I hope some people don't take this to heart and actually follow this, because this has to be THE shittiest "advice" I've ever seen.
I hope some people don't take this to heart and actually follow this...
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But she's right
She's right user. Work on your looks before complaining that girls are superficial, while going for hot girls yourself.
Asocial faggots from Sup Forums with no hygiene to speak of would have you believe otherwise.
It's a stupid overgeneralizaition that easily gets disproved if you start disecting it.
Elliot Rodger disproves this.
And his money too. Whats the secret? It can't be just a decent human bean.
think about who you find appealing and who you want to associate with. are they dirty and greasy, out of shape and smell? doubt it.
Sound like my niggas Sup Forums
Looks function as a foot-in-the-door thing. I wouldn't say that people are"90% looks", but if you generally want people to treat you seriously and give you the time of the day you're going to give a fuck about your appearance. You could find some altruistic person that behaves uncondtionally the same towards everyone, but for the most part, appearance is important. Even if you're a good person at the heart, appearance is important.
All ugly anime fans are on /r9k/ and /u/ anyway
The fact that she is slightly generalizing is included in her speech, making it 100% accurate.
It's supposed to be a shitty advice
If I remember right the woman in the picture is apparently a shitty person who proceed to cheat on her husband later.
I wouldn't call unkempt people shitty or self-centered, but basically, grooming yourself is something that comes naturally to people who actually want to socialize.
People's appearance takes a drop when they either don't want to meet anybody or when they have mental issues keeping them from maintaining a healthy life style.
On average, people whose appearance and BO are good are better targets for socialization than people who fail in these categories.
oh, user.
At last, I see the world as it is unlike naive sheeple
I don't think anyone who respects himself, even the slightest bit, would frequent, or even go to these places. I've went there once and it seemeed to be full of teenagers who deluded themselves.
I can't picture the same type of people being Sup Forumsnons.
Lol, he was a manlet happa. He doesn't disprove shit.
She's right. All the rude people I interact with are mostly uggos who also stink sometimes and it's clear they act without regard for others because they've stopped giving a shit about what people think about them, hence the uggo and stink part.
Also not Sup Forums related so fuck off.
Her advice is sound. Dont be a gross fuck.
Not OP, but define gross. I just want to see other countries' values.
Unhygienic, unhealthy, unfasionable, rude, self-centered, likely has a victim complex too.
>Also not Sup Forums related so fuck off.
Are you ugly too
Eh, fair enough. I don't think one can help being unhealthy (unless one's unhealthy because of his poor lifestyle), but one can manage everything else if he willed to.
No, just you.
These faggots have never seen a truly ugly person.
>Just get plastic surgery bro
She's completely right. Only selfish, lazy, and absurdly arrogant (I don't NEED to dress up/look good, I'm so great that it'll shine through) people don't bother to put effort into their appearance.
Except this is literally what girls believe man.
That's why there's a genetic factor to it too. I didn't include ugly, as that's purely generic, and technically not gross. But yes, fact of life is, generics matter, if you have poor genes and were born ugly, you don't deserve to procreate, that's natural selection.
Generally speaking though, people are unhealthy due to their own accord. Nothing a good diet and daily exercise can't fix. Only a very small fraction of people are born unhealthy, and those shouldn't be reproducing anyway.
She's right in that physically attractive people are, on average, more successful and intelligent than physically unattractive people, but the majority of this board are under 20 so i can understand that their brains haven't achieved pattern recognition yet
Take NHK for example. What did the character do when he complete was losing his healthy mind? Getting his body fucked up, since if you don't care about you, you don't care about you.
A healthy soul resides in a healthy mind and a healthy body.
I can agree with the second half, and maybe the first one if it's talking about presentation.
One thing is being ugly, and another is not bothering to look presentable.
People use their looks to signal what they are, and they do so 90% accurately. Dumb sluts look like dumb sluts. Nerds look like nerds. Unremarkable people look unremarkable. Even people with charisma usually successfully convey that through their looks.
>just get a haircut and start lifting bro
Not only that, but after 21, your IQ starts to plummet. Only way to stop that from happening is literally diet and exercise. And no, there is no way to raise your IQ, whatever your peak is at 21, that's as jigh as it gets, and if you don't stay in shape and keep healthy, you're gonna start getting dumber too to boot.
