Is there a more fucked up family tree than School Days?

Is there a more fucked up family tree than School Days?

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i would read it just to understand how he did this

Attached: Rika_Ending.png (640x480, 448K)

Tomaru have self awareness that he's eroge protagonist and can influence stuff so that it would go his way.

Can't underestimate Shun Hazama either. Dude fucked his half-sisters and niece

Although on second thought, he probably didn't have much choice

Where is Inori?

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Is Inou Kagura the most fertile woman in history of VNs?

Damn, this is one of those "the longer you stare the worse it gets".

There is more inbreeding going on here than the Spanish royal bloodline

Reminder that Shun Hazama fucked girls to "save" them from Tomaru. Somehow that's how it worked.

That's how it was according to Bible.

Is he also immortal? Because the years are not lining up.

This chart actually seems smaller than what I remember

Yes, his medallion makes him immortal.

Mind you, he impregnates these girls when they're like 10.

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>he impregnates many of his female children almost regardless of age as Hajime Inou died because her body wasn't developed enough to go through childbirth.

What the fuck is up with this tomaru guy hes all over the fucking place! Its no wonder why makoto has no problem fucking girls, its in his genes hes bred to breed women.

Reminder that the man the myth the legend himself appears in an H-OVA.

Why haven't you watched it yet?

Attached: ts 2.png (640x360, 222K)

Got a link, i watched school days. I didnt play the light novel but i am interested as fuck now.

Pure Mail has some nice animation.

>I didnt play the light novel
It's a VN.

Ok, you knew what i meant.

Is this intentionally drawn uguu to showcase the effects of 5 generations of hardcore inbreeding?

actually this is more accurate

Attached: FamiliesNamed.jpg (5587x1453, 1.58M)

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Wheres my boi tomaru?!

Id give almost anything to have kagura once. She knows how to fuck i want to experience this level of expertise.

He's not your boi.

The average muslim family tree looks very similar

Yet the Hapsburg were still worse, yet op is even worse than that.
It makes the Julio-Claudian dynasty appear straightforward.

Attached: Charles_II_Inbreeding.jpg (815x623, 181K)

How do the siblings in the middle have different inbred levels?