The klaxosaurs are not evil. You have all been fooled
Darling in the FranXX
Does Sup Forums ship MitsuKoko? And if so does that mean Sup Forums likes NTR now?
The city is degenerate as fuck. The klaxosaurs are only trying to rid the earth of a landfill.
>Sup Forums is one group of degenerate outcasts
I want to scream in her ear
Kokoro never loved the fatty in the first place
I'm waiting for NTR apologist to get BTFO when it shows that the connection not only fails but results in Kokoro and Milkmans death.
02 a best.
Miku a second best.
the show is not even good you have all been fooled
XTH for post-timeskip 02 a qt
I see feet
this will be the episode that ends the kokoro infidelity meme
this is a waste of an atdan
I like them and I would still like them even if they were one of the initial pairs I don't care for NTR, they are just cute.
Without Milkman shitposting we don't have much left.
Of course people would prefer it. The problem is that Fatoshi is the only boy that is not cute or appealing in any way.
NTRfags have always tried to get into everyones minds on this site. It's fucking disgusting.
I agree but I'll still watch it
Milkposting is the bread and butter of DitF threads
Fatty was a piece of shit from the very beginning.
Bringing bread to the locker room and shit.
Also, he is shown more happy with food than to be with Kokoro.
How many scenes does he have alone with Kokoro that is not part of piloting?
>shitposter claims episode 9 wasn't the end of Ichigo drama
>however Ichigo shitposting dissapeared after that episode
really makes you think
Milk X Bread X Honey. Which one will come out on top at the end of DiTF?
Just wait until Ichigo starts going M-MUH HIRO again
it's over user. It's all Hiro02 drama now with some Ichigoro development
That shit was obnoxious.. She deserved getting bullied for it.
It's time to let go.
How dangerous are dinos exactly?
Stop falseflagging
I remind them.
Very. Just look at her breaking the containment line and glomping this boy.
Based yurifag
I don't hate this.
>02fags shitpost because they fear for their ship.
>when there's nothing to fear, they don't shitpost
How is this even news?
>she will never feed you lolipops with that look on her face
in 02 a Gyaru in a middle-class city (the plantation)?
>when there's nothing to fear, they don't shitpost
because it's dead and buried?
>It's over
I wish, but something tells me it's not.
doesn't matter
they are evil to humans because they go behind their energy source, simple as that
Ikuno needs to make her move already so fanartist have something to work with.
Main plot line has just been leaked guys. I wish I was making this up.
>a billion 600-reply threads the entire week
At least wait until the episode airs.
BASED Mitsuru-sama!
Didn't he get whipped in the very next episode without actually stealing anyone?
There are still three girls he can try.
Kokoro doesn't have a boyfriend.
>can't even ntr shitpost right
you tried man
>implying that's not the point
who cares, all the kids are clones and will die either way. 02 will probably go berserk and kill everybody upon entering demon form and hiro will end up paralytic or something
the resets that were episodes 3 and 6?
God I wish I had a Zero Tsu to curl up in my lap and fall asleep with her head on my shoulder.
Ikunofags can't draw
i remember the shitstorm
I want to kiss her on the forehead and tuck under the covers and stick a frozen Popsicle up her butt
>Tfw been cucked but have also cucked someone else
Do your best milkman and fatty
You'll both be okay regardless
It's simple. We need to shatter the status quo.
So what stampede mode are the other Franxx going to have?
>Genista = turtle
>Chlorophytum = some kind of bird
>Delphinium = some kind of fish (?)
>Argentea = ?????
Are you having fun user?
>You'll both be okay regardless
yep, in the end everything is going to be fine
twintails move back and become bull horns
Argentea looks like a goat
Argentea = Devil
>Delphinium = some kind of fish (?)
The hood/crest/hat thing makes me think cobra, and it is a poisonous flower.
I want to tease her for her childish tastes.
>I don't think such a recent event could have caused Mitsuru's behavior.
I don't think it did either, it just was the perfect excuse to his own issues. Mitsuru always kept his distance. It resulted in what he's today.
Yeah, I framed that in the wrong way, but I don't think the sequence of events is that important so much as their causes: that Mitsuru is doing what he's doing as a defense mechanism, and his distrust isn't supposed to attack others so much as keep himself safe. That's what I'm arguing for. He has wanted to hurt Hiro and made mistakes, but he's not only that.
>Whatever made him this way had enough time to simmer to leave a long-lasting mark.
Yes, there's also the possibility that there was another event unrelated to this. But we don't know that yet.
>He lived with these nice kids who would've accepted him and given him the security you claim he wants if he were nice in the first place
But he didn't know how to be nice. If you see a problem, you don't know how to solve it, and don't know how to tell others about it in a way that won't expose them, that's not going to be a good situation to you.
>Hiro is constantly shown to actually train in the first arc
Yes, after he nearly killed himself. And it took him weeks to be back in form. He wasn't sure about anything until episode 4. Mitsuru got fucked up and was back up before leaving the hospital. Hiro will only move when he has a dream in his head, bu it either his previous dream or Zero Two.
>Zorome and probably Miku want to improve
Zorome and Miku wanted to be second to no one, that can be a motivation for improving, but it's not the same as actually being critical.
What I mean by saying only Mitsuru and Zero Two want to improve is that they were critical on basically on their own. She of the Adults and he of his friends. Hiro is starting to question things now; but this was only after he saw how things affected Zero Two, who already didn't like how things were, not on his own.
She's gonna be done with that, prolly oni-chan though.
>Genista = turtle
what, I thought it was a gorilla/duck?
Black Peter?
I don't like the direction where I think this show is going if that's the case.
I want him to use that mouth+tongue on me
*Black Philip
it's not good to ogle your pistil, Goro
save that for the battlefield
>Baphomet like horns
You might be onto something.
W- what does it matter?!
I want to believe but breaking the status quo this soon seems too good to be true.
I-I don't like where this is going
Argentea is going to become Nosferatu Zodd
Satan is pink?
70% of happening if Hiro gets hurt or starts dying from riding with 02 again because plot.
metaphorically, hairpin = leash and collar.
it's a japanese thing.
We will never see Argentea's stampede mode, ace pilot Zorome would never lose conciousness and Miku would never cuck him as she knows there is literally no one out there that can reign her in
Look at this loser. Still playing with stuffed animals.
she'll move on to bigger toys soon
>he thinks Zorome doesn't want to rile up Miku even more
Ahahahaha. No.
Argentea's secret is that its always in stampede mode.
I'm scared, bros.
Satan is very gay
It turns out the most savage man. (scare chord)
What frightens you, friend?