Ugly people are generally socially ostricised, and isolated. A lot of them develop jealousy and victim complexes, and try to find underhanded ways to climb up the social ladder since tgey cannot directly compete.
Did you really think there was no coincidence between most feminists being uggos, fatsos, and washed up roasties? Ugly people are vindictive as fuck. You are a product of your own environment, and those who voluntarily step out of the societal norms and expectations, and in turn, rebel against them, are typically very fucked up individuals, and not very nice people at all.
Eh just look at her.
>Hair combed at best
>Shirt without stains (doesn't mean committing to the faggot industry and fads)
>Shaved legs (can be skipped with pants)
>Probably doesn't smell
Who here genuinely doesn't fit these conditions?
They would objectively look less shit if they were fit.
Girls should shave their legs. Period.
Hairy legs, armpit hair, and navel hair on girls is downright disgusting. And on that note, they should also keep their pubes trimmed. Having a bit of bush is not the same as allowing a goddamn jungle to fester bacteria in your crotch.
There is no excuse for some basic goddamn higene.
Why is male hair hygienic?
its from a hentai artist that Draws KEKSHIT so of course its wrong
Get some attitude and start focusing on personal advantages. Basically get your personality right to move your looks forward.
I have everything down, even the shaved legs.
My hair, though. I mean, it's combed, I comb it every day, but it's also turned dry, coarse, and 50% white to boot. I've tried almost everything under the sun , but I've resigned myself to having shitty hair.
It's not. I'm a guy and I buzz all my body hair off barring arms and legs. There are girls out there who like chest hair though, so you can't label it "gross."
Reason being is cause men are supposed to look rugged, makes them look strong and capable. That's what women respond to, that's what they're aroused by. Women on the other hand are supposed to look soft and delicate. Body hair on a woman is disgusting. We're not cavemen anymore, be a little civilized. We've had shears and razors for millennia now.
Find a better stylist. Someone who knows their shit will know what to do with your hair.
SS would help 99% of people.
It's exaggerated, but it's more or less accurate.
Women already have softer, lighter hair by far, that's the difference the sexes are "supposed" to have. Anyone's free to buzz it off though, I don't care to argue this further since it would go nowhere.
Well, I'm telling you what's acceptable by society, and 90% of men respond to.
Do whatever you like, but you're competiting with girls who are taking better care of themselves. Don't blame men when they don't notice you.
>your IQ starts to plummet.
You don't quite understand.
Yes, your IQ drops. But that doesn't mean you are getting dumber.
IQ is a measurement of development. But at 21 you are fully developed. IQ loses its meaning at that point.
To explain. A 6 year old with an IQ of 150 is at the developmental stage of 6 years *150%= 9 years.
To a degree user. People do get dumber with age. It takes a while for it to be significant, but it does get there.
>People do get dumber with age.
I didn't mean to imply they are not.
I am pointing out that IQ as a measurement doesn't tell you that.
The advice is true. People who don't want to work to improve themselves but want others to respect them for some reason are self-centered.
Cool way to make it personal, but nobody thinks of the Schrödinger's hair under your clothes. Shaving it when it's visible is too widespread to skip even if I disagree with it.
is this why dumb gooks get all these plastic surgeries?
It does though. There are ways to measure both flexible, and static IQ. If you've ever taken an SAT, that's a measurement of your static IQ.
What's the source of this pic anyway? People always use it for bait but I've never the seen the context behind it.
The usual bottom line is at least making yourself presentable. Comb your hair, wash your face, and stop wearing clothes with anime titties printed on them, you fuck.
But what if I don't actually give a shit about what people think of my appearance because I don't need them to actually like me?
These people look like something from Hanazawa's manga, especially the bottom two.
>It's porn
I though it was an actual manga. Well, she just cheats on her husband two pages later so there's not much context to be had.
I'll need the source to confirm it then
Presentable girl
Shit on the inside
Maybe we should look at this panel in its wider context.
>most people posting are Americans and their view of life and society
Enough said.
Why would I take the advice of a cheating bitch from a hentai manga. That doesn't mean you should let yourself look like a lazy slob though
He didn't look good and was shit.