How did a show so unappealing to otaku manage to make so much money?
How did a show so unappealing to otaku manage to make so much money?
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By appealing to women. Male otaku only care about mobage now, women are carrying the anime industry.
Stay on the stalker threads and fight with the other flops.
It is a flop.
Would you mind posting the stalker info then?
Fuck you I'm outta here
You fags shilled this for 2 years calling it an award winning literary masterpiece and magnum opus of the best studio and what you got?
>5k seller not even close to Amagi and Hibike
How to cope with insecurity:
Intimidate, lash, and continue to act high and mighty
Get off your high horse already, Kyoanifags. Your mediocre studio failed.
Eye candy + Soap opera = Babies first anime mastahpiece.
VEG already got BTFO by Yuru Camp and Sora Yori.
>comparing stalker points with oricon numbers
Guess which shows you mentioned were also projected at 5k?
The one that was not shilled for years
Cute names, but are they worth $15M ?
>muh China!
Already proven irrelevant threads ago, this is your last (You) from me.
>Outsold by yuru camp and some no name CGDCT show by flophouse
How can VEGetable shills recover?
If you are going to pull all possible assets out, then the report of massive Yuru Camp manga selling out everywhere confirms so.
How much is Fraxx manga that sold 100k?
You mean the one that's not even done airing but already has a new movie underway?
>copy paste of one of the most influencial female leads of all time, Saber
>doesn't even eat, doesn't have to shit
>retconned any possible hint that could be mistaken for NTR
>blank canvas of personality so she can be whatever nerds want to make of her
>even called a doll multiple times to this effect
>not pandering
She's a copycat in a cheap melodrama show that literally only exists to pander to otaku.
You've proven yourself to have a low IQ, sorry user.
And sold faaaaaaaar below what you all wanted
Nowhere near $15M.
And we've yet to bring up Netflix cash and BD sales not just from amazon.
Wow I guess Tamako Market was a smashing success because it got a movie.
>only job of the show is to appeal to otaku
>sells otaku merch
Made me think
That was first week Volume 1.
Don't know about Yuru camp but sure as hell it is far above your 15M
ITT triggerfags projecting
Stop replying to the chink shill, he just pulls numbers out of his ass.
Tamako did worse than VEG and got what most big sellers don't get.
Stop with the faggotry and semantics, did it sell well or not you actual fucking niggers?
Easy math.
Take the full price for Yuru BD, no discount, and multiply it by an absurd 20k sales, far above the prediction.
You get about 18.9% of $15M.
Always the prideful and pretentious fools.
I don't care about your Kyoani but I bet they would quit once they realized you are their fans
He's probably some SEAnigger as chinese can't even check Sup Forums under their dictatorship. I wonder how this SEAnigger finds time to shitpost between starving and having to fend off raiders from his mudshack
Add the entire asset, my friend. Manga, merch, stream, tv ranking, etc.
I mean,
No streaming site paid it well as it was never popular and still isn't outside of niconico.
How much did the manga and stuff sell? It should be easy math.
Natsume is still on going at 1k. That's not impressive
>Show sucks
>Women buy it in droves
as a general rule, if a show BTFOs Sup Forums this hard is probably worth your time.
except sequels but thats common sense.
Natsume makes cash but not from BD.
Wow I guess Black Panther is a masterpiece because it BTFO Sup Forums.
Can't confirm, the anime is shit don't waste your time.
I honestly ouldn't be bothered to check it. A success in BD is a success in everything else.
Especially when it is triple your VEG
They hit jackpot by pandering to austists
Volume 6 sold 53k in a week buddy.
It just broke into the top 10 top selling manga in Japan.
>saber knockoff
>not otaku pandering
This but ironically.
I never said those 2 weren't successful.
It's also not triple by the way.
So much this
Cool, let's believe you and assume it sold 53k in one week.
That's about 2%.
Can we expect more anime pandering to normalfags in the future if VEG sells well?
>in the future
if only you knew...
>believing Oricon is accurate for print sales
Nice job outing yourself as an idiot.
