JESUS CHRIST why is this movie so GOD DAM good I regret not watching this movie sooner so much. Maybe it has that one time wonder appeal but dam this movie was so dam good. The only problem is now I want season two for the anime even more curse you madhouse curse you. Also this is a movie disscusion thread
No Game No life: Zero
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Jibril did nothing wrong.
You sound new to Sup Forums. Are you?
Threadly reminder that Jibril is worst girl and should pay for her sins.
Eh watching anything with flashy animation and years of wait time for animated matiral effects my perspective on things a lot. Also the fact I haven't slept in 24 hours but that's a different thing entirely.
1. Your wrong
2. I agree with everything you say
Ahahahaha if only I didn't read the LN I wouldn't be feeling this left fucking out...
Am I the only one who thinks that they should've explained stuff better?
Like how inhaling the ashes was supposed to prevent you from being lazered away by a elf, or what the purpose of those rules Riku made, was.
dudes who never win >>>> gary stus who always win
bullying onee-san>>>>retarded maso with brain of a chicken
the movies versions were all better than the tv versions
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Literally all they had to do in this movie was give us some visually cool war scenes with a bit of intrigue between races
It still did look cool but god damnit this is NGNL and the plot was still shit by those standards
>why is this movie so GOD DAM good
it's decent at it's best part with a touching ending
However the series is pretty much complete fucking garbage so in comparison this does look good
TV Jibril wasn't shown murdering a loli
t. your average no game no life watching shitter
>the series is pretty much complete fucking garbage
You're exaggerating.
>Hey we're the greatest at all things ever
>Taken to a world and chosen by god himself to play in his game
>Here's a 30 minute explanation as to what the enemies plan is
>Here's a 30 minute explanation on how we knew that and why we always win
>And here's a harem because we are literally just the fucking best at all things everywhere
It's just tash
Shuvi also destroyed a village of innocent souls too dumbass. kill yourself for being retarded lol
That's when she was just a part of the Ex-Machina hivemind and didn't have an heart yet.
Shuvi as an independent entity did nothing wrong.
fuck off fucking MAL faggot, the movie was fucking shit and generic
>Muh we robots don't understand human emotion and don't know what loves is
the romance was forced and cringe
Any good subs out yet?
The first 50 minutes were pretty bad. And because of movie format, character relationships moved way too fast. The rest was pretty good though, and it ended in a somewhat touching ending (which is probably the reason why tons of vermin think this is an incredible movie).
>12 year old ESLfag
sasuga NGNL fans.
I'd like to know as well.
It was really boring for about an hour and the whole film didn't really have anything that was unique about the series (i.e any relation to games aside from forced metaphor stuff) it was just a kind of generic fantasy backstory.
Nope unfortunately.
A central point of the LN is that all of the great war versions of the current characters are better than their descendants, and that's because as horrible as it is, war brings out both the best and the worst inside people taking them to their full potential. For example fii's ancestor was an octocaster whereas fii is just an Hexacaster.
I didn't like the show too much. (I'm not a fan of Isekai in general) but this movie blew me away. LOVED IT... aside from the part where the shota became the ultimate god. You know MC deserved it.
Friendly reminder she want's Sora's babies now.
>implying that Artosh gave his weapons a heart
Poor Azriel almost an hero'd because she basically thought of herself as a machine with no purpose.
Then he would be stuck in an immortal body with a dead waifu, and also might fall to corruption as a fallible man. I don't know if he could resist breaking the rules to kill Jibby.
Tet is fundamental concept of games and is thus a paragon, even when his fellow Deus are extremely retarded.
Still killed people like Jibril dumbass. kill yourself for being retarded lol
Yes she did. But it wasn't for the sake of joy you fucking weeb.
This movie had nothing of what made the TV series fun. At least there was Jibril.
Doesn't matter retard lol keep crying dumbass lol
It's a war for a reason. Stupid ass NGNL fan right here lol
>turn into God
>now you have to spend all eternity without your waifu
Sounds like suffering desu
The film sure was pretty.
I also think my 15 year old self would swear sacred oaths that the plot was brilliant, and the romance the greatest love-story ever told.
As such it was a great film, but I don't feel like I'm the target audience anymore.
Shuvie's hat was 10/10 tho
Shuvi a cute
This would have been a 10/10 if it wasn't for the loli, now I can't watch it with my pals.
Look at this fag
lolicon fag spotted lol
God hes so lucky
Tell them she's a 200y/o robot, so that doesn't count.
Yes and?
should have stayed in the lusty robotic imouto mode imo. There aren't enough deadpan nympho's in out there
The movie want bad the most appealing part was three allegory of world war and the tragedy of war and sacrifice for the greater hi understanding of peace. The first season of itself claims need for second season and if anything the movie establishes the need for a completed b story with end not a never ending cliff hanger Japanese writers tend to. There is a direction but what is the ending, direction, and resolution with the characters and there development and struggles.
fag lol
Read the novels retard lol
5 fucking years and I still don't know the name of the song in the anime announcement
I want shuvi's cat hoodie
add 1 more year
This movie is absolute fucking trash you absolute shit taste having piece of shit, it's the worst thing I've watched this year. The writing was so fucking lazy and it was boring as shit. All those fucking coincidences to develope that plot, and the dues ex machina that solved everything (it's smart because he's a literal deus, we're self-aware tehe), and the forced unecessary melodrama. Only the voice-acting and some of the animation and music were good. The voice-acting was really, really good. The plot was absolute good shit though.