PV out. Airing in Fall 2018.
Release the Spyce
>All those cuties
How can Blackfox compete?
God forbid those 2 show air at the same season
Is this a Dune spinoff
No, it's a Walmart Princess Principal.
Shit from Lay-duce.
so It's PriPri with lesbian?
PriPri is already with lesbian
Ignore, it's a dumb forced meme.
Where is Fu in that image?
official art.
I know, I was talking about the "It's -insert show with lesbians- but with lesbians" meme.
It's easily corrected, just use a show without lesbians as an example.
I'd say this show will be Yuru Yuri but with lesbians.
Haha, epic!
But they are ninjas, not spies.
Ange is such a dork.
What if Spyce, Black Fox, and PriPri all release in the same season?
Wait so are they using sword or gun? I get mixed signal there
Read Release the Spyce.
It'll be a great season.
Hoodies are good.
What does the frog do?
>Slice of life-ish PV with cheerful music
Takahiro won't use the same tweest right. This won't turn into a dark and edgy show right.
Is it really a tweest if we already know the nature of their work?
Leave the breast milk on the ground and nobody gets hurt.
>This won't turn into a dark and edgy show right.
user, read the LN and you will know.
Go away Beato. Getting your own show wasn't enough for you?
>The manga is basically YuYuYu
>The LN is basically WaSuYu
Ninja NoWaYu when?
Fuu is the cutest.
It's a shame that spyfags ruin every thread.
The threads will be an unholy mish mash of yuyuyu, pripri, and yuru yuri fags. It's best you accept this ahead of time.
>unholy mish mash of yuyuyu, pripri, and yuru yuri fags
Sounds good.
Princess Principalfags have no reason to stay.
Please don't help him shit up threads with imaginary fanbase wars.
>Akari~n and Chinatsu becomes spies
picked up
That's the exact same demo though.
Why are they even here when this show is about ninjas?
Why even categorize when we all know it's all the same group of fags who watch these shows anyways? People see "Spy" in the title and they'll come here, who cares.
It's not. Yuushafriends actually know /u/ and and yuri not just pretend.
They are spies not ninjas.
That's not true, you can easily recognize spyfags because their post quality is the lowest of the bunch that's posting in spyce threads, and they can't avoid posting pripri images and their stupid memes.
You don't see "spyfags" getting upset and trying to start fanbase wars for no reason. Don't make yuushafags look bad.
Nynja spyce.
Read Release the Spyce.
There is no fanbase war and I'm not a yuushafag, stop trying to categorize everyone.
Read the thread again and tell me that priprifags doesn't have the lowest post quality.
>Don't make yuushafags look bad.
How could this happen if, according to you "they're the same people"? Even you know that what you said is a lie.
>There is no fanbase war
And yet you keep forcing it. Can't you let us have decent threads?
>only the first PV is out and we already have a dedicated autist that shits up the thread
Never change, Sup Forums.
Is this the pripri of the yuruyuri genre?
Read Release the Spyce.
3rd from left will be best girl, calling it now. What do you think?
But PriPri threads were mostly civil and free from major shitposting.
Oh good thing that I reported that thread.
If you call that free from major shitposting then I wonder, what is major shitposting to you?
Open any kyoanus or triggershit thread.
They’re assassins.
>shirt unbuttoned.
Already spotted the best girl.
Why do you even go there?
Any Flip Flap threads nowadays. You can't even mention it without expecting to hear someone's opinion on it.
If you really need to ask that, the only conclusion is that you're a newfag.
Twintails, hopefully she is a good tsundere. Who is her pair?
Piss is a Yuusha approved fetish.
I'm sorry, I don't visit those places.
Why would you get in studio wars threads if you don't come from Sup Forums?
She looks the most inclined to participate in enjo kosai.
DarliFra threads
Violet Evergarden threads
Sales/preorder threads
Do you frequent those places? Please leave.
Wrong. It's a sentinel-approved fetish.
>name me bad threads
>someone lists bad threads
>please leave
Tougou drank Yuuna's pee while she was comatose.
I don't frequent them. I was answering the question about what major shitposting is to me.
I said Yuusha, not yuusha. I think you need to read NoWaYu more.
Takahiro interview
Momo VA interview
>No mobage notifications
The square box to the right of niconico is actually a notification from Toji no miko but it don't have a proper monochrome icon so the system rendered it as a square
>Dune / Spice Girls mashup
I like haru.
She says it was weird to do the piss scenes.
Pissfags piss me off.
Then you should piss off.
>Spy Akarin not included in the poster
I am hyped
Because it's a prequel
Look closer, One-eye has two eyes.
Looks like shitty version of PriPri
Read MiMoNi
Nice resolution.
Don't use Dorothy for this shit.
Sagami Fuu
A member of the Private Intelligence Agency "Tsukikage"
Yachiyo Mei's disciple
Height: 150 cm
Birthday: November 22
Code name: Fuuma
Weapon: shuriken
Likes: saving money
The most self-respectful member of "Tsukikage".
Lives in the same room with her instructor, Mei.
They might be lesbians.
>inexperienced studio
>Rookie director
Why do I have a bad feeling about this
They also share birthday.
Oh so she is paired with ponytail, best pair already.
Genki with Tsundere are always the best pairs.
>inexperienced studio
>Rookie director
These two things gave birth to Yuru Camp, which is far superior than its manga counterpart with god-tier directing.
Unfortunately not every show can be a Yuru Camp.
Because you're a retarded tripfag.
Is this the spiritual successor of yuru yuri like how dark souls is to demons souls?
it's yuru yuri for the chuuni audience