Kanami's thighs.
Toji no Miko
>this ep
Reminder that Yume, Yomi's only friend, has died. Yomi literally has no friends now.
>tfw Yume is in the world of yume
>there were people who thought Yukari was right and justice?
Remove those Aradama spies.
>Yume is dead
>we'll never actually get to see Yomi's double-peace smile on screen
Ellen's legs
She couldnt have stopped the great aradama without yukaris help
Yukari-sama did nothing wrong. She spent decades trying to find someone else who could kill her because her guards were too incompetent.
Remove speedwatchers instead.
Yeah, but some thought she was working with Aradama for a righteous cause or something. The truth as we know it is different. She wasn't in control.
So what exactly was Yume's terminal illness even? Heart problems? Cancer? AIDS?
Yukari deserved better. She just wanted to save her friends. Her friends who got to live their lives and produce daughters who filled there worlds with love and would eventually save the world. Yukari is a hero.
>goes full suffering next cour
>Sayaka dies but because they don't do THAT THING she comes back as an aradama
>Mai has to put her down
How would you react?
Too smug for this world.
>moe anime girl can't handle her own moe
>she was working with Aradama for a righteous cause
Saving your 2 gay lovers is a righteous cause
I mean, so long as they're your gay lovers, yes
Tell me about the cookies, Mai.
And she didn't do a very good job of it
But she turned them straight. That's the worst kind of punishment.
Why is Sayaka so sexual?
Child Yume was so precious
It's not her fault that the next generation of Tojis is populated by jobbers.
You have an autism fetish.
Hiyori was right.
Is Yomi zombie?
Their true spirit was still swordsexual.
No, she's a host that has not yet been consumed entirely.
>the strongest Toji alive is either Kanami or Maki
What a talentless generation.
We had just about zero insight into Yukari's internal workings anyway. The truth is they were both victims, and while Yukari was being used by Tagitsuhime she still put into practice what she had learned about noro to try to help toji.
Yomi is so cute
All is forgiven.
Thinking about it, it was probably Minato's fault that Yukari took the deal.
She was resolved enough to lose one friend, but losing a second shook her resolve enough for he to take the deal.
Reminder to NOT NTR Kaoru.
She has a second nipple
Ellen wouldn't have to do that if Kaoru would do her job properly and promptly.
I dislike aradama a lot.
Dumb sword girl doesn't isn't good at strategy
anyone still have the Kaoru one from the set?
Dumb Minato poster isn't good at English.
Tuberculosis like Okita for sure.
Now I want doujins of Minato in Kanami's body.
>Protect your friends so they can have daughterus
>Never get the chance to have one of your own
She took on such a burden to save her friends, why could no one save her? Why did they all write her off for dead without trying?
convince me to pick this up for the second cour. don't think I'll be watching a lot next season
The Aradama clearly tricked her though, it made it seem like it would just sleep for a couple decades and instead it took immediate control of her body and made it so she wouldn't be able to warn anyone and instead she would set up everything to make it easier for the Aradama to win.
They better be rescuing Yume from the netherlands.
That edgeshitter is dead as shit. Either accept it or fuck off.
It's not like it gave her much of a choice, but it still seems like everyone was quick to write her off for dead. Even her own sister.
>the evil demon on the brink of being defeated was untrustworthy
Who could have possibly seen this coming
There's no coming back from the Netherlands. Her soul, such as it was, has already been put to use as fertilizer for the tulips.
>for dead
Yukari won't even get peace in death, she got sealed with the aradama princess.
If Minato was varying degrees of dead so can anyone else.
That ain't Mai!
There had to have been some back and forth. Yukari comments on them both having Chidori and Kogarasumaru and yet Tagitsuhime had no idea they were coming in that final battle. You could even say she had a hand in Hiyori getting Kogarasumaru since it had only just recently been assigned to her.
Yukina breastfeeding Yomi...
Just let Yume rest, she suffered enough.
Why would Mai get breastfed by Ellen?
Yukina-sama is my beautiful wife
So that she can recover her strength after cockieing Sayaka.
And there's a good chance she may now be seen as a villain to history.
>implying she'd waste her sweet nectar on that failure
If anything, it's the other way around, Yomi gives her fresh Toji-milk to keep her youthful appearances.
I think this is the first time I see a nursing handjob between girls.
are really lewd
She's like a walking toji succubus
Daam Ellen is on a roll
She was in control for 20 years. Meaning Mokusa was being retarded and interfering for several years when Yukari had bigger fish to fry
The babyface is ruining it.
>She was in control for 20 years.
Aradama pls.
It's not like there was any way to tell what she was doing. Maybe she should have considered telling someone what was going on.
It is considering how easily Minato stomped Yukari
Are jap swords the only swords not made with a mold? I don't want to sound like an overbearing weeb, I like the gladius more, but the process looks way cooler than pouring molten metal into a mold.
Nah the aradama didn't know about the swords despite Yukari commenting on them and on guiding their growth
>noro put into elite guards was a part of Tagitsu
Yeah, I wonder what will happen to Yume's body.
Is it too much to ask for the art to resemble the character designs?
>explaining things.
If people did that 80% of anime and manga would end prematurely.
Don't you mean Yomi, she has the most noro.
Yeah but this is supposed to be oh so much better written than most anime, according to the people that keep hyping it up.
they probably tried mold but since the iron they had in japan was so fucking terrible they probably went with folding it 1000x to strenghten it
Maybe Tagitsu-hime was especially vulnerable to those two swords and Yukari wanted to find wielders before breaking the truce?
>was a part of Tagitsu
I don't think it works that way, but the netherworld is one giant "here there be dragons" on the map of this show so far. Anyway, unless you want to buy into Suzuka suddenly being some hyper-competent secret evil mastermind, Yume's body should be taken care of.
I think they could spot that chip on your shoulder from space. Maybe it'll get explained in future episodes, who knows. We only just found out about it in an episode that introduced a hundred questions.
At least she's still very cute.
Yukari might think so because of the grace period, but Tagitsu Hime was taking advantage and ended up using Yukari. Plus, when Hiyori tried to kill Yukari, Tagitsu stopped her as if she could just take over when necessary. I'm sure using Noro on the elite was Tagitsu's idea and not Yukari either so it's not a recent thing.
>I don't think it works that way
It literally does. She tracked Mokusa base by growing eyes on the one they took from Yomi.
Excuse me Ms. Demon Princess, I really have to tell you that you look incredibly silly
>VERY fast toji jin'i-ing at incredible hihg speed
Emotionless sex with Yomi-san!!
Have fun with the aradamAIDS.
What if she bleeds and you get butterflies on your dick?
>cum inside and pull-out
>afterwards one of those creepy aradama eye-stalks crawls out of her vagina investigating