At what point would you have let Ash win if you were in charge of the anime?
At what point would you have let Ash win if you were in charge of the anime?
i would've been happy if it were in Johto
Woul've been okay had it been sinnoh, he had a great team there
I was desperate the whole Kalos league and not even then
So fuck it
He should have won some leagues and lose some others to keep people guessing. Right now everyone and their mother knows he will never win no matter how much they make it seem like he will.
Losing Kanto, Johto and Hoenn is fine, he was still learning. He should have definitely have won Sinnoh to show people there is actually a chance he can win. Losing Unova is fine too but he should have won Kalos.
Ash is a fucking loser
At least he has the excuse of being written that way. What excuse do you have?
Probably around Honenn.
Real question is where you have him beat the Elite 4 and the Champion.
Seriously did the anime staff forget that? That League winners are supposed to challenge the E4 and Champions?
When the suits backstage stop thinking that Ash winning a single League means the end of the series.
I'd have him retire after realizing winning the league isn't that important.
ensure maximum butthurt.
Hey, he won Orange League...
They're gonna make him lose so he doesn't have a reason to go back home. He's been on that grind for more than 10 years now. My boi aint even married yet damn. Whatever the last region is for game freak will be the one he wins. Rip volt tackle
Ash shouldn't have even won against Brock considering the badge was handed to him out of pity
Fucking Kanto duh, this underdog shit doesn’t even make sense when he’s beating trainers and gym leaders with a lifetime of more experience.
I'm not sure why I thought the rules were you had the compete in the league as a sort of qualifier to challenging the elite four but getting the 8 badges was an alternative route that let you skip the competition.
>Last region
There is no such thing, Pokémon will outlast us all and our (nonexistent) children
Anabel should've won the Ashbowl.
>Last region
Ash is probably going to fight each gym again starting over at some point
>gives him super special snowflake bond frog that's retardly strong in both the anime and games
>gets BTFO by an even bigger shillmon
exactly what this user said kalos and sinnoh were both good spots to win whereas the rest he was either still learning or he took away something else that it didn't matter e.g ashs victory over gary. but both sinnoh and kalos left really bad tastes in my mouth where it was the right time for him to win
I guess whoever is in charge thinks the Ashnime is over when he wins the league. They've totally just forgot that the league is only a qualifier to take on the Elite 4 and the champion. Probably the shittiest moment in anime history. 20 year anniversary, special snowflake evolution only Ash has and his entire team was fully evolved minus Pikachu.
Better make Ash lose again
Why were people mad that a 20 year old show that will literally never end didn't allow the MC to have a closure arc?
Is this that autism thing I've heard so much about?
Because his last league loss was such a huge cocktease that even some of the animators were upset about it
He wouldn't win but after every league loss he'd fuck the main girl of that region.
Who says I'm not also written this way?
Kalos WAS HIS TIME, i'm still so mad about this.
Sinnoh. He beat the Battle Frontier and showed he's become a competent trainer. He only lost at Sinnoh because he used his worst Pokemon against a Darkrai and Latios.
They should give Ash the chance to AT LEAST beat the former champion of a league in a normal battle.
Source? I'd like to read the opinions of the animators
fuck the ashnime!battle frontier, they were just gym leaders without what made the frontier unique in the games.
Kalos would have been the perfect point
But if it were up to me, I'd have him win in Kanto, end his story there and move on to the next protag
Repeat for every region
I mean end his story after he fights the champion.
>At what point would you have let Ash win
Sinnoh. Diamond&Pearl was the first series where he was actually competent. Yes, he was an idiot, but he was a much bigger idiot in Advance.
>using sleep talk mega horn Heracross against Darkrai
>worst Pokemon
Because defending a title is a good arc and not letting a single victory get to your head is a good lesson for children? Getting up from couple of failures look triumphant. Repeatedly getting beat and not giving up make you look foolish
It's pretty funny that Tobias the guy with probably all legendaries still failed to become champion. We're not even sure he made it to Cynthia.
And the Battle Frontier. Which is more impressive than any league.
Pikachu was literally his MVP for Kalos though. Probably could have beaten Charizard had he not been fighting earlier.
Well, first off I wouldn't have had him lose to Richi in Kanto in such a stupid way. He should have gotten Top 4.
Johto is definitely where he should have won. With Charizard now obeying him, not to mention having type advantage vs Blaziken, he should have won easy. Then they could have introduced the idea of challenging the Elite 4 afterwards and he should have gotten his shit pushed in there.
After that, it's time to drop him as a protagonist and go with new.
>brings fucking torkoal, swellow and gible
I doubt he still would have beaten him if he went with his best mons but that was just retarded
XY was amazing, regardless.
Still blows my mind that they put more effort in animating pokemon battles than the fights in Dragon Ball Super.
what region was it that ash had to face 2 fucking legendaries
Would have let him win the first one and move to a new character after. Final fight is ash next anime.
The staff outright saying that if Ash ever wins that the anime will be over has killed any hope for people. I think it's one of the reasons why the tried to experiment by not having a traditional one for sun and moon.
