Goblin Slayer PV
Goblin Slayer PV
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dark souls the anime looking good i doubt they would be able to keep that level of quality for 12 episodes. also not one goblin what the hell is up with that?
>not one goblin
Just how he likes it.
>Quiet but high pitched voice
HNNNGGGGGHHHH, I can already tell that I'm going to love the sound design.
>White Fox
Should be fun to do some "Oh nononono.. AHAHAHAHA" posting around the 4th episode.
>that CG
>All those explosion
What the fuck am I watching?
Explosion Slayer. Killer of Megumin
Director: Takaharu Ozaki (Girls' Last Tour)
Series Composition/Script: Hideyuki Kurata
Script: Yousuke Kuroda
Character Design: Takashi Nagayoshi
OP Theme: Mili
Studio: White Fox
I feel like White Fox is trying to misled clueless people into thinking Goblin Slayer is some sort of epic hero when the reality is that he is just a broken man who kills goblins.
>ttps://youtu.be/mlIgcYE6FPk [Remove]
CG backgrounds are more or less the norm nowadays, what needs to stay 2D no matter what are the characters or we would get garbage like houseki no kuni.
Just like how the manga and LN mislead their reader with the LN cover and rape manga first chapter right?
Really makes you think.
Looks fine outside of the weird tree CG and random explosions. Did they hide goblins in the trees?
Can anyone get a good snip of GS at 0:51?
Michael Bay is directing Goblin Slayer.
>Director: Takaharu Ozaki (Girls' Last Tour)
>Series Composition/Script: Hideyuki Kurata
>Script: Yousuke Kuroda
>Character Design: Takashi Nagayoshi
>OP Theme: Mili
>Studio: White Fox
what is so wrong with this?
Goblins are misunderstood victims.
I think he's just being retarded. Or maybe he literally hates everything that's good.
Only a goblin would say this
>yfw Goblin Slayer literally is a Revenant
Even if he dies, he will come back out of pure hate for goblins, and at that point, there is no stopping him.
>All those literal whos
>what is so wrong with this?
The only goblin that isn't misunderstood is the one that just stays in their stinking cave.
Where can I find a sword maiden gf?
>only well known people can make great things these days
I mean I'm all for being cautious but come the fuck on.
Sounds like an epic hero to me.
>He does not let anyone roll the dice
>dat music
When I imagine Goblin Slayer anime inside my head I'm thinking of it looking something like Ninja Scroll. Not the exact same artstyle and character design of course but something along the lines of Ninja Scroll.
I don't want it to look cutesy like the manga and I certainly don't want it to look like Berserk.
Huh, his eye glare has a cross-like glare on my vid. Still that whole scene is screenshot worthy.
i just looked up everyone on the list and all have done shit for multiple successful series, no need to worry m8
>implying a fantasy setting would have anything like that
Don't go secondary on us, user.
Go back to Sup Forums, your autism is spilling out of your pockets.
But they are well known? Each of them have a lot of series under their belt that I did like. Equally some I didn't like.
I need MOAR of that fucking Nier level awesome music.
>CG backgrounds
I'm a lil worried
>make him look like a fucking ringwraith instead of a guy in dirty worn out gear like he really is
way to miss the fucking point
That's the stuff!
Look, they didn't break the cardinal sin like they do every modern Berserk. They drew the fucking characters.
I can live with CG backgrounds. I wish they would fucking get good at CG though so that we didn't have to cry about it every single fucking time.
it's going to be Berserk all over again
how so ? females being raped is a very real and constant threat still in the manga
In the eyes of those shaken by his presence, he is like some vengeful undead creature.
Only his close friends see him as a person wearing dirty gear.
Oh. Sugita and Nakamura are dwarf and lizard. Neat.
Ogura Yui is priestess, Uchida Maaya is receptionist, Iguchi Yuuka is cowgirl, Hikasa Youko is witch and speardude is Matsuoka.
Touyama Nao as elf is a very fitting addition to her slut chart.
This better have Takuma Terashima using his deep voice for GS.
That's your voice actors for everyone.
