Golden Kamuy
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Dat vocal at the end, nice.
Looking real good, especially after how dissappointed I was after Kengan Ashua and Hi Score Girl turned out to be CGI shit.
>Hi Score Girl
I checked it out but what the fuck. Probably still gonna watch anyway since I love the manga.
Additional cast
Kohei Nikaido / Yohei: Tomokazu Sugita
Tetsuzou Nihei: Otsuka Akio
Kazuo Henmi: Toshihiko Seki
>Henmi animated
Sweet. Going to be rushed as fuck though.
I Hope they go with I'M THE IMMORTAL SUGIMOTO with the subs
>inb4 they change it into Sugimoto the Undying
Sugimoto the Immortal is better
>Gorururururururuden Kamui
Whose VA was that? Shiraishi's?
My Viz copy of the manga has "I'm Immortal Sugimoto", they'll probably go with that even if it doesn't sound as good.
how can you tell which voice is his
Why was this guy CG in the trailer
Not him but TsudaKen's voice is distinctive and recognisable.
something something boner
Man I hope they get the humor right. Trailer looked little too misleading. Too serious.
Because they're going to get to him?
How many episodes?
I'm fucking hype
It's shit. Source? Any chance of split cours?
how the fuck
Same, its looking good
>Houchu as Tsurumi and Nakata for Hijikata
AOTS incoming. Hope you fuckers are ready to the series' popularity to explode
RIP all the comfy ainu shit
With 12 episodes?
It looks better than I expected.
I pray to god they're fucking with us wrt that. 12 episodes... per cour! psych!
Kill yourself you newfag nigger.
Calm down, nerd.
So 50+ chapters crammed into 12 episodes?
Have some faith anons. I think they'd stick with the hodgepodge, it'd lose its charm otherwise.
BD/DVD only all 3 volumes
>>第一話~第四話収録 収録分数:本編94分+特典30分(予定)
I got goosebumps.
damned, i throught they would stop at the end of Nihei story arc, and last scene would be Tsurimi making his speech a his men while Hijitaka retrieving his Katana from the bank heist. That would have been a perfect ending and a great teaser for the next season.
if they do Hemni's arc, and only make 12 episode, it's gonna be rushed as fuck, and might event go as far as '' Oganyan visits Huci a her Kotan' since it won't introduce anyone new and Ogata would get more screentime ( because i re read the manga not a long time ago, and Ogata's frist appearance an fight isn't giving him any favour ( he end up falling in a frozen river and spend month in coma, i'm not even sure the author wanted him back in the story a this point) He's a pretty popular character after all.
they did not annonce Kiroranke in this adaptation, did they ? Because he only appears in chapter 47, that would be a clue how far they can get .
There will be defiantly a 2nd cour considering the director hinted ienega and inkarmat
Also Ogata has surgery scars on a bunch of the promotional images, which he only appears with in like chapter 40+.
All in one cour. One convict per episode.
Goodbye comfy ainu hunting times.
Ogata this is all your fault the anime is rushing to get to your basic ass.
I'm scared bros. I just hope this does well. Also is it really only 12 episodes? Its gonna be rushed as fuck.
He's popular and they're already pushing him as the 'cool' character in livestreams. Gotta get fujobux somehow.
No love for hairy tiddy Tanigaki??
do you guys thinks they gonna lewl the matagi from the start ? because he only get '' bara'd'' with shiton's wild life fetish ( oh my, looks at those buttons just about to pop out his hairy sweaty chest)
He's straight.
And Ogata isn't?
Ogata had sex with a woman? ++++++++
Doubt it
he had ''shot his load'' in the past, he just didn't specified with whom.
That's why he's perfect for fujo-shipping.
His right hand
Ogata is a human cat.
Im really worried about that. Unless they just make the anime it's own thing from the word GO there's no way they can cover all the material in a satisfying way. Not even fucking close. So we're basically looking at another cliffhanger go read the manga ending. I hate when they do this shit.
I hate the feeling when the PV looks good, everything looks on point but you only have a shit amount of 12 episodes and it looks like they'll cover over 50 chapters. Fuck this.
It's already crazy popular dude.
It will probably end with the Tanigaki vs Ogata arc, so 46 chapters. (Kiroranke appears in 47 and he hasn't been teased at all so it makes sense)
Maybe they'll slip in a little when we get to the Nihei parts.
Nihei looks like he's got two pupils in that bottom panel.
I can't imagine Sugita's deep voice coming out of this cute guy.
Hijikata shouldn't make my balls so hot what the fuck
jouji nakata voicing him isnt helping either
was expecting him to have a nasal voice.
>female Sugimoto
>That entire image set
Not sure how to feel.
I love that skit. Funniest moment in the series.
It's got me feeling something, that's for sure.
I honestly feel like GK is one of those manga that could actually make for a great live action adaptation.
>how i feel
Still prefer bara gay jokes, lewl matagi and catboy to be honest
Same. It's also kinda weird that the artist ships her with Ogata.
This is so wrong in so many level
Fucking Ruined
I like it. Full doujin please.
I wish this wasn't set as modern day civilians.
I wonder how girl Ogata would have looked.
Prove Ogata has ever felt attraction to anything ever.
This rifle.
Live action couldn't do it justice.
God I wish that were me
God I wish that were me
/k/'s poster child.
I want Ogata to kiss me.
I want nihei to ram his boner in me!
Me too please get in line
>they're rushing the anime just so Ogata doesn't look like a jobber
lol what a shitty looking jojo ripoff
That man's never brushed his teeth in his life. He's undoubtedly never kissed anyone in his life either.
Be rational about your lust.
This, but unironically.
Yeah, good luck to telling that to the legion of jojo fans who make up the majority of gk's fanbase.
This, but unironically.
I don't mind. I just want him to kiss me lads. Dakimakura when?
But I like Ogata best when he's being humiliated, as all decent fans of Ogata should.
This ironically