I think it would have been good to have Ash become the Champ. He could have had a moment of feeling that he made it and wondering what to do next. Then a season later have him lose and realize that there are still lots of strong trainers out there and that he needs to train harder.
>Lose Kanto
>Win Johto
>Double Knockout Tie Hoenn
>Win Sinnoh
>End Anime
Ideally, the second to last season, which would be impossible to predict from a production standpoint.
>Lose Kanto
>Win Johto
>Double Knockout Tie Hoenn
>Win Sinnoh
>Dawn wins
>End Anime
>XY was great
>SM is great
Feels great, man.
Ash just doesn't transition to Moe well, it's way too jarring for me to get used to.
Now he's probably going to be given the Aloan League as a pity, now that it's too late and that it'll just be Orange League 2.0, AKA a Short Bus League.
My son is extremely cute.
Know what else is great?
My dick when seeing Lusamine.
orange islands
that's where I stopped watching
But that's where he did win...
Yeah, I left on a high note
He looks like a fucking wobbafett with down syndrome.
I wanna fuck this 40 year old woman.
shut that mouth
Your mom fucks brown boys in your bed.
Is Ash going to fug Lily?
Kalos is the perfect timing but they fuck it up.
Kalos was the last chance. Never again will anyone take this anime seriously.
I'd have a season where he travels back to each league and beats them all in one run using teams of old pokemon
Since kanto. Then i would have changed the protagonist.
I'm still mad.
Never. If you think Ash should win you're not a true fan of Pokemon. In fact, you are probably a mouth breathing moron
He had the best team out of the Kalos region for once, you're just being a retard.
Is Pokemon the only aimed-at-kids merch-tie-in show where the protagonists doesn't win in the end?
It just shows to the kids that they suck.
After 20 years this is the lesson I've learned. I probably cried more than the fucking character.
That's a black guy though.
Ash himself is a brown dude.
It's called a Nigger.
Lusamine is 17!
Ash losing in the top 16 in Kanto was fine. He was a rookie and had no business getting that far anyways. The way he lost was the problem.
Winning the League wasn't really the point of Johto,it was more about settling the score with Gary.
Ash losing in Hoenn didn't bother me since he made it out of the top 16 and lost to the guy who won the whole thing.
Frankly, Ash didn't deserve to win in Unova but the way he lost was stupid.
Sinnoh and Kalos were wasted opportunities by the writers.
I'm not even sure if there will be an Alola League. After all the backlash the writers got for Kalos they might put the League on the backburner for this season.
You know damn well the Battle Frontier is in a league of its own only in the games because of the cheating AI while Ash just battles whoever the fuck he wants.
Ash should win when it makes sense for him to win. Ash getting second place in Kalos made me happy; I've never put XY on a pedestal as the "perfect time" for a victory. I'm glad to continue enjoying the journey and I like SM a lot. But eventually he WILL get a very well-deserved win.
Ash doesn't suck. Only cynical adults too stubborn to understand a children's cartoon think he sucks.
>letting ash ever win anything
Why is the /vp/ anime thread so shit?
Reminder that the best Pokemon Series is, and always will be the original series with the 4kids dub.
It already happened though, it's called the Orange League.
Too much shitposting, falseflagging, and people accusing even innocent anons of being "Scott".
I'd avoid going there at all costs. The fact that they actually made pic related shows just how mentally retarded they are.
>yellow, hex maniac, erika and phoebe in f tier
>undesired: old age, short hair, milf
Based 4kids did an amazing job with the westernized jokes. Wish more studios did this.
Ghost Stories was also great.
>those last two
All these years later I thought it was more subtle than that.
Pokemon is aimed at a new generation of kids everytime they change regions so Ash winning is irrelevant, it's actually better for them this way since they can just recycle the same main character with minimal changes over and over.
I'm just saying every other show in this demographic ends the protagonist winning the thing or beating the bad guy or whatever the fuck. Be it Yu-Gi-Oh or Beyblade or Digimon or any other
Having him lose Kalos was an enormous mistake.
DP would've been a good place. Ash had a great team, he met each member of the Elite 4, met Cynthia a few times, his rivalry with Paul was the best the anime has had. Yeah, would've been pretty good to have Ash win the Sinnoh League.
How is it that no one knows who Ash is despite all these high as fuck finishes?
Explain further.
No one gives a shit if he wins a league now. Kalos had all the hype behind it and fans got the rug pulled out from under them again.
There was actually an episode of BW where he entered a small tournament and the announcer listed off all his league placements when he stepped up to the arena. It might have been a Don Battle but I watched it years ago at this point so I don't remember.
T. Specialcuck still salty about not getting an anime?
A bunch of adults got disappointed. It didn't affect their bottom line. Where's the mistake?
>Implying they will
user, he loses a fucking pin pong Match there's no way he's winning the league.
Considering it's pretty obvious they didn't make that, I'd say it's a lot more likely you're one of the falseflaggers and shitposters mentioned in Which makes me wonder just what the hell is up with this:
What makes someone devote so much time over so many years screeching and spamming lies about how supposedly shitty some general on some other board is? Do you think this is some sort of clever lie that everyone is going to fall for? This has to be one of the most autistic hate parades I've ever seen.