Will we ever get a WW1/2 anime again?
Will we ever get a WW1/2 anime again?
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Sure, why wouldn't we?
Why of course.
Youjo Senki S2
>that pic
Because Yujo Senki was the only good WW1/2 anime in like a decade
Will the cancer known as Sup Forums ever GTFO?
>Youjo Senki
Please stop perpetuating this myth.
>World War one half
Which one was it?
The one in Yujo Senki
Stop ruining my waifu with your politic mutt shit
If she just took a hot shower she'd be able to defeat Being X.
We have VEG right now you monkey
Stop lying man. Everyone knows VEG is a myth to scare shitposters into behaving.
And it had a whooping few minutes dedicated to actual warfare.
And it involved no tactics whatsoever nor anything resembling an actual battle, just a mad woman ninja.
I'd take loli flying bomber over a ninja doll any day.
Man, I really want a Japan-in-China WW II anime. Would be funny to see how it would be received.
reminder it was a combination of both world wars.
>Invasion of Romania and doctrine superiority
>Trench warfare on the Western front
>Naval invasion of Oslo
>Capitulation of France and it's retreat, continuation of war in Africa
Of course there's a bunch of stuff that's happened in both wars. And combining these wars into one was a great idea
>implying magapedes wouldn't betray America to side with the Axis
Its not a perfect one to one either. Its like they delayed WW1 enough years that a lot of stuff from WW2 starts coming in. Aircraft large enough to carry passengers is a huge one.
>betray the Jews
when will tanya be taken off the front lines and be used to breed a new generation of super soldiers?
Tanya is Rerugen's wife.
>Sup Forums≠Magapedes
>rape of Nanking
>animated by Koreans and Taiwanese
It would be brutal.
Taiwanese would probably not gaf, seeing as they were not treated too bad during japanese occupation.
Also pic related came out 2 years ago.
Really hoping Japan makes it about the Pacific War
Implying that ww1 and ww2 wasn't just 1 war with a long cease fire period.
Can you blame them?
The war for the spring of the drowned girl
>He still supports the Ziocon in office
>Sup Forums cross-boarders
Real WW1/2 anime is rare. It's always bogged down with fantasy elements or alt-history shit.
I miss her.
Being X is literally feeding designs and innovations to the crazy german scientist.
Europe was a powderkeg even without those dirty uppity serbs
They're still the descendants of the Kuomintang who fought the japs.
Hopefully never if it means less reason for Sup Forums to come over. Gas yourself.
So does Tanya believe in a benevolent deity and that is why she rejects X?
Also, the idea of blowing up the trenches with bombs underneath the trench.
Is this supposed to be pearl harbor?
Local navy not so smug after being molested
Yes. Just as Sup Forums cancer is the new Sup Forums or Sup Forums eventually something even worse will replace Sup Forums.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums haven't been replaced though. Sup Forums hasn't replaced anything. It's simply become a new addition to the cancerous crossboarder list.
We need another Sup Forums harbor. Quick, someone trick Sup Forums into starting a campaign calling gook moot a cuck!
>the ruse backfires when it is revealed that gook moot is really into NTR
Gundam is a yearly thing.
Sappers have been a thing at least since 1683, but I'm almost certain it was a tactic used before that. I can only think of when the Ottomans tried to blow up the walls of Vienna by digging tunnels under the walls and blowing them sky high.
Not exactly the same, but basically.
>ask about world war anime
>Sup Forums gets brought up for no reason
>implying it isn't Sup Forums crossboarders false-flagging to have more excuses to talk about Sup Forums
It's all a big circlejerk man.
[spolier]I wonder who is behind that post[spolier]
VEG is set post ww1 though
The use of sappers to blow up entrenched fortifications of infantry comes at least from the American Civil War era, but it didn't quite had the desired effect at the time.
>MAGA hat image in the OP
>"no reason"
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with pretending they don't crossboard even when it's completely obvious?
We could have had a nice discussion if you hadn't sabotaged your own fucking thread, OP. Now delete this garbage. From your hard drive.
No, better question, will we ever get good ww3 anime again?
>implying 198X was good
also reminder that the Australian dub added incest
>hardcore military/vehicles autism
fuck it would start a new war