stupid every single point you've made are explicitly justified in the anime/manga. Just go away.

>Introduces DBZ tier enemies
>Good guys lose every fucking battle and do shit damage
>Bad guys die from poison
>DBZ bullshit
Are you mentally ill? also
>Why something without training that is not human is stronger than a human who trains!!!
Maybe because is not a human you brainlet? Ants are the stronger species on earth.

ok buddy just calm down. Togashi is clearly going back to his roots with the plot centric DC arc so if you want your epic shonen thriller just find something else.

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>mangaka acknowledges the simple truth that humans are capable of great evil
>not realizing it's also ironic praise of humanity because its evil allowed it to progress to the point that the opponents in a war between species were snuffed out with a single weapon
Gotta take the good with the bad, brainlet.

>mangaka acknowledges the simple truth that humans are capable of great evil
While going about it in a way that's clumsy, blatant, shoehorned and with the maturity of a freshly pubescent boy who has read Nietzsche for the first time. If the observation of said simple truth is so self-evident, what merit is there in writing about it? Does it actually enhance the narration or helps the character feel more realized? The answer to both is no, by the way. It's so heavy-handed that it becomes comical after a point. It's terrible because Togashi merely whines about it without writing anything interesting about it. Devilman, Parasite or as an user mentioned Shinsekai Yori already dealt with that theme before, and they did a better job.

>not realizing it's also ironic praise of humanity because its evil allowed it to progress to the point that the opponents in a war between species were snuffed out with a single weapon
Who cares? You seem to be under the impression that I don't like it because I'm offended on behalf of a non-existent collective human dignity, when in reality my problem is that acknowledging such a ·"simple truth" like you put it isn't anything particularly astute or interesting, and Hunterfags exaggerated praise over Togashi's simplistic whining is misplaced when so many other manga have done the same, but better. By the way, retconning the nuke into non-radiation poison to avoid hurting susceptibilities was retarded, but that may have not necessarily been Togashi's idea.

I don't really mind since it's one time only. Although the dark continent may get even more crazier with the power level.

>Ants are the stronger species on earth.

Not really, they're just smaller, which puts physics on their side.

right as youre about to drop it gets good again, happened to me 3 times during the arc

There are some real moments of brilliance in the ant arc that make me think highly of it sometimes.
>Gyro backstory
>Knov's breakdown
>Chess game
>Kite getting rekt and Killua's realization that they fucked up bigtime
>Palace raid in general

But then there's also a bunch of retarded moments
>Super sonic killua
>Netero bomb (seriously what the fuck)
>Colt somehow being able to see nen even though he was "made" from a toddler

The election arc basically undoing some of the major consequences also made the whole thing leave a bad taste in my mouth.

how did they predict this 2 years in advance?

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How the fuck is that Sup Forums? Jesus Christ, you liberals are fucking stupid.

The anime should've ended after CA, and simply have cameos from Leorio. All of the election arc just seems to be a moment of relaxation before the DC, and to set up the excuses as to why we won't be following Gon and Killua anymore.

>Super Sonic killua

Lasts for ten seconds, no one gives a shit.

>Netero bomb


>Colt being able to see nen

None of the lowest tiers of the ants could see nen, but the higher tiers can. Regardless of being made from a toddler he was a higher tier ant.

>10 seconds has passed.


Whoever think 1 Royal Guard can't take the whole Phantom Troupe or Netero should re-read the CA arc.

Their power level was just absurd level of bullshit

Sucks that there are still retards who can't interpret for shit.

>using that word
I am a 14 year old faggot: the post

you could cut out literally 70% of the whole HxH anime and it literally wouldn't change a thing, you have no room to discredit BnHA.

sounds legit

The Togashi cult is truely one of the most brainwashed pathetic fanbases out there isn't it. I mean sure the arc was ok and that part especially was pretty good but hailing it like the fucking queen is so damn over the top it ain't funny any more.

omg so deep
this nigga super strong but he has fear wow