Intelligent post
Yuru camp manga is priced at $10 x 53k
$530000 or 28% off your $15M
For 1 volume
I expect that Volume 1-3 sold 4x that
53 thousand manga volumes in a week is 2% of what exactly?
You're into deep delusion if you think VEG is the biggest money maker this season.
600¥ != $10. 920¥ != $10
Stay in school.
Don't go to that link guys, I think it's a virus
Will the major get mad bros?
>A series about an emotionally dead cute girl who is also a former soldier learns the true meaning of wuv
>Unappealing to otaku
What fucking universe are you from?
>and also she's an immortal demigod who can naruto run to take down soldiers and carries a giant axe and doesn't poop
People saying this show doesn't pander to otakus must be insane, even the rest of the characters are just pump and dump trash to make their waifu more desirable.
Close enough. Add the merch or whatever to make up to my mistake
>and doesn't poop
Is it confirmed?
No fanservice.
No beach episode, no swimsuit or onsen bullshit.
No love triangle.
No fagbait.
No character gimmick.
No catchphrase.
No k-on carbon copies like Yuru and Sora.
No comfy themes.
No high school escapism.
No happiness.
No longer autistic.
>It's a netflix bot post in Sup Forums episode again
>No character gimmick.
you fucked up mate.
I didn't. Her old behavior of acting oblivious to things is long gone.
It's almost as if good stories are what counts.
Learn the priorities of otakus, all that's pandering to the masses, pandering to otaku is about waifuism. No matter how hard KyoAni tries they can't teach what love is through some autistic saber doll and whatever pillow merch they shit.
>robot learns how to love
>super human powers
>not character gimmick
Not to otaku.
> Long gone
> 1 1/2 episodes.
Admit it already, 4/5 of the anime is trash.
>No fanservice
>No fagbait
>No love triangle
>No character gimmick.
Fucking lies
>No comfy themes.
I'm sorry, that idealistic not!Europe setting isn't supposed to be comfy? Nor is dealing with tragedy through comfort and empathy. Could've fooled me.
>No k-on carbon copies
No, you just got Eva/Fate carbon copies
>1 1/2
>not 6
Goddamn you're delusional.
What is this? Your fifth anime ever?
m-maste.. major p-please don't hit me anymore
Don't use Haruhi to shitpost
>good stories
Violet evergarden is literally the anime equivalent of those "monster of the week" shows except it's "cry of the week".
Story is barebones to say the least.
Kyoani would never pander and VEG is a great example of that. It's an artistic masterpiece and is above most plebeians on Sup Forums. I'm also looking forward to the next season of Free!
>facts are shitposts
Safe space much?
>literal pretentious faggot
Is this peak meta?
Go back to facebook.
1281th if my excel file is correct.
stop shitposting retard.
Why are we still talking about this flop again?
That explain the shit taste.
>Kyoani would never pander
Oh my fucking god.
Kyoanustards are confirmed moron.
>still extremely shit taste
Some people are born with shit taste and die with shit taste.
I'm sorry, user.
(((Netflix))) propaganda.
Nice projection bros.
Nowadays I drop almost 90% of all shows I pick up because they're so damn worthless.
If you don't do the same then you never acquired standards.
Stop embarrasing yourself.
I, personally am looking forward to the archery anime. Free was a masterpiece and proves that Kyoani doesn't have to resort to pandering and fanservice to make money. They have raw talent and are experts at storytelling.
Still a very long way off of 15M
lol the only reason this series is doing better in chinese is because the translation is making it a better series.
you faggots are so happy over the success of a completely different series
t. chink who TL's ravages of time
The fact that it appealed to more than otaku aside, Kemono Friends was a thing.
Speaking of Kemono Friends, that could easily be called "area of the week". Hell, most of Utena can be called "duel of the week". Maybe there's more to an anime than what we can gruffly minimalize them to.
>you have to be a literal chink insect to truly "get" VEG
You cannot make this up.
Let's not kid ourselves here. Archery boys will be a carbon copy of Free.
The subs looked fine to me.