>absolutely nothing to do with goblin slayer outside of the MC itself just standing there
oh boy this is going to be something
No ? Everyone at the guild takes him for the obsessed, scruffy nerd he is. He inspires fear in precisely nobody, just contempt from other adventurers that don't really understand what his deal is.
Welp. They fucked up the eye effect.
Umehara is pretty solid too I'm pleased!!
I would swap priest's voice with elf's.
why does goblin slayer has the voice of a mary sue voice?
hopefully the OST features djent
Your not going to get a animated pan of a forest, pre or post CG, outside a high budget movie.
I wish all the Heide armor was in DS3.
that armor animation just looks damn too good,how many episode until the anime went full quality?
2 at best
the sound mix is fucking so bad holy shit
Characters having a dumb red eye is probably my favorite cliche.
Is it supposed to represent a piercing gaze or does the author just think it's cool.
Represents a maddened vengeful glare.
3 episode until they run out of gas
Konosuba S3
CG crappy copypaste forest - the preview.
So excited.
Nigga you should be jacking off to the armor like the rest of us.
What are you, gay?
>just discovered the group's music like a week ago
Houseki no kuni had action scenes that made 90% of the animes that passed in 2017 being humiliated, had fluidity, details and the most impressive, consistency in the 12 episodes created, that was a high level CG. It's one thing to hate something from the Berserk 2016-2017 level, another thing is to be biased or 2d bitch.
moreover, with the art that the manga has, it would hardly look better in 2d.
just because you have a completely garbage opinion doesn't mean you have to spread it everywhere
3d is objectively shit. Fuck off to Sup Forums
I feel like that is going to mislead people, he isn't even close to op.
>DOOM-tier music
Just wait for people to make AMVs with doom music.
How will they reach when their "waifus" be raped and killed in the first episode?
itll be a repeat of when the first chapter got posted.
The Monk girl is going to get spammed for a few weeks until the next episode.
I can't wait for the shitstorm it'll cause on tumblr and twitter
>he doesn't let anybody roll the dice
Fucker there's a d20 for a reason.
>Every cut of GS is 2D drawn
I want to believe.
Also will it based on manga or the LN, story wise?
Only Haruhi is suitable for that flashy showcase right?
Jokes asides, he is op for goblins anyway.
I take 10.
>CG gobbos
>CG backgrounds
>CG crowd
>CG animals
>CG rape
Don't know about you guys but I'm not liking this one bit.
It will either be ignorable, good, or hilarious.
either way no harm done to the series.
>Goboori sooreya-san!
How far along is the LN? Damn, I thought it would be another 20-30 manga chapters before and adaption.
We get to see the "totally not 2B guys" goddess animated. Sweet.
She also did nothing wrong.
>he doesn't let anybody roll the dice
>big gob's rolling detection check
Who knows? Doubt there's a any huge differences between the manga and light novel.
I've only read the manga and the art is god tier
I think the manga is up to volume 3 of the light novels and there are like 5 volumes out rn
should i read the light novel from the beginning or start from where the manga is at?
>anime original ending
Kill me now
it's gary stu. mary sue is for womenlets
Had to fix the PV
There's no Haruhi in the manga, and the manga also lacks plenty of worldbuilding.
Can I trust that you'll be making GS AMVs with Doom music?
No way, Priestess VA is perfect.
My only complaints are CG and GG's VAs. They don't fit their images at all, especially GG's.
Now that's what I'm talking about.
Tis the no-fun-allowed elf's fault. No fire, no poison gas, no breaking the sewers.
Kenjiro Tsuda should have voiced Goblin Slayer.
I'm not too sure how i like GS's VA, soun ds too smooth, and not rough like I would imagine.
kill self, child
>it actually fits the scene changes and the final part
GS a barely above teenager, not some old fart.
GS is 20yo. He has to sound somewhat youthful.
fuck, you're right
I imagined priestess with a cuter voice desu. I don't know who's gonna voice CG and GG, gotta check em.
And GS stills triggers me. I won't get used to it until a couple of episodes in.