You are in the 6th HGW which takes place in your city. you can choose any servant to summon but know that the other servants will scale with yours. You will always have a shot as winning if you play smart. Who do you summon?
You are in the 6th HGW which takes place in your city...
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King Hassan.
I'm not seeing how anyone wouldn't just pick the weakest waifu servant just so you can drag out the war while do non-stop mana transfers.
Archer Hercules. Winning > Waifus
Better to summon something weak as fuck so that I dont run out of mana. Rider is probably the best bet due to her being one of the strongest Riders while having NP that can collect mana.
Plus shes easy and tall
The King of Steam.
Well i mean that's kind of the point. If you wanna see some epic shit take a strong servant and if you just wanna get laid take a saberface
i meant someone like nero or okita
why him specifically?
Shiva as Caster
Okita is pretty much on the same level as Kojiro.
Could stand in a one on one sword fight, but with full magic bullshit activated, would just be screwed.
He knows the glory of God, also he's OP.
Tamamo cat for solid Tamamo only war
It ought to be ineresting at the very least
The guy slapped Cu, Saber and Archer around and killed Medea plus Basakah
as a raider.
Santa as a Caster.
Don't even care about the Holy War, i would use him to visit hospitals and make kids happy.
If I want to win, EMIYA, if I want to fuck, Ishtarin, might also want to summon avenger for a fascinating conversation
when did he fight cu?
Off screen, Cu went around fighting every class and then run away with disengage
Cu could just gay bulge him to weaken his ass or outright kill him if he wanted to get serious.
>muh gay bulge
I summon Neil Armstrong as Rider. With his twin Noble Phantasms, One Small Step (which compresses space) and One Giant Leap (which distorts gravity) I'll be unstoppable.
The weaponized Apollo 11 doesn't hurt, either.
Gonna get my brains fucked out. I wouldn't really know what kind of wish to make to the grail anyway.
Simo Häyhä as Assassin
>jobbing to Shinji and Drake
Holy shit, is that actually a fucking thing? You can summon Neil fucking Armstrong? Where was this?
Why does he have a bootleg nes controller taped to his chest?
I don't think so, but you can summon whoever you want in this thread.
Fate / Last Encore has a brief scene of Shinji and Rider defeating an astronaut, suit and all.
Audie Murphy as Berserker, just to see what would happen. But no, seriously, I'd say Roland from the Matter of France as Saber. You fuck with him, you fuck with God.
Or the biblical Goliath as Berserker. He's pretty tough too.
Because those are retro spacesuits. At any rate, how does a non-combatant end up a heroic spirit anyway? You get weird people like Mata Hari, who was completely useless and completely ineffective at everything she did in real life and Florence Nightingale. What could possibly make Neil Armstrong contract?
get tamamo
at least she s hot
Maybe it was impossible for Man to reach the Moon. Maybe Neil knew that the mission was doomed to fail. But it was his pride in his crew, his burning American spirit, that drove him to succeed in the face of an impossibility. Because it would be an achievement for all mankind, a breaking of the bounds of what was previously possible.
isn t ishtar stronger than emiya?
Anyone or anything in reality or fiction , with enough fame could be a heroic spirit. Even useless shit like Marie Antoinette or Nursery.
And about Armstrong, they could give him a legend like about how he kick Lunarian's ass and claim the Moon for the USA.
Medea, because I love milfs
forgot pic
Most definitely, but like OP said they're all scaled, meaning that brains win over power, as far I can remember EMIYA is the optimal servant as far as winning goes.
>jobs against everything
Emperor of Mankind
He is busted.
The God-Emperor of Mankind.
Best Caster.
is he good to his master? like would he betray him?
This guy. John Lambton.
He's a real-life version of Kirk: Knight of Thorns, and a dragonslayer.
He values personal strengh and devotion, and is devoted to his Master.
okay shirou
I imagine his NP would be an instant-kill shot given the right conditions, a la Jack's:
1. It is snowing
2. The target fulfills the concept of 'being a soldier'
3. The target is out for him specifically.
Sorry, she's just a cup in this grail war too. RIP
Gawain seems like a good option
>Stats mean that I have a very low chance of mana fucking me over
>Solid moveset
>loyal af
>Who cares about waifus when your waifu is probably garbage or will kill you somehow.
She may be a cup but she is also a hero.
My wife.
you seem to have posted the wrong picture for that is my wife
Athena as Shielder
Nyarlathotep as Foreigner
Hitler as Avenger
Emperor Hirohito as Ruler
Anonymous as Alterego
Mathrus as Mooncancer
Any one of these.
I'll fight you for her. Meet me on the hill at dawn.
Prepare yourself.
let s hope her sickness doesn t kill her while we re fighting
Summon The Wendigo as Berserker. Get that geographical boost.
Sun Wukong.
the whole fucking country is gonna be levelled
While he's already broken in myth, would Dragon Ball give him a even bigger fame boost?
Also league of legends would fame boost him
Yes, fame can distort a servant's power and abilities. Same way you get Dracula if you summon Vlad you are probably getting Goku Blanco if you summon Wukong.
Only if you summon him in Latin America.
a Servant from the Future would be more my stuff
elon musk ( female seiba face ) would be my top choice with one of his Flamethrowers like catalizer
Not every slight scientific innovation is worthy of Heroic Spirit status. I hate F/GO for making Tesla and Edison Servants.
Abby and mind fuck everyone else.
But the true Holy Grail is the waifus you made along the way.
How does the holy grail work?
Edison didn't deserve it. Tesla does though.
Lots of raw magical energy combined with the ability to bypass the process and create any desired result.
if you summoned semiramis , what would be the odds of you getting betrayed?
Are you a chad in any way?
Just summon without a catalyst to maximize servent compatibility. I’d rather have a servent that’s willing to work with me than one who doesn’t listen to me.
im a 6/10
>holy grail
You need someone like Caster, who is on the level of true magician to use it
Well then you better hope the other masters are less charismatic.
but amakusa shiro wasn t a chad
Compatibility doesn't mean they're willing to work with you. If you're an asshole who doesn't listen to others, you'll get a Servant who's an asshole who doesn't listen to others.
He was built like one.
Mama Raikou, best of both worlds
Squid girls are my thing, and Yukana is my favorite seiyuu, so I'll go with her.
Since you didnt specify existing servants im betting everything on the fame boost and summon Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie
Chris Chan as Berserker
There is no HGW in my city.
What kinda person do you have to be to summon merlin by compatibility?
What if I don't live in a city.
t. rural otaku master-race.
Merlin can't be summoned unless he wants you to, which you need to be a protagonist character that is fighting to save the world-line to do.
As long as you don't talk shit about God and are not a evil cunt he will be loyal
Crazy, selfish, wise and be in love of a lake.
>implying he won't be a rider that gotta go fast
In the original Fate/Extra, there's a quick throwaway line about a Neil Armstrong servant. The Last Encore anime gave him an equally brief cameo.
>summoning a grand
congratulations idiot now you have all 7 grands in one city
90% odds that your timeline is lostbelted
Loli Baron Munchausen as Joker. Because if they're just going to keep escalating with extra classes, might as well go all out.
>grand archer emiya
this has potential