Why is she so thicc for a loli?
Why is she so thicc for a loli?
So she can take a good hard pounding.
Because she can produce her estrogens without any ovarian follicles straight outta her authors' ink.
She eats too many carbs.
thicc loli best loli
>thicc xD
Can nigger memeshit be banned?
That's just how they are, you need to go out and see more lolis
All loli’s should be nice and plump
So she can give birth to a healthy baby!
you people need jesus
Elementary school girl has a nice ass???
I'll pray so my 2d loli won't die during the childbirth. I think we will make it.
Is Blue Ai also a normalfag loli like Kanna? I always knew Red Ai and Ginko were better.
Have faith in her user, she's stronger then you think she is.
I also want JC milk.
Well you'll have to marry one first.
It's the same artist as pic above you which has the title in the image.
It's in a tank, that's all I remember.
found it, thanks
I can just kidnap a JC?
Wait for it to become legal first pedo.
No you can't user
She doesn't deserve love
There's no love in femdom, there's no need for it.
is this official art? Because she ain't thicc at all.
breh, go back to your containment board.
This genuinely made me laugh. Thanks, user.
Hugs are great.
Jumping hugs are better
Jumping loli hugs are best
Isn't thicc common every-man slang now, like "that's the bomb-diggity"?
Not as thick as Kanna.
what's so funny
Chubby Vivio is perfection
They're probably like 15. If they're older well you can blame murica they basically worship braindead ni ggers
Why are Yandere lolis the best?
who the hell says a loli is bomb-diggity?
cant outrun the cunny
the fact that my dick is hard from thinking about it
the fact that your microdick is hard is funny indeed
how would you know his dick size, you weirdo?
it's funny
you're funny
I really, really like this conversation.
thanks, reddit
>shogi is lame
>lolis are lame
Get on my level.
Shut your fucking mouth
Shogi is great
you can play?
I want to pound this JS pussy so hard the entire neighborhood will be able to hear.
why do you need everyone to hear?
Love needs to be heard.
this is not love. you are animal
Why are JK so sexy recently?
No need to jealous, ESL-kun. You can get Megane.
what is esl
*to be
You don't?
Little girls in anime arent designed to be little girls. They are made to be tiny adult woman so they sell more product to desperate virgins like yourself
From a glance at the thumbnail she looks like she has little T-rex arms.