Chichi Chichi

literally wtf did i just read..

Attached: E7.7uuEQgGx.jpg (300x450, 37K)

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Hey kid


put your benis between my melons?

>>literally wtf did i just read..
the COOL

Attached: Ojojojo.jpg (1128x1600, 222K)

this artist also makes porn?
fuck i didnt knew

Yup, tons


Cool has always bounced back and forth between porn and comedy. Unlike most artist and authors who hide behind 30 different alias or flat out lie he's taken the Shirow route.

the greatest love story ever told.

Attached: x5.jpg (844x1200, 266K)

he started with porn. his earliest stuff on pixiv were oppai loli paizuri comics

Shame there's no penetration, just paizuri

aww yiss bird.jpg

>Magic oppai loli accidentally grows a dick and paizuri-rapes one of the other girls
I dont think anything has ever touched such a specific subset of my fetishes and it fucks me up that i'll never see anything this specific ever again.



Attached: Back To Reddit.jpg (396x382, 41K)

"Oh no I seem to have slipped my penis in between your stupidly large breasts"
>"It's okay you're tiny so I will now encourage you to ejaculate in between my large breasts"
Repeat infinitely

I'm pretty sure they actually fuck at some point which instantly grants it more relationship investment than 90% of romance manga.

Nope, it ends in NTR.

If it works, it works

Nice art, bad story.

Attached: 2372676f6020cfa9cfafb148f2b3bea1.png (616x728, 394K)

Good lord.

Attached: ac8b5f117eaf567ccbc342d89ca9d0ba.png (627x882, 530K)

>Nice art, bad story.
You wrong

Attached: COOL BEING COOL.jpg (844x1200, 231K)


page 10 save

>When you remember the MC is at least 16 but is treated as a 5 year old in universe
This isn't hot, it's a cry for help

why not both


>"T-they bullied me and i was so sad"
Please user

this added 3 more fetishes to my collection