>get transported to a new, different world
>get absurd powers that are vastly superior to natives
Are dragon ball and superman the originators of the isekai genre?
>get transported to a new, different world
>get absurd powers that are vastly superior to natives
Are dragon ball and superman the originators of the isekai genre?
No. Isekai is from Earth to a different place.
Also, isekai is much older than either of those.
> Goku lost a literal "Superman" character
Even Dragon Ball is saying that Goku loses to Superman
No you idiot literature like wizard of oz or aluce in wonderland precedes this by a large margin.
superman is older by half a century. I'm pretty sure toriyama just ripped that part of the story off, because the beginning is literally the same... alien arrives in a capsule, random farmer/mountain hick finds him and raises him
did you even watch the fucking episode
goku fucked jiren but wasn't able to finish him off, fucking retard, jesus christ
Why do all of gokus powerups have such a short timespan that they can't help to win any real battles? first ssj3 then god and now UI
no, the bible was
Yeah Goku over-exerted himself to astronomically retarded proportions
And it back-fired obviously
>Also, isekai is much older than either of those.
Is greek mythology the 1st form of isekai?
>it's a Zeus wakes up in a shack, turns into a bull and rapes women episode
This is the earliest Isekai that I can think of.
The Divine Comedy is a tad older.
Ancient mythologies are way older than that book.
Jiren hurts to look.
>two pussies bitchslapping each other
It's called balance. Everything in the dragon ball universe would be pointless with if goku could stay UI for all eternity....
Guarantee (you)'s
Because wining would ve too predictable so they have to asspull to obvlibion to find an unrealistic solution.
>waking up
>feel like fucking losing momentum somehow
>you are not floating somehow
>some retard hits you in the ass for some reason
>fucking scared, start to cry like a bitch
>2 minutes later start to suck some sack with a holy liquid coming from it
>have to live in this shit world from now on
Will we ever get an anime adaptation of the greatest isekai ever written?
>take one full minute of kicking Supes ass to beat
>about to unleash a Hakai
>this happens
how will Gokek ever recover the next Death Battle?