What is the context of this image?
It's obviously
Mars > Venus > Jupiter > Mercvury > Moon
You tasteless pleb.
Ignorant fucks
mars = venus > jupiter > moon > mercury
Venus>Mars>Jupiter then it doesn't matter.
This desu fampailam
Mostly this, but I feel like Jupiter is maybe just a half-step below Mars. Everyone else is irrelevant.
Should I watch this?
>walk through a floor
>see this
What do?
man of taste
Just read the kuroinu porn
It takes forever to get the cast together though
But it's a moho-shojo classic
It's like a less charming, more comedic CCS with JKs and "advice"
Moon is a slacker ditz, mercury a best, Jupiter a close second etc.
Can someone point out where planet chibi is?
>There are people who don't understand the beauty of Mars
>You have to share the board with them
Its called Nibiru and its completely black because it sucks all the fun from the series.
an asteroid
That cat always got to watch her change, no? I'm jealous.
Mars > Jupiter > Venus > Mercury > POWER GAP > Meatball head
>Venus 2nd and last
user of exquisite taste
planet chibi, as in dwarf planets?
looks like they got you
>not loving Dumber Venus
Shit taste.
He had a thing for Luna. He don't care for humans.