

Attached: sailor mars.webm (640x496, 2.07M)

What is the context of this image?




It's obviously
Mars > Venus > Jupiter > Mercvury > Moon
You tasteless pleb.

Attached: 1488517795947.jpg (720x540, 79K)


Ignorant fucks

mars = venus > jupiter > moon > mercury

Venus>Mars>Jupiter then it doesn't matter.

This desu fampailam

Attached: 1375828176464.jpg (520x1000, 208K)

Mostly this, but I feel like Jupiter is maybe just a half-step below Mars. Everyone else is irrelevant.

Should I watch this?

>walk through a floor
>see this
What do?

Attached: 69b684338867c81a48e4b0fb60c61e9b.png (600x848, 1013K)


man of taste

Just read the kuroinu porn

It takes forever to get the cast together though
But it's a moho-shojo classic
It's like a less charming, more comedic CCS with JKs and "advice"
Moon is a slacker ditz, mercury a best, Jupiter a close second etc.

Attached: 1514973365941.jpg (1900x1072, 1.43M)

Can someone point out where planet chibi is?

Attached: shot.png (898x467, 229K)

>There are people who don't understand the beauty of Mars

Attached: mars giggle.gif (500x356, 659K)

>You have to share the board with them

Attached: 1483166396751.jpg (400x300, 34K)

Its called Nibiru and its completely black because it sucks all the fun from the series.

an asteroid

Attached: that black dog doujin.png (640x480, 408K)

That cat always got to watch her change, no? I'm jealous.

Mars > Jupiter > Venus > Mercury > POWER GAP > Meatball head

Attached: 1448685952300.jpg (640x480, 84K)

>Venus 2nd and last

Attached: 1515697105709.png (121x129, 36K)

user of exquisite taste

Attached: 1518981192635.jpg (1033x679, 168K)

planet chibi, as in dwarf planets?

looks like they got you

>not loving Dumber Venus

Shit taste.

Attached: 1376545304491.png (329x290, 173K)

He had a thing for Luna. He don't care for humans.