Episode 11 in 1h 24m
Darling in the FranXX
New piccies
My fucking sides
mitsurufags eternally BTFO
and the episode hasn't even aired yet
I don't think you realize the danger fatass is in. It had been assumed that Mitsuru pilots Genista in the PV, but this changes everything.
It had been assumed that Mitsuru get BTFO again and Genista enters stampede mode
milkmen have been saying breadboy causes the beastmode which leads to the switchup the whole time
What did I miss? What I'm supposed to interpret with those pics?
I really like the Mitsuru/what'sherface dynamic. They act like a 900 year old married couple that has been together so long they don't even know why they hooked up in the first place.
Apologize in advance
Never realized Fatman and Kokoro are so IMAGINE tier.
To who?
Real OTP
He fucked up
It's time.
Best guy
Better than nothing, I guess.
Stealing this
Genuinely don't know how people can watch these latenight shows, the commercials are so mind-numbing.
>tfw fatman was SS+GOMAD all along
I want to fuck them so badly
This episiode is Milkman's final stand. He will either die or be redeemed. Will he be able to survive Futoshi going apeshit?
It's do or die for the milkman.
Saturdays are pretty much my only reason for living right now.
What's the purpose of tits on a robot?
New pic
That's where the fuel tanks are
thanks doc
They already mentioned in the show that they were designed for the purpose of encouraging individuality, as opposed to the mass produced robots used by the other squads. They were basically art projects, you can put whatever you want on them if it looks good.
>he thinks Futoshi even has a chance
Who cares, hasn't the episode started already?
Mass produced robots have tits as well.
Was Fatoshi BTFO by MilkChad as expected?
Goro punches Fatso into Milkman and both of them hit Zorome.
Zorome then becomes mad and punches Goro. Ichigo sees Zorome punching Goro and punches Zorome.
Miku walks in on Ichigo punching Zorome and attacks Ichigo.
Ikuno then attacks Miku after she attacks Ichigo.
Hiro is dodging punches left and right since its now a free for all.
02 Catches a punch ment for Hiro and gets angry.
Hiro calms down 02 and decides the only way to end the fighting is to punch the other unconscious.
Fight ends with 02/Hiro simultaneously punching Fatso and Mitsuru.
Kokoro then walks in with Nana and Hachi to end the figth and sees the carnage.
Shame this would be too much work for Viper. If he'd draw 02/Hiro simultaneously punching Fatso and Mitsuru whilst the rest are laying unconscious, then that would be great.
Thanks doc
Really cute!
>He doesn't know
I want Ikuno to tease Mitsuru
The VA said she would
Mitsuru is so pathetic it's amusing.
Now if only I'd understand the shitposters making him their idol
I want Ikuno to tease Ichigo.
Grazie, dottore.
People that like them are also edgelords with inferiority complexes?
Valeu, doutor.
Heh, VA's weren't kidding about how childish Mitsuru is.
wtf i love fatoshi now
NTR inbound.
Gracias, doctor.
Begone heretic
Now the real question is whether next week/the one after will be a recap episode or if it will run straight without one
I want to buffer Strelizia's breasts!
What is this shit?
Fatman will become /fitlit/ and then realize that Kokoro is a slut anyways.
All this hype for milkman will amount to nothing :(
>recap episode
I would be so fucking angry if they did that.
They wouldn't anyway would they???
Stop making me want to fuck a robot.
>recap episode
Please no
Please convince me to want to fuck a robot.
>new piccies
don't tell me your the fucking "new figgies" guy
>the dude who shook off three dudes at once
>the dude who needs to pop pills to live
>Episode 12 is a recap episode
They better not.
It's not even second cour and production is either finished or in final stages. Why would they need a recap?
>he doesn't know
holy kek, that somehow has a nice flow
somebody post that study
Mitsuru is just a childish manlet insecure beta who can't handle people of the opposite sex, he's the official self-insertion of the crossboards in Sup Forums
Then, it's because it makes it psychologically easier for the pistils to sync up if they perceive the robots as female.
Oni aids will spread to Kokoro. Kokoro becomes the blue Oni.
It's a 2 cours series without a split season.
Where when not here would a recap episode be appropriate.
The biggest factor for one would be that Darling is 24 episodes and if it runs straight it will end 2 weeks before the other shows next season. So atleast I'd expect a one week break
That's not how any of it works.
You mean green.
Honestly, if I built giant robots I'd make them look cute too.
What does Kokoro's poop smell like?
Thats a serious genista
I hope we get to see what happened inside the cockpit during episode 3.
>not green
Robot fucking is immoral.
It started on the second week this season and it's not like every one cour show has 13 episodes.
>not figma
what were they thinking?
like any other poop
Strelizia sword form when?