Realistically, how much money do I need to fund a well made (madhouse) ova of lost children arc?
Realistically, how much money do I need to fund a well made (madhouse) ova of lost children arc?
About three 'fiddy
im actually not joking. i might become filthy rich and need ideas to throw my money.
the entire adaptation of berserk is probably too costly though.
4millions dollars. Miura would have to give his approval, and you would have no say in the quality of the anime.
how many hours? 4 right?
nah, i would have a shitload of control.
It better have tons of lolicon pandering in it
I honestly don't understand how it is that such an incredibly popular manga only even got such half assed anime adaptations.
the same budget the movie trilogy of golden age arc had
that was bloody awful though and many times it looked like total dogshit.
this one is supposed to actually be good and have susumu doing the whole soundtrack.
It's certainly the right arc for it
>nah, i would have a shitload of control.
No, you wouldn't. Animation studies are self governed, and miura holds all the rights to the franchise. It would be a type of donation, with an agreement that something would be made. You think money gives you control over people, user? I got a .45acp with your name on it.
If this is real, try to make my anime true:
>cute old hags doing cute things
>the asylum is filled with ex idols /yakuza/porn mangaka etc
Jokes can be the ancients being awesome or 2 guys discussing wich niece is cuter or sexier.
Or a bunch of youngsters getting beated by a ex yakuza gang.
One kid found the legendary porn artist and want him to teach him.
In one chapter a main characther is really sick and the rest got sad. In the end it was just a fart.
i dont give a shit if the animation studies are self-governed. they would work under my requirements, like any other contracting job in the world. they have their directors, animators, yada yada but there are quality thresholds necessary to oblige. nothing like a donation.
as for miura agreement, off course, but considering he accepted so many shit already, that doesnt seem like a big issue.
it wont have lolicon bullshit by the way. i want to released this everywhere, not to fucking weebs.
>funding the worst arc
no. its either this or vagabond.
well, ya moron, you'll need a different arc
>to weebs
Where do you think you are?
>shit taste
It can be cheap af. But you need korean animators for Vagabond.
If your adaption messed up this page. If I was even 1% dissatisfied with it somehow... I would hunt you down and end you.
Third movie was great.
>they would work under my requirements, like any other contracting job in the world.
Except you hold no rights to the franchise, and you don't own a studio with employees, you don't speak japanese so you'd be seen as a gaijin aka dirty foreigner trying to dictate them, AND I'm having a hard time trying to paint you in a positive light already. You sound like a bratty teenager.
>but considering he accepted so many shit already, that doesnt seem like a big issue.
That's not how it works at all. Any money you pony up, will be considered handed over freely, as a donation. If you bring contractual obligations into it, they are going to laugh at you. Anime has been around since the 70's and before, it's a billion dollar industry and you think you're the first person to ever think "I should use my money to get an anime"? I'd think you would have more success approaching a starving LN author and speaking with an animation studio to get something started.
>it wont have lolicon bullshit by the way. i want to released this everywhere, not to fucking weebs.
Really makes you think.
not it wasn't. guts throwing the dagger to femto is some marvel bullshit.
my main concern is being good.
i think the arc, as it is, is perfectly adaptable as a nightmarish/horror story without induing too much into lolicon
More than that you need to get people to sign off on making it AND carrying it to sell, which will be the hardest part of all. You could use 200 million as your budget and you'd still have major problems getting advertisements up.
dude stop with the donation bullshit. tarantino/miramax didnt hire production ig for kill bill and then decided that it was a donation and they could do anything. they animated everything and anything according to his instructions.they don't give a shit if he is a dirty foreigner. its their money, its their rules. studios just obey.
well,if i had 200 million, I could probably used that to advertise. But Berserk is popular already. The brand helps a lot. If its a 3-4 million job, i don't seen how I would be in red so much. End of the day, i could lose a couple of grand.
Berserk is not your IP, so no they wouldn't listen to you even if you gave money, and if you gave money with such strict conditions they definitely wouldn't because why would they trust their brand to YOU? You're nobody, just someone with funds. Producers and patrons don't have THAT much of a say.
Berserk is unadaptable
Point me to an anime that was produced because one rich guy gave money to an animation studio.
Why do you like the idea of adapting individual arcs of berserk? this sounds just like those fucktards arguing different batman writing on Sup Forums
>well made
>Berserk is unadaptable
Berserk 97 completely contradicts it though. Nothing is more difficult than the eclipse, and it just works.
Black swordsman is a typical 80's fantasy action movie. Lost Children is a bit more insane.that's really it.
i would try to have the animated rights to adapt this arc from Miura then. Nothing he would love to see more than his magnum opus being brilliantly adapted. Also many producers are mere layman of the dudes who cash this stuff, not the money man themselves.
>from Miura
You mean from Hakusensha/Shueisha, who I believe would be rather unwilling to hand over or share animation rights with you. They have made some stupid decisions though so who knows.
>Berserk 97 completely contradicts it though
totally disagree, the first anime is not all that good really. Oh it's better, but that doesn't mean much
I miss edgelord Guts so fucking much
i don't. but its a money issue.
are there very rich dudes who love something as passionately, as I do Berserk? Maybe, idk.
usually this stuff doesnt generate profit, so its not like people love to lose money.
>Berserk 97 completely contradicts it though
It doesn't. It's a very good anime but it doesn't have the atmosphere that we all love Berserk for
doesnt it show its perfectly adaptable though? i like it. its not the manga but its an interesting rendition of miura's storytelling abilities.
idk whose rights are specifically. off course that needs to be the number 1 thing to be handled.
>I could probably used that to advertise
How though? What company is going to make money for a project that's showing explicit violent child molestation and mass child murder? The companies you're trying to sell ads to have images as well, and ALL the large popular services wouldn't be interested in those kind of content. Animated films cost millions to make. How are you going to get people into theaters when nobody is willing to run ads for it? What makes you think theaters will even want it? Realistically there's no way lost children arc can happen.
>are there very rich dudes who love something as passionately, as I do Berserk? Maybe, idk.
>usually this stuff doesnt generate profit, so its not like people love to lose money.
I'm not saying it cannot be made, but I'm saying you should give up all delusions of control. 4million dollars is a very small donation to get a project started, the studio will have to rely on good sales to make profits. If you really wanted to cover a full 24episode arc, I'd say a donation of 10million would certainly get everyone involved to be serious about it. Just don't go with a bad studio like mad house or jc staff. Go with studios that only make hits like WhiteFox or Trigger. First step would be to get in touch with Miura and speak to him about the prospect.
like 10 or 15 million i want to say no more then maybe 20 hardest part is just getting miura to give the okay but just give him a offering of some type of rare as fuck lovelive thing and i think you would be okay now for the animation studio just get some yakuza people to slap around any animator that get uppity maybe hire a russian gang member to wear a godzilla costume to really enforce your stuff if the yakuza people don't work out
a) it would be a ova, so it would go directly to video. i make the money directly from sales itself.
b) why wouldn't streaming platforms want a berserk animation to show to their subscribers?
c) millions? pluto producer said that a good animated adaptation needed 1 million per hour. first post kinda goes the same way. its costly but NOT that costly. one punch manga is a fucking tv show with talented animators. that's the only big thing needed.
Stop typing like a retard.
im on my phone. don't be a bitch.
A can agree with you man. Guts after the conviction arc is pretty boring. He kills a lot of shit but he loses a lot of personality in favor i suppose of the development of other characters joining the gang. I still love the series and the main character to death but it's kind of sad being stuck with always-silent guts.