Yarichin Bitch Club Anime


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Anime is saved.

Why are the necks detailed like that? Looks gross

Out of all the BL why this one

Why not this one? I can't think of one fanservice BL anime.

Director: Ai Yoshimura
Series Comp: Noel Escondo
Design: Koji Haneda
Music: Shuuji Katayama

Yuusuke Kobayashi
Daiki Hamano
Ayumu Murase
Kentaro Kumagai
Takuya Sato
Yuuki Ono
Tsubasa Yonaga
Masahiro Yamanaka

Yūsuke Kobayashi as Takashi Tōno
Daiki Hamano as Yū Kashima
Ayumu Murase as Kyōsuke Yaguchi
Kentarō Kumagai as Jimmy
Takuya Satō as Ayato Yuri
Yuuki Ono as Yui Tamura
Tsubasa Yonaga as Keiichi Akemi
Masahiro Yamanaka as Kōshirō Itome
Masatomo Nakazawa as Itsuki Shikatani


why is this allowed

Why don't fujo anime have good fanservice? Simply compare this to Hayate no Gotoku and the difference is embarrassing.

The mushrooms represent their penises.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hayate no gotoku doesn't have gang rape and sex toys

No, it actually has good fan service.

Because it's harder to make boys lewd without it being porn. Imagine that male equivalent of fanservice staples like pantyshots, boob jiggling, camel toe, girls rubbing on each other's tits etc.

You can't show visible penis lines or dick swinging on TV.

Just write a good story first. Then add fanservice in later. It's guaranteed to work. KHR is a fujo show done right.

>good story

Also you can't compare a shounen manga that fujoshi happened to latch onto because of the pretty boys to Yarichin Bitch Bu which is actually gay and intended for them.

Theres a gangbang in this isn't there?

In the special chapter, the character enjoys it and joins their club.

What do the mushrooms represent?

Well that's only because I don't read female centered manga because they all suck. The best gay fanservice is in male orientated stories.


Because it doesn't matter to fujos the physical aspect as much as the mental aspect in yaoi.

>tfw the only thing I dislike from this author gets an anime
BL anime can never be done right.

This doesn't look any good at all.

Is this how guys feel when you are looking forward to good fanservice and end up watching trash like shobitch, green green or bikini warriors?
At least we can agree that doujins are always there to save us.

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Why not this one? It looks fantastic

is this yuri?

There are barely any sexualized fanservice shows for women so you can't compare the two. Straight guys have a plethora of fanservice shows to choose from so if they don't like one, they can easily find another.

What's "good" male fanservice?

This wasn't bad.

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>Yū Kashima

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This wasn't bad either. The story wasn't anything special but at least they put money and effort into it.

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>Simply compare this to Hayate no Gotoku
That's a weird comparison. I can't even imagine the male equivalent of pic related.

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Showing off the boys' charm points in a lewd but natural way . Not having the fanservice just be wet clothes, ujnbuttoned white dress shirts and shirtless scenes with poorly drawn muscles. Less fujobait in your face just to sell viewers.

I mean I say that but I still wish there was a trashy TLR for girls.

Does the size of the mushroom correlate to the size of their dicks?

>physical aspect doesn't matter
You mean visual aspect? If so this is an anime you know.

the male equivalent of Hayate no Gotoku IS Hayate no gotoku.

No nipples. Also not a harem.

I didn't see any enoki, so no.

I feel like T&B did a good job of this, it just needed more of it.

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I think the only way for fanservice to be natural is if the guys were doing something where being undressed made sense, like a sport. Otherwise, fanservice is inherently unnatural. The whole point is to "service" the "fans" with things that make them excited/aroused.

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Come now. Just because it doesn't happen often doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

There is more to an anime than visuals, you know.

What I love is that the author doesn't give a fuck. She ended her best selling manga after one year hiatus and finished it in 4 chapters without previous notification.

I scrolled past this quickly and thought it was new nozaki-kun from the thumbnail, not very happy with you OP

>I mean I say that but I still wish there was a trashy TLR for girls.
Same here. I guess Adekan would be the closest thing if it ever gets an anime adaptation, but compared to TLR it has less raunchy fanservice scenes.

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We'll never get another yaoi hentai like Sensitive Pornograph

Yeah. Which is why the fanservice is something you add to a tight plot. Like HnG.

They truly look like bitches

Plus not a lot of het which would put it into TLR territory. Only problem with het is that no matter who it's aimed at the girl will get the camera, so it won't be that easy to make a 1:1 trashy service show.

Wish there's visible dicks and penetration

Kyousuke is best boy


>Having anything good

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I want Yuri to do things to me

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>This will sell more then your favorite spring anime

How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?

I want this, but with hot and sexy girls

Spring is shit anyways

Great Sup Forums image bro!

Since the yuri anime that was recently adapted was shit, might as well adapt a shitty yaoi manga